Why do you hate us?


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We don't hate you, just the illegal immigrants.



why do you hate undocumented workers? They are being abused by corporations. Why don't you go after the big guys? I guess it's easier to pick on the guy making minimum wage.

Justicia divina hermano

Christ... you made me spill my beer with the last sentence...

We have a huge problem with business taking advantage of our country and then they screw us over by relocation factories and jobs else where... We have a uncontrollable epidemic with illegal immigrants in construction trades that small business owners can't compete with and we have a criminal government who looks the other way...

Plus alot of the illegal immigrants are coming from center American more than Mexico now

Calm down man i'm just meme'ing

Secretly deep down inside I want to hang out with Jews and do that dance that they do and count shekels and go "Oy vey" for lulz

Your country is one of the worst neighbors any nation could possibly have

What the fuck? Did you actually expect me to be able to read that, retard? Fuck off with your subhuman language, taco-man.

All those new factory jobs in Mexico don't really help us, they pay shit and it's basically modern day slavery, I doubt a single American would want one of those jobs where they pay 8 dollars a DAY.

The only ones benefiting are the corporations. They have slaved Mexicans both inside and outside of the US.

lol hhahahahah

I'd like mexico & mexicans ~500% more if all the illegal occupiers went back within Mexican borders.

Aren't you that fag that was advocating Trump's murder ?
The ILLEGAL guy making minimum wage that's taking a job a LEGAL citizen could be doing. The illegal guy does not pay his taxes but still uses all public systems available to him. They don't respect the local culture and don't assimilate.
There's no reason to want that sort of people in your country.

No one forced them to cross the border and work illegally.

you are flooding into america to work for pennies on the dollar instead of staying in your own fucking country and fixing it up there

you are producing lots of babies in the states and overwhelming vote for free fucking handouts from the democrat party. which costs trillions over the decades

you are benefiting unjustly from NAFTA because retarded leftist governments are chasing all the jobs away from us down to mexico. you know how many car plants are getting closed here in canada and moved down there to mexico? this is less so your fault but your unjust benefit sows resentment and contempt.

you facilitate the trafficing of humans and drugs into america, you are promoting fucken degeneracy.

other than that you arnt too bad, decent food and i fucked a mexican broad once she had a nice ass and could spread em good, she loved me being so dominant over her

No, Mexico is a very rich and beautiful place. The media only talks about the drug violence though and Americans are just as responsible for the violence in Mexico.

it's the conservatives that hate you

mexico is unstable because of drug cartels that would lose power if drugs were legalized

Justicia = Justice

Divina = Divine

Hermano = Brother

you have serious mental problems if you can't figure that out.


Its because the vast majority of them are fat, ugly and stupid. We have nothing in common.

oh and statistically you are the most cucked nation on earth: 1 in 8 spics is a literal cuck thats not the biological father:


>The best British study, published in 1991, suggests a non-paternity rate of about 1 per cent. A 1992 French study indicates a rate of 2.8 per cent. A 1994 Swiss study has a maximum rate of 0.78 per cent. A 1999 Mexican study comes in at 11.8 per cent.

and then the economy would collapse, the food industry depends on illegal labor.

This is true, rich & fertile land with nearly every type of ecosystem and a lot of mineral wealth -- very beautiful and cool landscape. Classical Spanish architecture makes parts of Mexico look like a European city.

Then again, it's gross as fuck walking through some American towns and seeing La Raza faggots flying the Mexican flag while everyone is speaking Spanish.

It was sarcasm, bro.


The drug cartels that are Americans are funding forced many people to leave their homes.

Because half of this board is full of uneducated idiots who have never been outside

Steals jobs from the locals

>food industry sustains the economy
maybe on dirt poor rural mexico
And no it does not.
The US has god tier agriculture that's highly mechanized and has godly output
Kicking out illegal spics might help ease the unemployment

If need be (if we can't get citizens to work such jobs) we can have 6-month worker programs and just cycle through people who want to work on a waiting list, then they can go back.

Also, some of the largest farms are already retrofitting their fields with drone tractors and collection/processing machinery that will make such intensive labor unnecessary in the future.


illegal immigration is at net zero

we have suffered a lot from NAFTA

I don't facilitate trafficking of humans or drugs into America.

