Half human - Half Replicant


Makes no sense how an replicants mate with humans?

bio-organic robots

Benis in bagina

hes the son of rachel and deckard? i knew it

Rather if they can mate then what's the fucking difference?

power of love my fren

his mom got REPPED

They're digital clones. Direct cloning would be analog cloning. These are synthetic people made from raw materials in the mold of real people, down to the molecules.

Chemistry makes you human? lul wat?

Interesting. I've always wondered what a replicant actually is. Try have no robotic parts. Are they just genome enhanced humans?

>replicants mate with humans
replicants aren't robots
they came up with the term to not give people the same associations as "cyborg"

replicants are modified petri dish babies

didnt you watch battlestar?

Statistically different answers on Voight-Kampff Test.

huh no

Replicants are organic robots, they could mate with humans easily. Stop being a brainlet or go back to you know where

They jacked this idea from a Sega game called "Binary Domain."

My personal theory is that the replicants are basically 100% genetically engineered/cloned human beings, their physical strength or intelligence is boosted by genetic engineering to the limits of humanly possible. Assuming they aren't shipped sterile by Tyrel they could likely impregnate or be impregnated by "real" humans.

But I see a lot of discussion and reviews where people call them a different species or race or machines etc. I think its because of the confusing descriptions offered by the film, android and replicant, it makes people assume mechanical robots.

The use of terms like replicant and machine by the characters is willful ignorance, if they dehumanize the replicants with these terms they don't have to face the fact their society is based on outrageous cruelty for its everyday runnings. Not to mention the giant industry that creates them, its in their best interest that the public never realize they are human to keep the money train going. How would Blade Runners feel if they realized they were shooting people running away from sex slavery in the back? This is why the film starts with Deckard an alcoholic, hes close to making that connection and its breaking him mentally.

this movie looks shit desu.

replicants are basically humans created in a factory.

A piece of evidence used to suggest Deckard is a replicant is when we see in his apartment a lot of old photos, and it is said replicants love to keep photos. I think this is just a piece of irony, ALL humans love taking and keeping photos and mementos! It just shows how dehumanized they have made the replicants, that when they see normal human behaviour in the replicants they call it unusual. Its the cognitive dissonance you always see in slavery or war.

We see Hannibal Chew the engineer who makes eyes, Priss says indignantly "we're not machines", Tyrell mentions the replicants are made by "genetic engineers", we see them bleed, the evidence to me says biological human.

The Voight-Kampff test looks for emotional reactions that are conditioned by living in society, since the replicants first woke up only years before they never learned these. Why would you have an emotional reaction to violence and sex related questions if you have never had morals pounded into you by society? The VK is looking for normal emotional reponses, I'm sure autistics would fail.

And finally while the question of whats real, whats human is important to the film's theme Deckard being a replicant would make no thematic sense. Deckard is a hunter of runaway slaves who eventually sees through the prejudices his society holds and encourages, and comes to see one of these dehumanized slaves for what she really is and falls in love with her. If he is also one of these slaves the film suffers terribly, Deckard is no longer making a mental leap and a brave risk, hes just doing the logical thing.

They are stronger, faster, smarter than average white male, and because of this this that are oppressed.

>ALL humans love making and keeping photos and mementos
Not me.

>and because of this this that are oppressed
What did he mean by this?

yeah thats all like cool and interesting but where can i cop this jacket!?

yes, they're genetic-engineered babies

but most people do. so the point still stands

from the ground up. replicants have no parents



its weird, but it kinda fits with my shitty belief on how replicants were designed, why the movie would hint both ways so much in different versions, and why the book had an exact answer that was different than the movie

i always presumed replicants were literal replications of people. not really designed from scratch, or really changed, kinda like battlestar i guess

theres multiple planets out there, and every planet that needs a "no nonsense, cream of the crop gritty blade runner" gets shipped a deckard model. few people meet or need to really deal with him, and hes never really in the spotlight, so the chances of meeting multiple copys of him are slim to none
same with mining stations. theres only so many people that will actually go there, it doesnt matter what % of the population is actually real

that being said, that gives it a reason why deckard would age in the movie. in blade runner 1, we get a replicant runner. in blade runner 2, we get the original human "mold"

>We are not so different, republicans and humans.

Fuck you you absolute cunt. Why hasn't this shit been taken down? Blatant spoilers in the headline? Back in the day you would be banned right now

aren't replicans only banned on earth?

Wow thanks for not spoilering that, asshole

and they require batteries to function

I think it is Deckard and Roy is the Anti-Hero, he only wanted freedom and a longer life to live with his girlfriend Pris, I would kill my slave owners and my creator too if he denied me longer life. Roy showed true humanity forgiveness in saving Deck at the end too.

reported for spoilers

why the fuck would you go into a threat for a movie you haven't seen and gave a shit a bout spoilers? you can only blame yourself

Half human - Half Ape.

The spoiler is literally in the title, you retard

thats what they claim, yet we see two there in the movie

i think any place that needs people for a limited amount of time, that no one will care about, gets shipped tons of them, and just never told except for a few

So, what about the wall and USSR?

so... treeman

Relax. Op is just guessing.

Its in the fucking title on the front page you dumb cunt.

We don't even know that this is a spoiler. It's an easy theory that I came to myself from watching the trailers.

so? don't go to websites that since time immemorial always try to spoil shit... it's not rocket science

Everyone is a human. Replicant/human separation is social construct just like race or gender.
