He will leave the White House basically scandal-free, with a pretty good reputation (that will only improve)...

He will leave the White House basically scandal-free, with a pretty good reputation (that will only improve), and with DAT ASS.

How does it feel?

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yeah but he's still a nigger

>He will leave the White House basically scandal-free
>with a pretty good reputation
pretty good, not great.
>(that will only improve)
>and with DAT ASS
and dat bulge and manface

feels pretty good man

>basically scandal-free

affirmative action at work
if any other president sold guns to mexican cartels and they ended up killing US citizens they would be crucified

I don't dislike obama but saying he's scandal-free is autism.

He didn't DO anything. All his executive orders will be repealed by Trump.

>scandal free
>nsa prism

>Cool clock Ahmed
>If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon
>Obamacare has cut most of my friends hours down to 38 so their employer doesn't have to pay for their healthcare

I could go on

You have niggers and women leading your country

What will be the next superpower after USA is back to beign niggervillage??

I'm betting Russia or China.

>my wife's son looks like Tyrone
Obama is a confirmed Cuck.

Michelle is an awesome piece of ass if you're a faggot who likes transgender faggots.

in b4 pictures of Michaels dick.

dat ass tho

>irs scandal
>hillary emails
Nah senpai

The fun will start when he leaves office. Can't wait for all the drone strikes become declassified. All the innocents being killed. Hopefully it will return the army to a more traditional role of manned aircrafts and frontline soldiers.

>that will only improve

Not after the country implodes due to the debt he added. Day of the Rope is going to be glorious.

>dat ass


come on, will someone PLEASE put the Brazzers logo over the Essence logo, for god's sake!!!!!!

Michelle is a 7/10 trap when she dresses and paints her face like she's White

>scandal free

too fast. too furious.

Because you pillaged most of it and they had to follow it.

Is he going to play golf professionally afterwards? Can't let those eight years of constant training go to waste.

Scandal free

>Common Core
>Depression/Recession entire tenure as POTUS
>Worst economic performance and GDP growth in the country's history
>Obamacare is a failure
>Race riots
>Arab Spring
>Iran deal
>Green Energy scams
>Global Warming/Climate Change

There's more.

Adding to this.

>basically scandal-free


>destabilized the ME worse than Bush did
>did the above after receiving a noble prize for campaigning on the premise of never starting any more shit abroad
>his health care bill is a catastrophic failure
>violated federal law numerous times during rollout of healthcare law ("we'll delay the deadline lol doesn't matter that we don't have that power")
>spent entire first term blaming Bush for every single thing that was occurring, Bush made his saltines go stale
>presided over Fast and Furious (google it)
>pushed for another AWB (and failed, thank god)
and the one that will be the little taunting voice in the back of his mind for the rest of his life:
>commonly accepted, even amongst many liberals, that he was elected for being black

Fast and Furious was a fun one.



>basically scandal-free
Only because none of the disastrous bullshit he pulled has been tied to him. Not Fast and Furious,, not badmouthing and apologizing for the country all over the world, not Libya,, not the upwards crawl of terror attacks, not lying to the American people repeatedly, not the violations to the constitution, not even funneling billions of dollars to a hostile entity.

Totally spaced on the cartel gun running. I should make a list or pasta but I'm to fkin lazy.

A bunch of things he was not directly involved in and things that nobody cares about except Republican conspiracy theorists.

People are still talking about Clinton getting head in the Oval Office. People still shit on Bush for his handling of 9/11, Katrina, and the economy. There's no analog for Obama.

>scandal free

scandal 1: obamacare is not socialized medicine
scandal 2: operation fast and furious
scandal 3: drone strikes
scandal 4: dat ass

oh shit

scandal 5: clinton emails

>things that nobody cares about except Republican conspiracy theorists
"Things the media told us not to care about"

I'm looking forward to him showing Trump the ropes and getting him ready for inauguration.

Bush prepared Obama
Obama will prepare Trump

To be a fly on those walls.

If you speak against him or his admin you're a racist and conspiracy nutter. Funny considering the canned responses from virtual zombies.

wheres nancy on that list?

There is video evidence of him lying to the American people wholesale about Obamacare, literally everything he said was a flat-out lie, with his goons even bragging about how they completely screwed us over. How was he not involved in that?

>with a pretty good reputation

Life really is all about perspective, it seems.

Michelle Obama is a tranny you fucking faggot

Why can't Obama use the same hairstylist as his wife? Why does he fly in his old barber to Washington every two weeks? It's not that he has some fancy Afro to groom

My personal favorite still is the tens of million dollars from the American tax payer blown on sending the Obamas on vacation IN FUCKING AFRICA!

>a pretty good reputation (that will only improve)
The only people that approve of Obama are retarded Europeans who eat up whatever shit their liberal media feeds them. Liberals across the country agree that Obama has been underwhelming. He really hasn't accomplished much. Gays can openly serve and get married now? Cool. Economy's better but still in the shitter. Race relations are at an all-time low. Debt/deficit is still out of control. The Middle East has gotten much worse, and we are now feeling it much more even in our own home countries. Entire world now considers us weak because we are as Obama never does anything about anything. He can't stop sucking corporate cock and the disaster that is TPP is proof of this. Speaking of disasters, we can't forget how horrible Obamacare has been for 95% of Americans. Soon he'll be trying to give away control of the internet, one of the world's most valuable assets.

