Daryl did nothing wrong

Daryl did nothing wrong


He stapled a sausage to the office door of a German colleague. Cunts like him deserve to burn in hell.

Christ, next you won't be able to get a black coffee

I can't believe I share this board with people like you. It's 2017 for crying out loud. You don't say "black" coffee, you say "unsugared dairy-free" coffee.

t. Jurgen von Westenschmidt


Just going to pop down the chinky, you guys want anything?

No, they've always got that wop box on

Can't believe I used to watch this shit show, no wonder libshits are so defeatist and depressed.

>Hi, guys. My first memory of this great little guy in the... big old box here, was when Gerard's cheeky little face poked round my door at JLB. He was sniffing around for a raise that, given what I don't think anyone will mind me saying, were his very limited attributes, was bloody outrageous. Look. Nothing can make today all right. But maybe we can take some comfort from the brutal reality that the weak must make way for the strong. Evolution marches on. The scythe... is remorseless. I hope the scythe's remorseless swing can bring some comfort to you all. Okay.

>Thank you very much, Alan, for those inspiring yet challenging words.

What other shows are as elegantly pro-fascist as this?

What on Earth were the writers thinking when they let JLB bankrupt? Without that workplace setting it was a lot harder to get the best character Johnson in on future episodes.
They did one or two like when Johnson and Mark set up a company but after JLB closed down Johnson hardly appeared anymore. Stupid decision.

There was something comfy as fuck about JLB, and seeing Jez start to fit in was great, until the company shut down thirty seconds later for no real reason other than as a one-off joke.

He showed his power level. Rookie mistake.

Yeah but only in private, to a friend.

>tfw I've literally become Daryl hiding my powerlevel from the normies

chance would be a fine thing, a very fine thing indeed.

He knows he's not supposed to do that!

who doesn't say chinky?

>believing in "friendship"
Rookie mistake.

Fuck off! Thought police.

Exactly. And then it was gone, along with the entire setting which was really useful because Mark, Johnson, Sophie, Dobby, Jeff and Gerrard all worked there so it was easy to have the characters meet and interact. After that it got harder to get the characters together without there being a party or a wedding or in Gerrard's case a funeral. Such a weird choice to get rid of the set because Mark's flat and JLB were the only real in-door settings in the show.

It was quite funny seeing Mark working in a Mexican restaurant though. But still, it was a weird idea. It's like if in Friends, halfway through its run they'd put in an episode where Central Perk burned down or something.

I seriously can't believe you said the f-word. You basically just raped me. I can't believe you people, it's 2017!

people who don't come from council estates

are you guys as disappointed in Back as me?

I've been waiting for all 6 to binge them, is it shit?

I've been waiting as well, but I did watch the first episode. It was pretty good, nice cast, funny dialogue, had a couple of laughs.
I think people are unfairly comparing it to Peep Show which was a tremendous success. If you just see Back as a sitcom on its own it's perfectly enjoyable. Again though, only watched the first episode.

it's just set on a very uninteresting premise. and it's not like the premise doesn't matter later on. it's shot in quite a fast pace, which is kind uncomfy. also, i don't care about the characters as much as i should at this point in the series.

the first might be the worst episode so far desu

>the first might be the worst episode so far desu
Oh that's good to hear. I quite liked it, and it sounds like it gets better.
Does it feel like this could get another series or does it feel like a self-contained story told over six episodes?

Why is Mark so terrible at making friends?
Jez is like poison.
Daryl turned out to be a racist, but otherwise a fun guy to be with, and the look on his face when Mark "broke up with him" was really sad.
Mark's attempt to befriend Jeff went terrible.

And then there was the whole Johnson thing, where Mark steadily copied his facial hair over the course of the episode.

that's a direct quote from the show you mong

I love how you took that reply seriously.

Mark watching gay porn to see if he really is gay or just admires Johnson was hilarious.


How dare you, seriously? You know that actually stands for "lactating on lesbians", right? This world has gone to shit.