Did she do anything wrong, Sup Forums or was J just a smooth talker?

Did she do anything wrong, Sup Forums or was J just a smooth talker?

He did the right thing. That's why K was impressed.

He's a nigger, he does everything wrong :^)

Down voted

Why was J the only one who had no idea what was going on? Everyone else seemed to know exactly what they were getting into.

I mean, was she actually a threat or was K just impressed with the way he talked his way out of it and thought out of the box? Because up to that point, he really choked on the live fire training. Does it matter?

the others were military guys. they NEVER know whats going on so thats why they were so normal about it

probably just a generic exercise but since they literally work amongst horrific seeming aliens his rationalization was a net positive.

Honestly, I'm just trying to get MiB thread started because it's easily in my top 10 favorite movies of all time. Everything in it clicked so well with me at that time that I can't help but rate it so highly.

yes its a very punchy movie, really efficiently shot and paced.
j's whole training montage really makes everyone around him look like an uncritical drone on rewatch.

She definitely wasn't intended to be a threat but Jay's out of the box thinking impressed Kay. Same with the table gag right before that.

He was level headed and smart unlike the military guys who immediately started shooting, taking things face value. K was impressed because at that moment, he knew J had what it took to lay it all down on the wire if he was ever presented with that type of situation. To set aside all of his moral standards and take the risk to get the job done, even if an alien disguised as an innocent little girl was opposite of his gun.

Plus, what 8 year old white girl hangs in the ghetto with Quantum Physics books anyway?

cock 'em or glock 'em
either way the jews win

This - the point of the tests isn't to see how good of a shot you are or how many random facts you can memorize... if MiB wanted trained soldiers who follow orders they could have any one of the 5000 graduates who leave West Point every year. The job requires extraordinary talent, unorthodox thinking, and an open mind that questions everything it's confronted with.

That's why J gets the job, he's the only one who walks into the training and immediately starts asking questions while the others just follow orders and spout slogans.

>Honestly, I'm just trying to get MiB thread started
Why go about like an utter faggot then?

Vincent D'Onofrio was really underrated in this movie. I don't see his performance often praised but he's great playing a bug in a human skin suit with a good mix of body horror and comedy.

>. I don't see his performance often praised
Are you underage?

Tbqh because I am a faggot and I don't know any other way other than to meme my way to victory.

I am glad after all these years people finally began to take this seriously.

>Jay, did I ever tell you about your father? You, who had traveled back in time to the 60's, and I met him for about 5 minutes once. An alien, named Boris who looked kind of like Macho Man Randy Savage, had come back in time to kill me and was planning to sabotage the Apollo 11 launch. Your father was security but just let us in because we were wearing suits and he "had a good feeling" about you because unbeknownst to him you were his son from the future, though he had no way of knowing that. Anyway Boris Prime was killed. However the younger version of Boris was still alive and...oh I forgot to mention. Boris had a small buglike alien that could shoot spikes and lived in his hand. Anyway he used it to fatally shoot your father. Before he died he made me promise to take care of his son, which was you. Years later I remembered this promise and rigged it to you would be let into MiB even though you're horribly under-qualified and have kept it from you all these years. He was a good friend.

>Hey would you look into this neuralyzer for one sec? Thanks.

I'm 27 but it has a been a long time since I've seen anyone talk about his character in horror/comedy threads. I know you just come here to smear shit on the walls but don't act like there's daily MiB threads.

>I am a faggot
You were right about one thing

... d'onofrio is praised as pretty much the best aspect of the movie and when the bug takes off the edgar suit the movie suffers a huge nose-dive in quality, as the CGI bug just can't compare.

If it wasn't intentional why did the one alien cutout have the tissue?

nigger every time the movie comes up d'onofrio is praised

That's not the case at all youngfag. It is a good movie. It doesn't get talked about often but whenever it is his performance is praised and has been since the movie was released

Show me that last thread on Sup Forums where his performance is praised. I don't know why people come here just to start shit over the smallest thing.

I have a client that looks just like the time travel guy from MiB 3. I always try to remember who he looks like when I see him, but never make the connection when it happens, but then it clicks a few days later.

Apparently he was in the new spiderman, as well as orange is the new black. Neither of which I have seen.


or you could stop being a faggot and just search for d'onofrio on the archives.

Fuck off you useless faggot

Did anyone else go into MiB 3 expecting shit?

It was honestly one of those most pleasant surprises of my life.

>Did anyone else go into MiB 3
No, fuck off.

Everyone is a monster in someway. When someone appears too perfect or too human, they're hiding something.

Please give me upvotes and maybe reddit gold

I was also surprised by it. It was a breath of fresh air after the shitfest that was the second one.

When Zed escorts all of the men to that room after the test get neuralyzed he says something like "congratulations, you're everything we've come to expect from years of government training" before wiping their memories out. So yeah it's because they just mindlessly followed orders without questioning everything around them