Go back to new mexico Gary Johnson


So be it

I work in a kitchen with many second generation Mexicans whose parents came here legally or who were born here. They have had to work very hard to get what they have and they hate illegal immigrants way more than I ever possibly could. There are many among them who hate having to send money they earned to Mexico knowing they will never see any of it payed back in any way.

Take care of your people filthy subhuman.

PERSONAL OBSERVATION: I go to thrift stores for fun often and there is one thrift store in Columbus that claims it is "Ohio's Best Thrift Store". It is small, cramped, and you have to go through one of those metal things that spin. The only people that work there are 20-45 year old Hispanic women who barely speak English and are incredibly rude. Say you want to look at a couple bins of video games in the back area behind the display desk. They will bring you the wrong thing, stare through you like some kind of animal, and then you have to point to where you want them to go. Its like dog training. Once they brought you the first box they wont think, oh I will get the second, they just ignore you, run off, and you have to try to flag them down by flagging down someone else and it will take about 5 minutes or more.

The toys isle will always be covered in toys and brown children without any parents watching over them.

I have gone to Chicago and went to another hispanic owned thrift store and it was basically identical.

Anyone else experience similar things with latinos? They generally have bad manners and no sense.

Today I went to the movies and a hispanic family sat in front of me at a rated R movie. They brought their kid, played on their phone with the phone on, came to the movie late, left early and left trash everywhere.

some chicanos are assholes, I agree.

Jobs they don't really want to do.

Your trying to take land that was fought for and won by white Europeans. You don't belong in the United States. You have a higher crime rate, lower GDP per capita, and the only reason why your here is so Jews can have cheep labor. Fuck off the Mexico and stay there.

We don't hate you. We just want you to stay...you know....over there

Its a reasonable position. After all, you did send out a message for all the mexicans to get violent in our country, didn't you? No me gusta

geez, is this guy forreal? couldn't last 20 seconds.

Sup Forums hates everybody, including ourselves.

I worked in the food industry for several years and Latinos are the only reason any restaurant stays consistent in the US.
I saw so many people black and white, my age or older come in and out and 90% were just terrible employees, but anytime a Latino worker was hired it was a good experience.

On the other hand, most were involved with something shady or another outside of work. Almost all were illegal, but like I said if these guys weren't showing up these businesses wouldn't last 48 hours.

primarily the latter

Hey guise, I live in Mexico. Stop telling me to go back.

Because as a fucking californian I might as well live in fucking mexico. I can't stand seeing fucking mexicans, I can't stand that anywhere I go there is always somebody having a conversation in fucking spanish when they speak perfectly good english, I can't stand that the government here has bent over backwards for the last 20 years doing everything they can to make you feel as happy as possible taking over our country.

I'm so fucking sick of fucking mexicans. Illegal or not, they all end up shitting out a ton of kids and living just like in mexico and talk about mexican pride and all that other fucking garbage, and they go around high and mighty since they have an inferiority complex and treat "gringos" like they're second class citizens, even though they're the fucking waste of space living off fucking welfare their entire lives.

I don't know where the fuck this whole mexicans are hard workers meme came from, because I can assure you after having lived in their country (California is not the United States) my entire fucking life, they are some of the most lazy entitled fucking people I've ever met.

Stay in your fucking 2nd world shit hole, and fix your own country's fucking problems you lazy spics, instead of running of to mine and turning it into yours.

you didn't understand my sarcasm

You have a telegraph, Mr. Zimmerman.


You gotta stay back

>millions of Mexicans swim across the rio grande to be voluntarily enslaved

Why don't you learn a second language? it's a beautiful thing.

wall just got 10 feet higher

See? Do you understand what you just did there? Your mad because you feel like your race is under attack. YOU feel a kinship with people who look like you in another country. Whites are only doing the same. We wish to act to the same ethnic interest everyone else on this god forsaken planet. Fuck off for crying about it.

They are fleeing from the cartels and taken advantaged of. There aren't millions of mexicans crossing the border, illegal immigration is at net zero and has been that way for over a decade.

I'm with her.

>illegal immigration is at net zero

lol sure

I guess you guys won't mind the wall at all then

Lol calm down man, don't get so nervous and angry about the things said here, it's not good for your health.

a lot of good points

>net zero
Imagine I poured you a coffee and then started pissing in it.
You get angry, so I stop
There'd be no more piss getting into your coffee
Would you drink it?

Obama ordered border agents to stop counting.

Fuck off beanery before the tariffs increase.

