Refugee crisis

I got a crazy idea! What if

>We focus on refugees who really need help and we are extremely strict against "economic refugees" (probably 70% of actual refugees)
>With the money we spare, we provide a real education, formation and job opportunities to the remaining refugees.
>We make it clear from the beginning: as soon as the situation stabilized, they would have to go back. That they responsibilities to work in the welcoming country, spare some money and get ready for the return.
>When the country is stable, a lot of people will go back with maybe some money, a better formation and ready to reconstruct their home country
>With the money we spare again, we finance project to stabilize problematic countries. We also invest in green energy (to avoid refugee due to global warming),...

>Bonus: "not real refugees" will stop financing criminal organizations and stop ending up in the middle of the Mediterranean see. As they know their is no chances for them...

Isn't that a more productive situation than "open the border"? Isn't that a good way to avoid all the death in the see? Isn't that the real moral thing to do?
Why nobody advocate for that? Why politician can just say "all welcome" or "all out"?!
Why no fucking pragmatism?!

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What if we told all of them to fuck off ? We don't need any of them, we have no moral obligation to take them whatsoever. If the most qualified of them can find and sponsor and want to apply for a work visa, fine, but the rest can fuck right off for all I care. We have enough native job seekers as it is, let's take care of them first.

They can be safe elsewhere, preferably in another arab country where they'll fit in just fine. Sending some money for refugee camps over there would be much more cost-effective than taking care of them here anyway but then again, we don't even have to do that much.

They're not our friends, they'll never be grateful for anything we do, they see our compassion as a weakness to exploit.

>We focus on refugees who really need help
Why should we accept any refugees? They are not our people, they are not our problem. They should be shot on sight because that is what you do with invaders.

Will not happen.

All this is just a symptom. All this could be solved if EU was nothing more than simply vigilant and enforce the rules already in place.

But former liberal democratic block is just too weak to do that.

The problem with your plan is that it's great in theory, but in practice once they are here they won't go back unfortunately, since immigrants=votes

I have a better idea: Let's shoot everyone with a shit-colored skin.

Well, either that, or Kalergi doctrine is really being enforced, but I think general weakness and stupidity are more likely cause

>>We focus on refugees who really need help

Let the filthy rich Saudis take care of their Syrian brethren.


Is that natsoc or more like pro eu in the Pic you posted? Inlive near plzen. Neednto know

I got a crazy idea! What if we just tell them to fuck off and don't come back.

We are under no obligation to take money from the taxpayer to help these people who have done nothing to earn it.

>We focus on refugees who really need help
Why? What have they ever done for us? What will they ever do for us?

Helping out fellow Europeans, like the Italians with their earthquake or Spain/Portugal with their fires, makes sense. At worst they will merely be ungrateful. None of them will snackbar themselves against our way of life nor be an eternal welfare leech. You can't say the same about the savages from beyond.


>Turki Bin Abdullah
Stupid Arab names are stupid. They deserve to die for the retarded names alone.


Why don't you leave the refugees in jail or camps all the time. No schools, no swimming pools, no walking around etc. they come in and sit in a fenced in summer camp type thing with tv and they can swim in a lake or pool and they can do whatever they want inside the camp. If they don't like it we send them back. Just leave them in the camps and don't let them out

Craziest thing...

Tons of people on that boat look African.

You are naive to think that opening the door to leftist and subjective politics will result in stability.

With our current governments, a huge proportion of them would end up staying

Simply tell them to fuck off



They have just to do it once, with camera, news report and all, and the flow will stop immediately.

>Isn't that a good way to avoid all the death in the see

Also, note what you are suggesting is still rewarding those willing to take the risk to climb in a boat hoping they make it alive. On humanitarian grounds alone, it is irresponsible and will only lead to more deaths.

More importantly, there are no good sides in the Syrian civil war. Those fleeing it were just too weak to do to their enemies what they did or threatened to do to them. If they weren't they'd be the ones chopping heads off, setting people on fire, raping, torturing, drowning, crushing, crucifying, gunning down or throwing people off the rooftop of buildings.

This is the kind of people you want us to welcome. It's just not worth the risk, find another way to get your virtue signalling high, start an online petition or something.

We could cut down the """refugee""" count to less than 1% if we only admitted Christian refugees.