At least he has a good sense of humour, right? So funny jokes and meme videos for his youtube.

>He will leave the White House basically scandal-free
so did Bush. The Iraq war was unpopular but it wasn't a scandal. Except for Clinton's cigar incident, most recent presidents since Nixon have been relatively scandal-free.
>with a pretty good reputation
approval rating averages around 50%, he hasn't had any major screw ups but no major accomplishments either, he's basically Jimmy Carter 2.0
>(that will only improve)
doubtful, his main legacy is Obamacare, which is disintegrating. if he's remembered at all it won't be positively
>and with DAT ASS
I assume you're talking about his daughter's ass, because Michelle's is nothing to write home about. In fact I'm pretty much certain at this point that she's actually trans and he's forcing the North Carolina bathroom issue as a favor to her/him.


His greatest achievement is if if if if if if if if if if if

ok, what about barrack though?

Obviously she needed more assistants to regularly apply cocoa butter and straighten her hair. You are racist for assuming she could make do with what a white women needed.

We spied on our allies
CIA spied on lawmakers
The NSA and Wikileaks scandals were pretty big
Their handling of Libya was a disaster, not the state department's, the whole governments
The flu shot didn't work in 2013 and a shitload of people died

He did aight but there was definitely some controversy

a nigger thats more successful than your entire blood line

don't forget operation fast and furious

if Trumps succeed he will be considered shit forever, if trump fails he will be the highpoint of the 2000's

>basically scandal-free
he is running with it on fire
1.8b cash to iran
surface nuke det in NK
supreme court fucked
race tensions
hillary's scandals

>nobody cares about except Republican conspiracy theorists
ive heard this one before

You got burned dude!

>mexican economy
>pillaged by US

U wot m8? Under NAFTA, conditions have never been better for Mexico. Besides, it's not like they're some kind of desolate wasteland, they have cities and a government and an economy too

>Destroy Syria.

Pick one.

The funds were deposited by Iran before the 1979 revolution to buy U.S. military equipment, and they were frozen under President Jimmy Carter after Americans were taken hostage at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. Iran has been trying to recover the money ever since, at one point contending that it was owed $10 billion or more with accrued interest.

Does Obama even make any decisions himself? Part of me thinks it's high-ups in his administration that call all the shots without any of his input.

He's like a wet-noodle leadership-wise it feels, a pure PR puppet. I bet when he goes to traveling to meet other leaders, not much is said aside from pleasantries and whatever messages he's been told to deliver.

Anyone else get that vibe from him?

We fucked them up 140-odd years ago, and you know how long it takes Mexicans to fix anything.

What choice did Obama have? If we had killed Assad when he was killing civilians with chemical weapons then some insurgency group would have taken control of the weapons, as opposed to what ended up happening: Russia convinced Syria to give up the weapons, which were destroyed (yeah they still make some chemical weapons but at least they're not wiping out entire cities with mustard gas)

it's actually the exact opposite

This, NSA and Wikileaks were especially massive scandals.

Also giving $400 million in various denominations, stacked on pallets and delivered in the dead of night to Iran wasn't exactly "scandal-free".


State Department spokesman John Kirby repeated the administration's line that the negotiations to return the Iranian money — from a military-equipment deal with the U.S.-backed shah in the 1970s — were conducted separately from the talks to free four U.S. citizens in Iran. But he said the U.S. withheld the delivery of the cash as leverage until Iran permitted the Americans to leave the country.
literally read past the headline




>We don't negotiate with terrorists
>Negotiates with a country on the official list of state sponsors of Terrorism
>Admits money was given to entice the release prisoners
>b-but it was already agreed in the past
>first installment to pay back Iran, with interest

Sorry, I guess cucking America was Obongo's long term goal, no scandal after all.

who's hair is she wearing?


I didn't realize the Iranian government was a terrorist organization lol
we sponsore terrorism too

Reading through that article I mainly see a journalist putting a lot of words in Obama's mouth, and when Obama says something, it sounds like he's repeating what advisers to him argued (the arguments he liked anyway), instead of indicating making any decisions grounded in some sort of internal ideology/historical understanding. Obama sounds like those larpers that come here and you can immediately sniff out their BS.

every advisor threw Obama under the bus for not bombing Assad's compound
he disregarded all of their advise because of a deeper political understanding of the situation
he was right and they all backpedaled
you're calling him a puppet

>Obama's IRS attacks political opponents
>Obama's justice department gives weapons to cartels
>Obama's signature "achievement" is quickly unravelling as it is shit. The main reason is favorable a are so high is that we aren't in a recession.
Both bill and bush left office as they economy contracted and they were both unpopular at the time.

That's just PR story to make Obama look like a leader. He didn't bomb Syria because the Assad-using-chemical-weapons reasoning ultimately had no legs.

Thanks for reminding me. Feels great man

it isn't a PR story since the average citizen doesn't know about it

>A bunch of things he was not directly involved in
He's the president. As the old saying goes, the buck stops here. In the end, he either signs off on this crap or is the guy responsible for putting whoever is signing off on this crap in charge of doing so, etc. down the line. In the end, the only one above him that can be blamed are the mongoloid voters that put him in charge at all.

So is Obama stupid cause he didnt knew people under his charge were doing bad things, or is he evil for letting them do it and lying to the people ?

All the haters and losers will be forgotten by history, except maybe to be occasionally laughed at. Obama will be remembered fondly.

Storm fag get out. Pol is a board of peace.