But we aren't out to get you, I feel like it's the other way around. I mean, how can you hate a dishwasher so bad that you treat him like shit.

Fuck off.

I don't mind it but I'm not paying for it, asshole.

How about you go behead yourself you fucking cocksucker.

I married a mexican bitch and was really enthusiastic about learning spanish, but you know what? That wasn't good enough for the stupid cunt, and after I did a lot of thinking and reflecting on how fucked up her entire family is, which as you are aware is over 100 people just from her mother's grandparent's children, I stopped giving a shit. Because you know what paco, at the end of the day to you fucking spics I'm just some fucking dumb gringo and that's fine. Just stay the fuck out of my country.

Why the fuck should I have to learn another language in my own fucking country? Go fuck yourself.

It's not just here though, I hear the same shit irl.

Because of shit like this

I don't hate you. Just stay in your own damned country. This is a white country, yours is a mestizo/hispanic country. Got it?

stupid taco nigger you realize if illegals werent here working for shit wages that companies would have to pay more for Americans to come in and work. GO FIX YOUR COUNTRY INSTEAD OF RUNNING TO OURS

>he bought tickets and got a passport to Mexico
>mexican law and authorities deemed Trump welcome on mexican soil
>smug retarded spic says he isn't
really makes you think

> What is La Raza
Stop lying. Your looking to replace demographically the white majority in the United States. If whites did the same thing to Mexico everyone would cry genocide.
> Muhh sob story
Not my problem. American whites have enough of their own problems without you undercutting us by taking jobs for shit pay. Your nothing but cheep labor, but instead of attacking your employers you attack the ones your replacing. Fuck off.

bad example, we are good people and we don't mean no harm.

YO you're that guy who wanted trump to die
Alex Jones had some nice words for you

>when the shilling doesn't match the reality

Because in farther north. Photos shouldn't need a mirror to decipher what's written on them.

This happened in California man

>we are good people

I could actually believe you when you called upon people to kill Trump. That might be the only time you were speaking the truth.

Fuck off

>we are good people and we don't mean no harm.

Fuck you. That's what they've been saying ever since our borders have been getting flooded.

Killing people who hold different opinions than you do, makes you no better then Hitler. The anger you have towards Trump supporters is just displaced hate from corporate enterprises that have enslaved us all.

The issue of "illegals" in the workforce stems from the massive unemployment issue worldwide. Jobs that American born citizens normally would hold, are being given to undocumented citizens because it is cheaper for the companies to do this. It's a lose-lose situation for everyone except the companies.

>go to hospital
>squeeze out 8 kids
>have the state pay for the procedure

The illegal mexican population living in the US is a major drain on public resources, and no matter how many dishes they clean or strawberries they pick, they'll repay their debts back to the society around them, all the while they demographic shit the place up and turn the communities they live into "little Mexico"

mixed with the SJW programming a lot of you spic daughters are getting at the universities, you faggots are starting to get real uppity and demanding back the "stolen" land

>good people
maybe some are, but they're still illegals
And then you have the kidnappers, rapists, murderers, drug dealers, gang members, etc etc
It's simply not worth it letting good people in if it means the shitty ones that come with them are going to ruin it for everybody
And even the good ones sometimes decide they want to fly the mexican flag on american soil. That's simply insulting.

I am, just not one used exclusively by shit tier countries.

Anyway, I don't hate mexicans. They're mostly pretty cool from what I've seen. What I do hate is the widespread disregard for the rule of law that allows illegal immigrants to come here, get a job in the informal sector, collect welfare, and send their illegal-ass kids to american schools. I don't even really hate illegals, I hate the people who hire them. One of two things needs to happen. Either the US starts enforcing its laws, or it comes up with a set of laws that it is actually willing to enforce.

I guess what I'm saying is, the problem isn't US vs. mexican immigrants, it's hard working, law abiding citizens in both countries vs. everyone else.

I see what you did there...

OP you're a pussy.
I personally hate you and wish you harm because you threatened a US political candidate.
I hope the FBI pushes your shit in so far you vomit diarrhea.

Keep your ignorant illegal aliens and stop shitting up my country with them you mexican shitbag.

Construir un miro cabroncito.

pic related

>Why do you hate us?
They need to vent their pathetic anger on someone else. We are THIS close to the end and they still don't get it.

Trump is going to build the wall and Mexico will pay. There is a trade imbalance and Mexico has no choice but to pay for the wall.

