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Okay, so how about making the rich not justify their purchases either?

If a guy can afford two yachts, then who are you to bitch about it?

"I earned that handout money, I can spend it how I want !"

>wastes low income on non-essentials
>blames whitey

Why are leftists so against anyone having any responsibility for their actions, as if it were some great sin?

yeah they splurge alright, that's why they have 60" TVs, the latest consoles, a new kitchen, a beemer on credit and a full sky subscription

Fuck off, they don't need to justify shit to me but don't expect me to feel sorry for these fucking idiots when the debt collector comes calling either

>OPs who post this thread again don't have to explain themselves to non shit posters


>I'm given money free of consequence from the pockets of taxpayers, or menial wage employers.

>I should buy the new Iphone 7, as well as a cart full of ice cream and soda.

>Wtf the man is trying to keep us down with all this bad food and health problem shieet!

>Why can't we have good food too?

>We deserve the same products!


Sure, you're not obligated to explain your behavior, and I'm not obligated to feel sympathetic for you.

>If a guy can afford two yachts
I'm angry because he afforded it on stolen labour and because he doesn't need money in the same way as the poor.

1000$ to the poor is much more important to the economy than 1 000 000$ to the rich

My friend's single mother works 50 hours a week to put him through college and they're all poor as shit

People who inherent money from their parents can deposit their inheritance, get the same money that woman makes working 50 hours/week.

Then the rich man says "well if you worked hard like me, maybe you'd be rich too."

Then we don't have to explain why we're gonna cut all your entitlement programs

>I'm so glad I'm on welfare
Said no one ever

> they don't have to justify having kids

They have when they finance them with the working class money.

>poor people are shit with money
Water is wet.

if that's true, then they deserve to stay poor too

Pretty sad when the slaves are also the sheep.

NEETS say that all the time. They boast that they dont have to work and can play vidya and smoke weed and booze all day every day.

Then some people supplement their welfare with crime so they can afford more than this. Truly a scourge on society.

>stolen labour

You're trolling too hard, Achmed.

as long as my money is not forcefully taken from me and given to the poor I could not care less if poor people would buy lottery tickets with all their money..

I'm not asking them to explain that. I'm asking them to explain why I should pay the bills for their "splurges" constantly.

>help I have three kids and am obese on fatty drugs
>you need to pay for this!
>higher taxes for you because bawwwwwwwwwww

>of course a fucking frog would love welfare gibmedats
Get a job

Stolen labor? How? Did he shanghai a bunch of office workers to do whatever for him? And what about the yacht builders? Don't they deserve jobs? Without this guy and people like him, they'd be unemployed. Good job, socialist faggot.

Reinvestment is the lifeblood of capitalism. 50 hours a week is 10 hours a day, that's nothing. No weekends, no overtime, no drive to get a promotion. No wonder she's poor, she's lazy.

Its cool if you pay for your way. Not living off others

As long as they dont expect anything from everybody else. I think thats fair

Fuck you, poor shit. Do your fucking job, be smart and then speak about how your labor is stolen

it is forcefully taken. Unless you dont have any money like me. Haha. But i bitch about my alarm going off 4 hours b4 sunrise

I grew up poor

Everyone around me had large TV's, they smoked every day, drank loads and had more clothes than needed.

They where also constantly complaining about having no money, they ate shit food and had no interest in their own education. None of them spent any time at the public libraries and once they all got access to the internet and infinite resources at their fingertips none of them improved their own situation.

I'm still pro welfare as there are genuine cases of people being down on their luck and had the carpet swept from under them but it should be based on willingness to try and improve your situation like education and getting a job.

They don't have to explain, BUT IT WON'T STOP ME ASKING RHETORICALLY, and pointing out how disastrously poor your money-handling skill is, and how you help to create your own poverty. Deal with it slut.

Damn that pic made me horny


>Poor people have to buy fast food because they can't afford to eat healthily

I've heard this argument from lefties so fucking much and it's just as retarded as the first time I heard it

A fucking kilogram of carrots is two bucks. Rice is so fucking cheap it may as well not even be considered in your budgeting. A kilo of chicken breasts is 9 bucks.

And this is in Ausfailia, where the Ausbucks are worthless and the food is more expensive

I can get a kilo of beef for less than a large quarter pounder meal at McDonald's

People who say fast food is cheaper are simply fucking wrong

NEET are not on welfare, they are mentally ill and drain much more their parents than the state. And they are not representative.

