If you don't love Krteček, you are a terrible human being

If you don't love Krteček, you are a terrible human being

Other urls found in this thread:


>expecting millenial teenagers and neckbeards to love / even know about communist era czech animation / cartoon characters

I didn't know there was an animation, but I had a little picture-story book as a kid and loved it.

Not everyone here is a filthy yank

Fuck off u čehoslovakian piece of shit

Krtek ve snu is pure kino

Terrible human being

I prefer Krtek chemikem

Best obstetrician ever

I love Myyrä

Thank you pepiczki for Krecik and Rumcajs.
Truly greatest allies.



For me, it's Show With The Cat

Or a non-commie


Krecik is the cutest damn thing.

Shoutout to all my czech niggas in this thread

I dare you to find anything commie in Krteček

Based Mole

godsdamnit right in the feels, i want my childhood back



Who doesn't?