Should actresses start working out more for more action-oriented roles?

Should actresses start working out more for more action-oriented roles?

No, they can just be attractive and get action roles anyway

no twig girls are just as strong as huge men who work out everyday

I don't know why people hate athletic actresses so much. It's like women think they immediately become bodybuilder-tier after a short workout
I just want more big legs

Nah, they can do that thing where they jump up on a 300lbs 6‘5“ guy, wrap their feet around his neck and pull him down reliably.

Yes. We need more women taking on empowering roles that aren't just your usual damsel in distress roles.


yes fucks yes

I'm depressed and the only way I'll consider suicide is paying a woman to crush me between her legs

There's not a more attractive actress than Jessica biel


becky lynch and her equine friend sasha is in the back

I want this woman to squeeze my balls 'till they fucking pop

Why is she such a pitslut?


I'm glad we're all in agreement then


That armpit tho.




>getting a fucking paragraph tattooed on your ribs
fucking roasties

>you're watching your favorite kino when this chick walks up to you and slaps your ass


>tfw got a skinny jude instead of this for ww

no uggo muscle girls allowed

yes. musclekino will be upon us soon

I'm still mad

Not soon enough

They should follow Lilly’s example

kek women are such a joke, i have not worked out in 10 years and i have bigger muscles then this chick. And it is being posted as a muscle girl.

Why do that when they can just be replaced by CGI when anything physical has to be done

no bully they try really hard

>tfw no muscle gf

Life is pain

What did you say about me, user? I didn't hear you.

stopped watching there
fucking degenerates

man shoulders


Nasty waxwhores.



If those look like man shoulders to you then you almost certainly look like a woman
