Tears out a man's intestines

>Tears out a man's intestines
"You don't have the guts"

Other urls found in this thread:


>decapitates guy with sword
"don't lose your head!"


>pulls guy's dick off

I haff a bone to pick vid you!

>Chases down a Muslim
"Didn't Quran fast enough"

>Electrocutes a guy
"Why are you so SHOCKED?"

>does excessive DNR
"don't lose your grain"


>takes a dump on a guy's mouth
You are full of shit


>lowers guy head first into a shark tank
I guess he bit off more than he could chew


>pushes guy's face into a lawnmower

>Need a haircut?

Post the one where it looks like Dillon is melting

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=eFFgbc5Vcbw

>Repeatedly pummels a superstitious man with a log
"Knock on Wood"

>Cuts a man in half with a chainsaw

"You should've SAW that coming"

>bangs two girls at once
"I guess I hit two birds with one stone"

>Burns down a library to kill the villains inside
"I'm a man of few words"

>rapes a man to death with a penis bayonet
i'll tear you a new asshole

>ensnares the predator by luring it with jailbait
"Why don't you have a seat over there"

Why didn't they just use a ten year old to catch the predator?

>tears a mans eyeballs out and crushes his skull
>asked where that guy went that was bothering him
"Out of sight, out of mind."

>Puts fist through a mans stomach and breaks his goddamn spine
"I hope you left enough room for my fist because I'm going to ram it into your stomach and break your goddamn spine!!!"

>bomb blows up, random extra gets both legs off, gets found by the police in the middle of the fog
"Stand right there, help's coming!"

>rips a guy in half and throws his legs on top of his torso
>Nice laptop!

>beats down a man with a signpost
"Don't lose your way!"

>a crooked physician is about to poison arnie with what he thinks is medicine
>at the last second arnie grabs a piece of fruit and smashes it through the physicians face
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away."

>sticks guys mouth onto output slot of a Coin Star >machine, hits the reverse button, fills up guys >stomach with change until it ruptures
"A penny saved is a penny earned."

>ties a bunch of guys up with rope, throws them on a fire
"Don't be such a faggot!"

>babysitting psychic kid, get into psychic battle with him, win when you've exploded kids brain
>parents come home, ask what happened
"He didn't mind me."

>Jew runs in looking for relatable southpark characters
>Arnie decapitates him by frisbee throwing a southpark season 5 dvd, nazi salutes
"seek Kyle"

>mook have him at gunpoint near a fastfood
>"Give me your weapon!
>dodge, knock him down, rip the autoservice speaker and start hitting the mook to death
"And theeeeeeennnn!"

>kicks ADHD-kid in the groin
"Did I catch your attention?"

>be in passenger seat with woman driving at hi speeds, put in Joy Division CD, cut off her hands and dive out of car
"She's lost control again."

Mein sides

>fighting with guy in a school, rip off white board marker tray and decapitate guy with it
"You just became the head of the class."

>fighting with guy with suitcase full of millions of dollars of treasury notes
>take suitcase, clamp it onto guy's dick and balls and tear them off
>when asked where all the money went:
"They were junk bonds."

>sticks guys arms into blenders
"Jamba Juice."

What fringe episode is this ?