Not an argument

Pure ideology

Stolen labour of the yacht builders being paid a barely liveable wage with bargain power

Pure ideology

I'm an engineering student with a minor in humanities

>No one has a right to hold me accountable for how I spend THEIR money!

>Taxpayers have NO RIGHT to determine how their tax dollars are spent!

You take my money at gunpoint and then have the gall to tell me that I have no say in its expenditure? Yeah, fuck that.

>This thread again that got totally destroyed the last time..

You just ignore that you got BTFO and try again huh?

The word 'deserve' here is problematic

There needs to be a more concerted effort to push back against the usage of 'deserve' in our degenerate society
It shouldn't be too hard to read, even for Sup Forums.

And living in diet of rice and skipped meals is not a lie.

They can spend THEIR money anyway they want. Welfare isn't their money though.

Try go reading the rules and see what they say about reposting.

>they don't have to justify having kids
OH YES THEY DO! because taxpayer money pays for that shit.. Poor people and single mothers are a conveyor belt for future criminality, especially with certain ethnicities.

If they're working and paying for themselves they can decide what to do, the moment they rely on taxpayer money is the moment they have to justify their actions..

I don't even think people on welfare should have kids or any welfare check etc. I think on the otherhand that you should only subsidize people who both work, and who then have a kid, only those should have the kid subsidized.. This will stop poor people from pumping out 10 kids for welfare money and child support.. oh yeah it's pretty obvious they're milking that shit and it has to end.

Fucking retarded single mothers having many kids to get a lot of child support. Whilst being a factory for future crime.

>low income people deserve to splurge sometimes too
If you earned it by working, splurge all you want. If you didn't sorry you don't have that luxury. Stop acting like welfare like that is even supposed to exist and that you should never be asked to get a job. Who the fuck do you think is paying for your shit.. that's right, actual working people whom have to get taxes raised on to support your sorry ass..

Is this you?

>don't have to justify having kids
This actually brings us to the problem that is plaguing africa, middle east and also china for that matter..

People who have too many kids and who can't even support themselves..

They just expect automatically things to turn out fine.. and someone helping them out with feeding their kids etc.

Welfare does the exact same thing..

They are now so many in their countries that you need to look at active sterilization or atleast 1 child policy for a long time. And they can't even feed themselves because they at the same time don't put in the effort of agriculture and other things.

When people abuse welfare and child support and other things to the point where being a NEET almost turns into a profession, it's time to pull the plug to get these lazy assholes back to work so they can earn their way, aswell as start repaying all the free gibs they've sucked out of the system for years.

And it's not cause they're too many but because compared to the infrastructure they have built, it doesn't scale.. they have 900% more kids than everybody else and they basically do jack shit for themselves. to build an infrastructure to sustain that.. They can't even feed half their population themselves in many cases. And they just keep splerging out kids..

If they can't understand not to have that many kids they simply have to be sterilized, there's nothing cruel about that, what is cruel is let them have so many kids that then just starve. Also they have done nothing to earn a right to produce so many kids. They just flood the earth with inferior genetics that then expect to be supported by those who have their shit together.

I doubt it. French socialists are a dime a dozen; that's why their country is a shit hole.

>make money
>blow it all on stupid shit
>complain when others don't do the same and get rich

> take my money at gunpoint
An unironic libertarian. So cute

Did you ever take a moment to consider yourself at their place ? Because you're barely better.

A liveable wage is better for the economy, it's a fact.

The bankers and shareholders money isn't their either. It should be split 50/50 with the workers.

>sterilize all welfare recipients

No you shouldn't sterilize welfare recipients, you should just reduce welfare and other subsidized things so they get back to work, and basically no childbenefits for single moms (they're milking it), it's meant to be temporary anyways unless it's disability.

No i don't think everyone has a right to produce.. but you have to earn that right by being able to afford it or being able to provide for your kids BY YOURSELF (you and your spouse).

You can't do that, sorry you should not have kids..

This is precisely the violation that africa india and others are engaged in and why they are so many and why their societies do not scale.

All they do is splerge out 8 kids or whatever, directly into the poverty that is already there, and by doing so simply making it worse.

And then do not work hard to build infrastructure for themselves to feed themselves etc. And simply sit down and go "help us please, we're starving and poor" Yeah no fucking wonder geniuses.. You couldn't figure that out on beforehand?

So are you going to repost this 10 times or will you stop with this one?


