Stop being fat

Stop being fat

make me

I fucking would if my doctors would give an actual example of what food i need to eat without having to sacrifice calorie intake


lose 300 pounds by this afternoon or we're sending you home

Is it really that difficult to eat a healthy diet? Healthy food doesn't even taste bad, and junk loses its appeal when you keep eating it.


says the fat doctor

actual question, would amutating his legs help? that's 300 pounds right there, and the body will work harder to shave off the rest. we're in the future and have robot like prosthetics, so in the end it's a win win. get skinnier and then become half android

so you want to lose weight without lowering your calorie intake? that's not how it works

>want to stop being fat
>but i like weed

what do

actually he could keep his current intake but burn more than he would consume

Start by not eating 2 large pizzas for breakfast


technically but its much easier to not take in the calories than to burn them off

>be at college
>have $500 every semester from uni for groceries on top of 14 meal swipes at the dining hall every week
>mini mart has fridges full of b&j's, talenti gelato and white castle microwaveables
>dining hall always have sweet potato fries and every other night is burger night

It's way too fucking hard, doc

I already don't eat or drink anything for breakfast so my body burns as much as possible

quit eating junk food after you smoke. chew some sugar free gum

getting mad at people for weed is so pathetic

try intermittent fasting

eat what you eat but less of it. Or at least plan for the amount you will eat instead of foraging out of a large bag or bowl or something

If you try multiple lifestyle changes at once, you will fail guaranteed. Exercise more, eat better foods, eat less food, pick one and stick with it a few months before picking up another change. If you're particularly fat or weight is your #1 goal, eat less food first.


The people on this show are way past the point we're simply eating healthy would help them any. They have stretched their stomach so much it's like a fucking bottomless pit. You can eat all the healthy shit you want but when you're eating more in a single sitting then a regular sized person does in a week you'll never lose a single fucking pound

always crazy when they end up removing masses from their bodies that weight like 50+lbs


that's why they get gastric bypass, dummy


I wonder what they do with those masses. Surely they have some use and don't just throw them away.

Im at 185 right but im barely 5'9". What's a good weight target where i dont look like a fucking walking stick midget but also not a fatfuck hobbit?

general tsos chicken

Prolly 155-165 really depends on ur build

He'd die of uncontrollable blood loss during surgery.
This is why fatkinos are being put into calorie restricted diets so that they can lose all that unnecessary mass that makes surgery difficult. Also to condition the patients into their new lifestyle.

Exactly but he won't do it till they lose a shit ton of weight first. I get why he does that but really what he's asking for is damn near impossible for people that've gotten that big

155 or less with alot of work on your chests and legs. Basically aim of a McGregor physique without the invisible lats syndrome (which means work on your back)

I'm 205 and happy. Have a bit of a belly sure but most of the weight is muscle. I need the extra weight from fat for my job anyway

you know what, I kept thinking that these fatties could just starve themselves to lose the weight until in one episode a dude tried doing just that and his body reacted in a negative way. What the fuck.

i just meant for a normal fat guy. the people on the show are truly beyond hope

what was the "negative" way? Did he get vitamins at least or just straight starvation?

I think he just kept passing out and he didn't lose any weight at all. Well, come to think of it the way he did it was just strictly eating yogurt cups and nuts for his meals in hopes of keeping some protein but trying to lose substantial amounts of weight. But like I said, that backfired on him. But eventually he got on track and started doing somewhat better.

>talenti gelato
god tier



what's his endgame?

Is Boogie dead yet?

>lose 300 pounds by this afternoon or we're sending you home

He would technically lose weight but if he didn't change his diet his body would regain that weight on other parts of his body. So he would be even fatter. If he kept eating and removing limbs he would eventually become a 500 pound torso.

/sci/ was right about med. brainlets in lab coats.

eat meat without any sauce

>Uni gives you $500
Good fucking lord fuck America, why can't we have nice things like white nations?

Looks straight out of Killing Floor 1.


BMI is in the normal range and almost on the low side. Have toothpick arms and chicken legs but a fat fucking face and a belly. Help me bros, how can I undo this curse? My body fat percentage is 32% so I'm technically in the obesity range. I look skinny but fat at the same time.

nice bait but there are people that are actually this dumb

depends entirely on your frame, i'm 5'9 and about 180 and don't look fat at all, lifting helps a great deal

The Steven and Justin episodes' directors should have been awarded an Emmy or an Academy Award, those episodes really stood out in confront to the others.


Fat people don't really starve, they lose some muscle mass and they'll constantly feel like garbage but if you don't eat for around 30 days you can lose like 50lbs. If you stay well hydrated and take vitamins you won't even suffer that many ill health effects.

The skin is used for burn victims.

If they don't fix their eating habit then a gastric bypass wouldn't do anything. They can restretch their stomach. The point is after they get their eating use control gastric bypass is more like a way to stop their cravings

>Wanna lose belly/chest fat
>Don't wanna lose too much muscle
What's the best diet to go on to avoid this?

i think you should eat a high protein diet and work out the areas you want to maintain muscle.

keep it low carb, except for around workouts. e.g if you train first thing in the morning include carbs with your evening meal the night before and for breakfast.

at least that's the advice i was given and i'm losing weight and getting a little stronger.

