Name one show or movie that kept spooking you even after it was over

Name one show or movie that kept spooking you even after it was over.

For me, it was Ringu. Spent two weeks seeing Sadako everywhere.

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this fucking shit movie that I saw when I was like 10

Is that spooky?

Not sure if 'spooking' is right term here but still can't get princess Ahmanet out of my head. Would you consider erotic nightmares 'spooky'?

>In this horror flick the tooth fairy is evil and it comes for children when they lose their last tooth and then it kills them (or others) if they look at it.

it is when you're still losing your baby teeth

The Americans. Not exactly spooked, but unsettled, multiple times. There's a few moments each season. Kept thinking about those even after the episode/season was over for weeks.

The Ring made me get spooked by TVs years after I saw it.

The Americans? What, you mean the people? Or that's a show?

Care to elaborate a bit more, because I can't find any info when I google that.

the scene in 2001 where Dave has to release Frank's dead body into space in order to get back into the ship

I hate space and I never want to go there. fuck exploring the universe.

so much space
too much space
wanna go home

>be me
>see OP
>decide to google that scary movie I saw as a child
>was so afraid of the creature in it I literally couldn't sleep well
>it's from Disney
>promotes racemixing
>picrelated is the creature

>Care to elaborate a bit more, because I can't find any info when I google that.
Why are you so bad at finding things?

>promotes racemixing
I have no idea what that movie is, but it clearly doesn't. That monster reminds me of the possessed crewmembers from the Doctor Who episode about the Water of Mars episode.
And these were already plenty spooky, with their "one drop is enough" thing.

I don't use Google. Too paranoid.
How is that spooky?

>I don't use Google.
Then why did you mention using it? Are you being purposely retarded?

I use it as a general term, like everyone else.

I still have regular nightmares about the new Twin Peaks.

This music video always creeps me out.

That fucker. I found it pretty scary in the movies, but then I played the video games and it became even worse.

Now just seeing him makes me panic.

Nah, he is not the real villian. It's mc's brother's imaginary friend. He turned into a Boogeyman temporary.
But maybe you're right. I was actually terrified when they kissed at the end.

got me worried about manipulation

I'll never forget the wall chestburster from Aliens because I was half asleep and like 6 years old when I saw it and it's scarred me for life

Also The Sixth Sense, I paused the movie and was too scared to go piss

Oh, the Sixth Sense. I always wondered how the kid wasn't already insane.

Almost everything unsettling I watched as a kid:
Blair witch project, 2001, picknick at hanging rock, watership down and the cell come to mind.

Out of movies I watched as an adult:

>watership down
Fuck off.

The people hanging in the school fucked with me so bad, but not as bad as the suicide mom and the sick girl, that home invasion type shit was too much. I remember sitting on my bed trying to talk myself into getting up to piss, must have been 14 or so.