To add to this:

Cooking isn't as convenient, but poor people's time has less money value. If their job pays them a minimum wage, its still more economically viable for them to spend some time cooking everyday than eating fast food.

And for people who are unemployed, it would be economically viable to cook every single meal, since their time is worth less than minimum wage.

pic related.

Not me, but thanks for the recommendation my alt-right friends :^)

I'm sure Trump worked very, very hard to inherit his wealth
And they don't blow it in stupid shit, the reality for many Americans is that you have to choice between paying rent or food

Where do you get the idea that people who build yachts are poorly paid?
I would assume such a trade to be pretty well paid

>trump worked hard to inherit his wealth
He started with 1 million his father fortunately had available so he didn't have to get in debt from a bank if his first project didn't go very well (getting into construction is seriously hard and expensive to do).

Since then he's worked in construction for 30 years and built actual structures hired actual people and all these things and still manage to have a net worth of billions.. and lots of actual hard assets to show for it..

He didn't just go on stock exchange got lucky and pocketed the money doing nothing for society no he built actual things and hired actual people and paid for their medical and all the other stuff.

Retards like you say "why should i work hard to earn stuff, just let me take something that others have, it's much easier".

>Quoting Hitler

Lenin raised the quality of life to Russian citizens from barely living to literate peasants and eradicated famines. It wasn't luxury but there were no epidemic of deaths every three years

Read a book on the Industrial revolution
If you're literate that's it

And what do you think trumps father did? Did he just magic money outta nowhere, or did he steal it from thousands of people?

Also you underestimate the average american, they complain about not having money for rent while they buy the newest iphone, buy the branded product instead of unbranded of same quality and hire a plumber every time the plumbing goes bad instead of fixing it themselves and buy huge lots for their houses while not growing anything at all, of course they're not gonna have money.

Yes i knew you were a communist. I just wanted you to admit it. You maotards are too fucking easy. And you have no idea about the horror that communism is.

>1000$ to the poor is much more important to the economy than 1 000 000$ to the rich
Not if the rich use the $1,000,000 to give the lower and middle classes business loans.

That's because capital wealth (businesses and shit) is not the same as personal wealth (yachts and shit).

>with a minor in humanities
lmao, no wonder

You're a fucking retard, jews invented communism to destroy the russian society. tens of millions of russians died directly because of it. The bolscheviks were lead by jews and marx himself was a european hating jew.

The jews who did the november revolution in germany 1918-23 where 2 million people tried to make germany communist also were similar thing and who hitler hated. And this explains to you why jews were generally disliked after that coup was attempted.

Nice strawman. I work hard, I'm becoming an engineer. I experienced what it is to work at the lowest level for a shitty pay and I read up on the Industrial revolution. I'm not socialist for the "gib me dat". Welfare is necessary for social peace and upward mobility you fucks like to brag about.

Because the minimum wage in the USA is very low and there is a lot of unqualified workers for big projects like these
I prefer a poor gaining 1 000 $ more money a year giving it to first necessity product, clothing and holidays, or even charity (poor people are the most generous,,,-50484,00.html) than a rich guy hiring illegal Mexicans, blazing heroin or spending it on his 2th Yacht. The social utility is not the same.

I wasn't even referring to the leaches on welfare, just the working class idiots who are irresponsible with what they do have

And you would be surprised how many are happy to leach of the system, in fact the people who defend them are the ones who have never lived in a shit area
full of benefits scroungers

>i'm a student
Ofcourse, stop talking till you get a job and realize how unfair it is to suggest that someone should confiscate your hard earned wealth simply because they refuse to put in the effort themselves.
>minor in humanities
Oh fuck off.. you're not convincing anyone on this board to be communists. Just because you are a young deluded teenager.

>Welfare is necessary for social peace

Ah yes, the blackmail theory of redistributive politics.

This is why you don't vote away your right to bear arms, kids.

A kilo isn't bulk you retard
You can not buy bulk and still find it cheaper to cook food than eating fast food

its always the students,neets, and minimum wage workers that complain about things like this.

no one with a proper job.

She is doing fine if she can pay for his college. If she was doing the same but putting it into the bank she would be the evil rich people you hate

As soon as you accept a dollar of welfare then you should answer to the state for every purchase you make. And the state should have guidelines that are set by voters.

I'm poor and this is bullshit

>not getting bulk limes.

