Literally no good reason for why it's still illegal

Literally no good reason for why it's still illegal.

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Except for the fact that there's such a pervasive culture of degeneracy built around it that legalization would just send the message that we don't care about decency, pride, or not being a society of scumbags and human trash anymore

It is not the government's job to restrict what you deem as 'degenerate'.

>muh "culture of degeneracy"
>only source: mainstream media

Literally no good reason for it to be legal other than medical reasons.

I'd hope the answer would be to tax the shit out of it.

Consuming it only harms yourself. The government shouldn't babysit grown adults like this.

b-b-b-but my feelings!

For actual medical reasons...
Not like in US where you can get legal medical mj card for having a headache once a year.

YoU MeAn lIkE In tHe nEtHeRlAnDs oR PoRtUgAl oR PoLaNd aLl oF WhIcH HaVe lOwEr rAtEs oF YoUtH DrUg uSe tHaN YoUr cOuNtRy

first post fed post

No good reason why it shall be legal - or that tobacco shall be legal.

Really there isn't none.

There are political reasons it's still illegal though, such as forcing latin american dependence on US aid to fight cartels.

I do not partake in stoner culture aside from the jokes that make fun of it dude weed LMAO

Let me smoke my weed when I get off work and want to relax and go to bed. It's better for me, the people that live with me, and everyone I work with that I smoke. I hurt nobody but myself in the process, and I guarantee the sugar from the coffee I drink has a bigger impact on my health than pot.

woah dude so (((woke)))

And lots of people ignore you don't even have to smoke it.

There are plenty of smoke free ways to recreationally use pot.

no good reason islam should be legal.

t. Tyrone Jamal, weed addicted and drug dealer.

Anyone who cares about the environment even a little bit supports the legalization of hemp.

>promotes adolescent use
>heightens depression and school failure in users
>impairs motor functioning

there's plenty of reasons but the legalize jew has hidden them all. i still think prolonged cannabis use causes damage to the nerve axons in the brain.

the left still believe liberalism is an evolutionary novel and not mental illness and so they also promote things that are destructive in nature - cannabis.

Weed has helped my anxiety so I could pursue things I normally never would have, all while causing no visible downsides.

It's not purely destructive by any means.


>Control f psychosis
>Zero results

ya but it's an imperative novelty in which has the ability to make billions of dollars - you honestly think if it was damaging to someone cognitively they'd mention that?

>My thoughts say it causes brain damage
I think you may be the one with the trauma.

Besides, the real "gateway" drug is alcohol. It's not just a left wing thing anymore friendo. There are plenty of financial reasons to legalize pot, including lightening the burden on the court systems, and taking out about 50% of drug cartels profits. A full legalization would also create jobs. You need farmers and distributors at the very least.

Honestly wish I never started smoking, I'm still not entirely sure if I could force myself to stop for more than a week

>legalization would just send the message that we don't care about decency, pride, or not being a society of scumbags and human trash anymore

>implying we haven't already passed that checkpoint decades ago


you're clearly misinformed on weed.

soma is a strong thing and the capitalist doesn't care about the destruction of the minds of the adolescents nor does the liberal left.

Psychosis can only be triggered by weed if that person is prone to mental illness because he/she has suffered some trauma or if it runs in the family.

So faggots like you wouldn't go around shoving to people's faces how ebin weed is

Yeah well at least we're allowed to kill niggers

i agree.
It should be legal in every state because this shit is just fucking up colorado and utah.

Can't drive any where near Utah Colorado border on the utah side without cops thinking you're a drug smuggler, can't live in Colorado because all the homeless degenerates.

This shit needs to be legalized across the board just to dissolve the the colorado degeneracy and dilute it with the rest of the country and to make drives in red border states a little less of a butt pucker

How am I the one misinformed? All the things I said are indeed true. You're the one appealing to emotion.

>Recent research has not only made associations with psychotic effects on susceptible individuals, but has also stressed associations with diminished IQ and cognitive performance with heavy use and even detected brain abnormalities in association with “casual” exposure.
>It looks increasingly likely that early marijuana use is a causal variable in declining intellectual capacity. Moreover, whatever correlations we find between exposure to THC and cognitive and behavioral deficiencies in youth will likely accelerate as marijuana is legalized.

Except that literally every state that has legalized it hasn't seen the promised increase in tax revenue, and has actually had a net decrease due to the increased burden on police, social services, emergency services, etc.

Pot is for losers and people who use it should have a mandatory 30 day imprisonment. There's literally no other position that an intelligent human being would take.

tl;dr muh feels

Do you describe the anti prohibitionists a "cult of degeneracy"?

Although, given the booze runners were much, much, much more violent and desperate.