Americans don't hate Mexicans, they hate illegal Mexicans. Like what happened to that black father Trump brought on stage during one of his earlier rallies. His son was shot and killed by illegal Mexicans.

These people have no paperwork and are living illegally on the backs of American tax payers. They work for cash under the table and pay no taxes, or turn to crime.

These kind of people give Mexicans a bad reputation. Even the good ones. People assume if you are Mexican that you jumped the border and are living illegally.

they'll never*
damn typos aare ruining mah life

anyways your whole thread is shit
all you've been saying is, "we're good... we don't mean no harm"

You will paco, in one form or another

I like Mexicans who stay in Mexico.

You don't see Canadians illegally sneaking into America.
This is why I'm going into robotics.
We hate you for lusting after White Women. We can instantly tell if you have done so even once in your life and after that you are forever tainted.

Nobody hates you, we do realize the negative effects though:

1.Higher criminality, ok you're not dindu tier as a WHOLE, but you definitely have some very disgusting people that wouldn't otherwise harm AMERICANS roaming around

2.Higher welfare use

3.Vote democrat 65/35 in every election, we don't like big governments and less rights

4.Undermining American laws through working for less than minimum wage, sending money out of the country in general abusing the American system

Stop being an entitled twat, the west owes you NOTHING, if all of you were to get shipped back tomorrow you should thank us for ever having giving you a shot to begin with.

I would love to see the reaction from people in your country if some Guatemalan made the same sob story video you made.

This is dead on. I live in California too and can confirm that spanish is the most common language spoken here. Half the billboards are in Spanish and all the working class neighborhoods are being overran by spics. They are barely above niggers. Sometimes I can't even tell the difference.

>Americans don't hate Mexicans, they hate illegal Mexicans.

There you go. If someone has no respect for your laws, why should you ever respect them?

>illegal immigration is at net zero and has been that way for over a decade.

in all seriousness, user. every single person who lives in America can visually see how the country has changed and how many people have come here from central america just in our lifetime.

pull up some youtube video of any us vs mexico, el salvador, panama, whatever soccer game. it can be held in new york, florida, or columbus ohio and the entire stadium will be 90% filled with foreign jerseys and flags. imagine if that happened in mexico city. its an impossible thing to imagine, but its a reality here

not even memeing, or teasing about the wall here, but this shit needs to get under control

and i didn't even mention the driving down effect on our wages, the attacks in our streets, and our hard left jump toward socialism, all courtesy of our new illegal friends and their descendants who can now vote just like anyone else

>I would love to see the reaction from people in your country if some Guatemalan made the same sob story video you made.

There wouldn't be. The illegal Guatemalan would already be raped, robbed, and beaten by the corrupt Mexican government. They show no mercy to others but expect it from us. It's sickening.


Calm down. The people on this board are those weird greasy little nerds who awkwardly look away when you walk past them. Or they're shitposting. Don't take this board seriously.

Why should we bend over just so that you will subjugate us and control our politics and destroy our culture?

If millions of white Americans moved to Mexico, they'd be looked at with disdain and would be seen as colonizers. They don't share the history of the native Mexicans who have many generations of ancestry in their birthplace.

They will never properly assimilate.

Now with that in mind, the average Mexican IQ is around 87. Why should we accept hordes of low IQ and low skilled workers who will just vote for a large government to enslave us and be lifetime welfare recipients?

There's no logic behind doing so.

Your sentimental propaganda video doesn't change the facts.

Okay Gonza, listen up. You've misunderstood everything about Trump. Trump is against illegal Mexican immigrants, not legal Mexican immigrants. You're thinking that Trump is the kingpin of Stormfront, well buddy he ain't. It's the stupid ass alt-right faggots like David Duke who decided to barge in with their ideology and poison the well for Trump. Trump isn't affiliated with those guys, that's Hillary Clinton and the Democrats painting and smearing Trump. Trump is an American, not WHITE, but AMERICAN nationalist. He cares about American citizens only! Mexicans who hold American citizenship aren't Mexican nationality anymore, they're American! He doesn't mind your race man. The wall is to help against illegal Mexicans. Illegal Mexicans are cheating the system; there are other immigrants who come in legally and had to wait 5+ years! But illegals come in a day, and get amnesty! It's not fair to others! Mexico doesn't have amnesty for Americans, so I go to Mexico to live - I will get deported! Not fair! It's a double standard!