I respect Trump father. But at his time, there was a liveable wage and unions had a say in business discussions. Trump himself is a parvenu, and sucking his corporate dick is pretty low, even for Sup Forums

They don't, the rich are greedy by self-interest. It's the poor who spend their money on the real/direct economy, or even charity. Rich persons hoards money in Switzerland or Panama by self-interest.

>That's because capital wealth (businesses and shit) is not the same as personal wealth (yachts and shit).
One of the magic financial tricks which allowed Wall Street to be bailed out in 2009 and Trump to have 4 failed businesses

> jews invented communism
One point Goldstein to you, my good sir ! Where can I find the (((sources))) ?

>necessary for upward mobility
funny how it literally proves the exact opposite and instead makes all the people dependent on the government nstead of enabling them to accrue capital to mvoe up

Also, have a bit of irony


>And the state should have guidelines that are set by voters.

Great idea there, let's let the same people who voted themselves welfare vote for how they should spend that welfare. I'm sure that system will regulate itself.

Dude, I make 100k a year and still have the same $400 tv I bought like 4 years ago.

I don't care about what trump does or does not nor do I worship him, I care about you disassociating him from his father and implying that kids can't inherit their parents hard work because it's immoral.

For being a silver spoon babby Trump is actually a decent human being and tried to do something himself even if it was with his fathers help rather than stay a trust fund baby his entire life.

Welfare does not help with social mobility in a way that justifies its cost you dense retard. It encourages complacency, and if you'd ever actually lived in a shitty area you'd know this. Shit areas vote for the left because they understand these are the ones who defend their steady stream of gibs, they do NOT vote for the left for selfless reasons

He has a point. Poor people shouldn't have to explain their WWE network subscription, the nascar hats they wear or their full arms of tattoos.

Anyone who advocates for harsher welfare should live 1 month under it before saying that.

What gives ? It's not an argument and I get a job in 3 years. I already worked in several (unpaid) internship.

Not a blackmail. A fact. And the social utility is again better. You just can't admit it, don't you ? Welfare is necessary for upwards mobility and meritocracy.

I'm trying to convince you to be barely literate about economy and the world, but it seems like a lost cause.


I like it. Make it law.

At the same time they should not complain about being poor then.

Because they want to spend their money AND have it at the same time.

Bankers are only rich because of retards like these.

Good, then they don't have to bitch for higher minimum wages, either.

29 bucks you can get rice, beans, some vegetables and eggs. canned beans are like a buck each with like 4 servings a can

when you're on fucking stamps you buy whats necessary for nutrition, not taste

you realise that only retards and trolls parcipiate in special olympics, buttmad commie?

if poor whites stopped having kids becuase they was poor you all know what would happen to the future labour market right?

10-20 years down the line you will be importing 3rd worlders to make up the numbers

its not pretty but its for the best

What gives ? It's not an argument and I get a job in 3 years. I already worked in several (unpaid) internship.

but i wasnt arguing :^)
i stated something that i see very often.
i wasnt even replying to you.

no need to get this triggered. perhaps your views would change when you start working to provide for yourself.


All of that would be like $15 at Aldi. Throw some lunchmeat, some oranges, a loaf of bread, and ramen noodles in there and you've got a decent week of food.

>$1000 is more important than $1000000
thanks for the tip frogger

poor people gotta have steak too. we like to splurge get over it. btw i dont have enough this month for food AND the new iphone 7 contracts.

its pretty evident that the freebies they give us isnt enough to support me!

I was being sarcastic.

Wanting a share the wealth but voting for Trump or Clinton. American are so funny.

Bitch, you're supposed to buy rice, beans, can cans of mixed vegetables. what the fuck is this cunt doing buying fresh?

You never know with a leaf.

>what are relative and absolute numbers

>deserve to splurge

These are the fruits of our (((consumerist))) culture. 24/7 the ads are blaring "Oh, this product is so sinfully indulgent, but you deserve it because it'll make you happy trust us, goy"

if you splurge dont be surprised when you can't afford to pay your rent and dont expect another handout

Keep fighting the good fight brother.

Never forget that you are talking mostly to NEETs and retards, so don't expect to read well thought and fact based opinions

wanting to share the wealth and expect everyone to be rich and happy.

what are you, 13 years old

it's a hollywood libtard, what did you expect?

>Nice strawman
Literally a direct response to an argument someone made.

Wtf is this ID even doing?

Replying to himself, and replying other posts more than once.