Is this bait? If not I implore you to educate yourself on metabolic rates and fasting

> tfw 98kg and 6ft1
> chubby beer gut, flabby bicep and man tits
Help me, doc, I need to diet

The first thing you should do is cut sugar out of your diet as much as possible. No soda pop, no juice, no sugar in your tea or coffee, and slow down on the sweets. Next, go easy on the carbs. Do you really need to put that hamburger on a bun? Cutting it out will also save you a few hundred calories that you won't need to burn. Also, some food, like pizza, is high in calories and should only be eaten on occasion, and in small amounts.


Low carb, high fat/protein. Check out ketone diets for ideas, but there's no need to go full keto.

You won't lose muscle mass if you're still doing strength routines.

well there is one sure fire way to lose that weight and smoke just not weed

It's not specific foods. It's about eating below your caloric needs. You gotta relearn how to eat. The best way to do that is to be diligent about using a calorie counter and being accurate with it. Set up a MyFitnessPal account and you'll have a starting path. Next, start learning how to cook and be mindful of what you are putting in.


Eat less and work out lmao. It's gonna be hard especially for the first month. Exercise, if you do for about two weeks, you start to get into a routine with and it's hard to break a routine. I have no idea how out of shape you are so even if your exercise consists of going up and down some stairs a bit every day you're gonna build up some strength and start losing a tiny bit. Then you can move onto bigger and better things. Also a very nice thing is that a lot of people who are in pretty good shape can also eat like shit because they're hitting the gym most days of the week and working it off. So if you really like eating it's good to (for a good while) cut out a ton of the junk and get going on exercise. Get into reasonable shape. Then you can start treating yourself again. Obviously don't eat those three pizzas for breakfast but I know a guy who eats like absolute shit and would be obese if he didn't go to the gym and he's a nice in shape healthy Chad.

And I'm not trying to say change your entire diet overnight, spread this out over a bit. Maybe one week you cut down from a bowl of ice cream for dinner to a few small scoops. Or a whole pizza to 3/4 of a pizza (you can save the 1/4 for lunch the next day along with some fruits and vegetables). Then the next you work on cutting down a bit on the amount of meat on your dinner plate, and increase the amount of salad. If you do this slowly over time you will get used to it and it won't be as big of a shock.

I don't have pics to prove it but I turned into a lazy pos after High School and one day I couldn't fit into my large pair of pants and then I realized what I had become. So I struggled for a bit but I ended up losing 50 pounds (which might be a lot or might not be in your case) and went from not being able to run for longer than a minute or so, not a single pull-up, maybe five push-ups on a good day (usually 1 or 2), to being able to join the military (which I eventually did). In under a year, it must have been 6-10 months.

You can probably get a gym membership for a reasonable price and you can usually find help there. Or you can get a personal trainer, this might cost a bit ($200-300 for 10-12 sessions I've seen as the rate). It's a bit spendy but they really help you out. Most can't give you meal plans but they can give you tips on what types of food to eat, and they work through exercises with you. They won't shame you for coming in even extremely overweight. And if you think people are laughing at you, maybe they fucking are. Doesn't matter. They'll stop laughing as you get healthier and you can start to laugh with them at your old self. You're gonna live longer and live healthier and happier. I've got such a fucking positive outlook on life now just because of this, not even funny.

You just have to have the willpower and fight yourself.

That's a crazy concept but I'm not surprised.

Thanks anons

google TDEE and eat actual meat/veggies faggot

>I-I never went to parties in highschool because fun is d-degenerate, I spent every waking minute praising kek and getting ready for the race war!

Easy on the extra egg rolls.

Lose 50lbs by tomorrow please.


Ask someone who weighs 480 pounds anything

why can't you stop eating

Disregard for my own well-being and enablers

>The 500lb torso

It could be kino

Haha look at my double-double-quads

Fat fucks should be putted down

I would really not recommend fasting under any circumstances, you'll do some real noticeable damage to your organs and also it can wreck your metabolism.


Cant save the tits but if she gained like 5 or 7 pounds of bodyfat everything else would look better and less dry

If I was that obese I would be pissed at the little amount of food on the plate. I guess you take more time eating because you're lying down like a beached whale, eating it off your stomach but if I was him, I'd be offended by that offering.

Listen Daniel, lunch break in 25 minutes, I come back after lunch.. and you no lose 65 pounds by then, I done with you, you leave this place.

is steven and his brother still fat? last i heard reddit was sucking the brothers dick telling him he was not a fat shit

Can you lose 400 pounds by tomorrow?


It seems really unfair to ask these guys to lose any weight at all desu. They can't even lay upright without assistance, how the fuck are they supposed to burn any calories

after gastric bypass people lose like 50-100 lbs in just a month from eating less. it's mostly food intake

Eat celery.

You can literally lose any and all unecessary weight by not eating at all.
Medically supervised of course.

>He'd die of uncontrollable blood loss during surgery.
Its totally doable.
The real problem would be the aftercare.
His body would have a serious problem in actually regenerating and healing the tissue, which would mean that it would take months.
Asuming the wound doesnt get infected in that time.

>Mr. Assanti, I'm Dr. Now

>Uh, you don't get to bring pizzas

>They're not my pizzas

>And why would I want them?

>They were trying to cheat your diet plan

>They work for the gluttonary, the fatta-man

The best part in watching this tv show, as a foreigner, is when you notice EVERYONE in the fucking episodes is actually fat but the protagonists are so much fatter that it puts everyone else in perspective, both figuratively and literally.
Hell even dr. Now has a double chin and a beer belly.



I smell americans