Is Gravity Falls worth watching?

Is Gravity Falls worth watching?

Yep. It's really good.

yeh. wrapped up too quick but it's good

Watch a few episodes. If at any point, you had fun, then you should watch the rest. It never gets worse, it only gets better.

The shit completely fell apart during Season 2b.

It's not as amazing as everyone hypes it to be, but watching it straight through is a pretty enjoyable experience

>Worth watching
yeah of course.

It starts out much better than it ends though.

Watching through again with my GF currently and I love this show, but if I had ONE criticism it'd be that the writing is frequently just a little too on-the-nose. Two examples from the episodes she and I watched tonight:

1) Character needs an excuse to leave, jumps up and shouts "non-specific excuse!" and runs away.

2) Character attempts to create a diversion, loudly shouts about being a distraction.

These kind of jokes CAN be funny sparingly but it's really kinda the show's bread and butter for some reason.

pretty comfy series with a pretty meh finale. Makes stuff look worse looking back. really too bad.

Yes. It's fantastic. One of the best shows in recent years.

Help me understand how the finale is meh, it's pretty much the apocalypse with a heaps of awesome shit everywhere. The final boss puts up a fight and they kill him in a satisfying manner. Sure, Mable was unrepentant and they didn't make Stan a vegetable, but that goes for the whole show and not just the ending.

Also, Wendy is boring as hell but for some reason the whole fandom fucking loves her.


It's the opposite, everyone hates her.

Characters fans like: Pacifica, Stan, Soos
Dipper is in a grey area for some reason.

From what I've seen of Soos in the fandom, everybody likes him but he's nobody's favorite.

There's nothing wrong with the finale beyond the emotional weight of Stan's sacrifice being lifted immediately, but I'm sure that was Disney channel execs meddling.

What actually happened is the show got too popular for the naturally contrarian Sup Forums to like without pretense.


Have cute fun.


Wendy is best girl for me. She was one of the most realistically portrayed popular teen I've seen in a long time, and was generally cute(In both personality and design). I wanted an episode based around her family, they are just great. Not sure why everyone hated her so much, I can see why nobody would care but for a lot of people to loathe her because.. She didn't go out with the 12 year old..?

Yes. Season 2 was rushed and should have been spread out into a third season, but otherwise, it's one of the best new shows out there.


The problem with the finale is that a lot of idiot balls were getting tossed around due to it being a bit rushed, to list in order starting with 'Dipper and Mabel v.s. the Future':
>When Mabel is planning her and Dippers birthday party and finds out that Candy and Greta can't come, she concludes that the party is ruined instead of the obvious solution of changing the date.
>When going to find an adhesive to seal the rift, Ford and Dipper take the rift with them. It was a surprise that it didn't break during the action sequence.
>Not sealing the rift immediately upon getting the adhesive.
>When Ford offers an apprenticeship to Dipper, modifications to that aren't considered such as getting Ford to take Mabel as a second apprentice or limiting the arrangement to future summer or after high school graduation due to the unlikelihood of parental approval.
>When Mabel gets and offer from Blendin, she doesn't ask more questions such as how he knows about the orb.
>When Ford has a chance of shooting Bill, he doesn't tell Dipper what Bill's weakness is first or where to find it in the journal or get him to take the journals and flee right before making the shot.
>After Bill capture Ford and offers him a chance to rule, Ford shouts that he knows Bills weakness. I thought Bill would kill him immediately.
>Dipper reveals himself to Bill instead of fleeing for cover or looking for a weakness in the journals first.
>After Bill burns the journals, he doesn't kill Dipper immediately and does nothing when the demons report that Dipper escaped.
>When Dipper, Soos and Wendy find Mabel, they don't tell her what is happening outside, just saying that 'this is crazy' without any further elaboration.
To be continued in the next post.

>The bubble summons a version of Wendy that is interested in Dipper. It would have been a lot more effective it the bubble played on Dippers desire to study the supernatural and seeing the other Pines family members alive. An illusion of Ford telling Dipper to know when to fold em would have been very effective.
>Neither Bill nor the bubble try to blackmail Mabel by revealing that she inadvertently caused the apocalypse.
>When Bill wakes up Ford for help in escaping, Ford doesn't feign ignorance or claim that breaking the barrier is complicated.
>Upon reaching the Mystery Shack and starting to plan for the assault on the pyramid, they leave Grunkle Stan to be upset. They could have pointed out that supplies would eventually run out or that Bill tried to kill Dipper and trapped Mabel in a bubble.
>Gruncle Stan doesn't put aside his grudge with Ford for the few moments needed to kill Bill.
>They don't flee the pyramid upon rescuing everyone, knowing that they only have limited time until Bill finishes off the Shacktron. The prophecy could wait until they reach safety.
>Bill doesn't kill Stanley on the spot and physically chases after Dipper and Mabel.

Why do you keep coming here? Are you still working on that show for fox

>An illusion of Ford
>In the bubble

The illusion of Wendy only worked partially because Dipper mistook it for the ACTUAL Wendy, who was also in the bubble. Other family member illusions wouldn't have worked because Dipper would have known he was being lied to

Most of the other plot holes youre pointing out can be sealed with the explanation of "its just a kids show, so of course they get away with it". And Bill does try to outright kill the twins once they fuck up the magic circle


get as many reaction images as possible out of it