Who the fuck cares if some hippies in california make their living growing weed for the rest of america to enjoy? Why shouldnwe take away an industry with a potential for giving some tax revenue and further employing americans in state-side industrial jobs(hemp and all of its potential uses)?

It is far less harmful than alcohol or other hard drugs, even considered therapeutic and being confirmed by new studies.

It only has this stigma associated with it because of the type of people involved with anything that is illegal. When legitamite business becomes an option that takes away all the crazies and makes room for professional individuals.

Pretty sure weed won't be legal to smoke until you're about 25 anyway so

ya but the fact that's it's legalized and everyone promotes it - the liberal left - that youth will likely engage more heavily in marijuana use. the same can be said about alcohol and nicotine.

the damning evidence of marijuana causing brain development abnormalities is completely startling but the billions of dollars the capitalist are making is too!

>but the billions of dollars the capitalist are making is too!
I'm sorry but this is a capitalist country, pinko.

There may be some studies but I don't think there's anything in the way of "damning" evidence

>At days 0, 1, and 7, current heavy users scored significantly below control subjects on recall of word lists, and this deficit was associated with users' urinary 11-nor-9-carboxy-Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol concentrations at study entry. By day 28, however, there were virtually no significant differences among the groups on any of the test results, and no significant associations between cumulative lifetime cannabis use and test scores.
>Some cognitive deficits appear detectable at least 7 days after heavy cannabis use but appear reversible and related to recent cannabis exposure rather than irreversible and related to cumulative lifetime use.

>Smoking weed makes you dumb
It really doesn't. It's the environment you're in that has the potential to lower or raise your IQ.

It's been partly legal/tolerated here for decades, yet we don't have a population going retarded because of it.

>related to recent cannabis exposure

This. I definitely get more of those minor lack of recall episodes but I notice they only happen when I start using again.

I think legalization will bring with it focus on public education and in doing so we'll know what needs to be done to enjoy pot but still do it responsibly, so that's good

its literally a gateway drug. im the single only person ive ever known who smoked weed starting at 14 and only smoked weed the rest of my drug career. every single other person ive ever known who smoked weed has started pills lsd mdma and all kinds of other shit within a year after starting pot some even a couple months after starting smoking pot.

Amazing how having access to drug dealers means they'll be exposed to other drugs!

Now imagine a world where you don't need that drug dealer to get it.

>Implying prohibition is not massively fucking degenerate.
>Send a bunch of nonviolent people to jail.
>This prison industry costs the country vast quantities of money.
>Imprisoned druggies/dealers don't get rehab or much in the way of other job skills so when they get out they go right back to doing drugs or dealing drugs.
>Drugs are a taboo so when kids want to rebel they go straight to doing drugs.
>We hypocritically allow tobacco and alchohol, along with amphetamine drugs which we feed to our children because female teachers don't know how to teach male children.

Fuck prohibitionists, you are some of the worst kinds of degenerates, you encourage big government policies which produce and maintain degeneracy and you think your doing something good for the world while you do it.

Wait, I and my friends smoke weed, I often meet other weed smokers, and I don't remember any of them ever doing anything degenerate while we were obtaining or consuming it.

Because it helps uncuck you. The establishments do not like that at all. You see th game for what it truly is...a game. An inhumane death match in which only one side wins again and again.

huh, that does make sense. though i still think they go hey weed isnt that bad maybe that means every other drug is ok too

>the government shouldn't look out for the social welfare of its citizens

That is the line of thinking, sure. But again, if you started going to the drug dealer for weed, chances are that guy is going to be selling more than just weed or knows where to get the other shit.

Sometimes the drug dealers themselves give out "samples" just to get you a taste in hopes you come back to pay for it next time.

When people are left alone to do whatever they want with no moral backing degeneracy will always follow.
Libertarians are autismal cancer.

But you could easily come up with good reasons why that's bullshit. Weed isn't synthetic for starters (well Synthetic Weed is but that's a whole other thing)

You smell like shit.

Reason enough.

>The government should be allowed to legislate people's personal lives as long as they're doing a thing that I don't like.
You are like a little baby.
>Wanting to keep the government from micromanaging your life (even if you do nothing harmful to others) is the same as wanting outright anarchy and lawlessness.
At least prohibitionists can be trusted to be consistently retarded.

Fascism failed buddy

The majority of people in jail for pot are fucking niggers
Into the oven you go.

It was dogpiled by every major power on Earth, Fascism was doing wonderful before it got Jewed by external force.
Meanwhile the slow societal decline of capitalism is happening before our eyes.

This is why weed will never be legal federally. The loss of millions of negroid slaves would be detrimental to the American economy.

