What's going through his mind?

What's going through his mind?

Other urls found in this thread:



>Why is my kid such a little faggot?

He can't wait until they get home so they can do the willy dance.

>I wonder if Sup Forums hates me now, their approval is the only reason I love for...

whats with the jowls

Also what kind of grown man kisses his kids on the mouth (open mouth kiss too).

>I can't wait to get home to fuck and suck so I can't finally feed and seed mah boi
He's a weird dad

MKUltra mind programming


How tall is he?


>I'll get better roles now that I'm pimping my son.

>prepubescent boy in wig, ultra short shorts and fishnet stockings

how is this allowed? why hasnt someone notified child services?

i bet they have some "bonding time" in the bathtub afterwards

>Also what kind of grown man kisses his kids on the mouth
not that weird desu

This is unironically the reason why he did it. He's advertising his own child as choice meat in exchange for roles.


Pretty sure you were molested then bud. I mean a peck on the mouth is fine but an open mouth kiss that lasts more than a sec is a bit shady.

>I should've worn a raincoat

its not weird if you r european

he didn't quote that part of your post

hopefully at least 1mg xanax


You just KNOW...

someone post the shadman version

that boi aint right