What will he do next?

What will he do next?

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>get some rest Bam, you look tired

whatever the fuck i want

a kickflip

could that include fixing your god damned face


livestream khs hopefully. how did this snake-fearing faggot get his own show and based brandon dicamillo didn't get shit? i still spit his CKY chinese freestyle to this day (all my oriental friends think it's funny as shit) youtu.be/o10oSXW2q5Q

give me what I need

dico never wanted fame

Reminder that this scumbag still ignores the children he fathered with notorious starfucker Lynsi Hughes.

Hi Lynsi

man i feel bad for those kids, Bam's DNA and raised by Greggshells and that slut, it's sad

accroding to a reddit 'ask me anything' Bam did a few days ago, they haven't had any contact with each other for like 10 years.

gotta wonder what happened

go back to sk8boarding

this hits me in the nostalgia hard.
this was one of the first songs I ever downloaded off the internet as a little middle schooler exploring the internet.

More like 'What will he eat next?'
that fat fuck

Bam wanted him to be his punching bag since he had the money but only the loser addicts stayed t.novak then when Novak unjusted Bam finally lost it and went full alchy

Not really. Bam never really fucked with Dico. He almost seemed to respect him or at least counted him as a true friend and not some fag who followed him around just to bask in his fame.

Just rewatch all of their old ass CKY sketches before they were famous. When Bam hits Dico, Dico hits back hard. Dico never took any shit from him.

The only thing that held Dico back was he went bald first.

In one of the 'fat fucks' cky skits they did, Dico smashes his balls on a rail (I think) and Bam seems concerned about him. He isn't joking around and asks him if he is ok.
Dico was also the only one of the crew that helped April and Phil around the house and cleaning up after their stunts after the Viva La Bam filming.

Complete his transition into a human Scottish Fold.

That and he had some very light aspergers. He hated the fame and most of the faggoty fanboys that crowded Bam.
He just wanted to play videogames. Like, no joke.

Or play with toys

Is he still an earth rocker building a skate park in Iceland? Sorry, I'm out of the loop with Bam.

he turned into his dad. DROPPED

I think he has unjusted himself abit recently.

shit I didn't know you were here Dico whats going on?

Suck ville valo's dick because he loves HIM so much.

Just working on my podcast :)


very nice you still talk with rake?



That's some cringey bullshit only a 10 year old would find funny

Should i download and watch viva la bam

ur that fag at the party who the first to leave amirite?

>Be Raab Himself
>Be the "craziest" and "grossest" one who will whore yourself out at any chance
>Unjust yourself
>Marry a qt poo-in-loo
>Do a whole bunch of charity work

Impressed desu,.

Didn't Dico develop schizophrenia?

Steve-O don't try this at home where he smuggles drugs in Europe is absolute kino.

At least his dick still works unlike Knoxville.

Flesh Into Gear is still a pretty hype song.

Fpbp again!

Become a real earth rocker.

You're a giant fucking man child. Grow the fuck up dickhead. You should have a family and kids by now

File for bankruptcy?

Lmao are you that faggot from the other thread spouting about being some armycuck? Jesus you're either some dedicated troll or a big fucking loser.

Oh damn

Be a father, according to that mini-doc

bend his dick to his ass

who is he?

Phil Margera