>It was dogpiled by every major power on Earth

Yeah, ok

lol you believe '80s fearmongering propaganda end your life dude

>Weed isn't synthetic for starters
Sorry bro, textbook appeal to nature.

Morphine and opium are both natural.

>Sometimes the drug dealers themselves give out "samples" just to get you a taste in hopes you come back to pay for it next time.
Nope, they do not.

> though i still think they go hey weed isnt that bad maybe that means every other drug is ok too
That is why you educate people.

Everything should be legal.

It should be death penalty, 30 days is nothing


it was kinda dog piled in an unfair fight.

nice numbers

>It should be death penalty, 30 days is nothing
Wow, I thought Americans hated Sharia law.

>they don't hand out samples

google it. Tons of hits about this practice. Just stop.

DEA shills please go

>He would rather a system in which we spend more money to jail one nigger than it costs to maintain a family, rather than a system where we steal the market out from under drug dealers, improve the safety of drugs, and stop spending huge amounts of money imprisoning individuals for non-violent crimes.
Nearly 60% of the people put in jail end up back in jail again within three years, nearly 80% within five years. On the other hand recidivism in rehab was only 27% after two years, maybe call it 38% after three which is compared to 60% with "lets just throw this addicted fuck in a cage with a bunch of drug dealers and other addicts and hope he learns something". For fucks sake if your going to fellate the governments cock and balls because they hurt people you don't like, could you at least advocate for government programs that have a better track record of actually solving problems?

>so big police/prisons/pharma/alcohol/tobacco don't lose their shekels, obv
it will be legal in Canadia soon, once the Liberals figure out how to make sure their friends benefit the most from the regulatory and tax structure

tl;dr butt hurt druggies

dude weed lmao

In all my many years of buying drugs people have never handed out free shit.

The whole "handing out samples to kids" was born out of the drug war in the seventies.

You said they hand out samples, the burden of proof lies on you, not me.

>alcohol is not degenerate
>porn is not degenerate
>surgary food and drink is not a degenerate

You're worried about signaling degeneracy but we passed that point a long time ago friend

i agree for the most part. i like to enjoy the devils lettuce now and then, but there is a ton of degeneracy around it when it comes to most the people who use it

it should be legalized but kept under a watchful eye

And there's plenty more.

>pops antidepressant pills

You just fail to acknowledge that the majority of weed users are either responsible, hard working people or at least don't cause any harm at all. Degenerates are the marginal minority of marijuana users.

Weed is not like heroin. Heroin has a 100% addictive potential within three first uses, mary jane is not physically addictive at all. Heroin makes people lose any drive for not only improving oneself, but also for actually living (and it makes people smell like shit). The worst the majority of people can get from smoking weed regularly is marginal IQ drop. And a temporary one.

But that's wrong, faggot. Most people who smoke weed are just as annoyed as you are by the high school/college kiddies.
Except for, you know, freedom. Get back on your side of the border, swede.
That's not even necessary. Cannabis is making loads of money as-is, we don't need to tax it any more. Taxing it more would just drive people back into the black market.
But that's false. There's loads of evidence that Cannabis is borderline harmless. It's not like you're some pooinloo, act like a fucking American and educate yourself. Go read some studies.
>$0.005 has been deposited in your account
It's been proven that legal weed reduces adolescent use. It reduces depression, and by treating several mental conditions, actually improves school performance. Impairing motor function is a joke, you're only twice as likely to get into a car crash while baked while being drunk is more like 16x. How do you reconcile the idea that weed somehow makes you less dexterous while most skaters, bmx, and bladers are stoners?
So you hang out with losers? Good job, user.

The thing is, no gov does it. USA continues to ban weed while pushing for legal highly adictive painkillers. All the while conservative people continue to devour the lies of the gov, thinking there is some kind of moral compass guiding society. Conservative people and drugs are like libertarians and slavery. Libertarians think that there really was a social breakthrough regarding slavery when it just partially ended because having employees is cheaper and a big shot econmisg adviced everyone to do so

Racism is degenerate, not tithing 10% of your income is degenerate and coffee is degenerate. If youre so worried about degeneracy go live with the amish

>muh personal anecdote

I get free stuff every now and then

Then ban alcohol.
Drunks are the most degenerate, violent scumbags I have ever seen. I work at a convenience store and I greatly prefer weed smokers to drunks or heroin addicts, just because I don't have to worry about being shot or calling 911 because someone is flailing around in the floor from an overdose.

This. Weed is babbys first drug i dont get how something so weak and harmless is illegal while alcohol is legal

That's what """refugees""" are for.

Most people smoke it, and inhaling smoke damages your lungs, regardless of its source.