Wouldn't this movie be better without the last scene?

Wouldn't this movie be better without the last scene?

I'd make more sense if she got out and realised there was no attack and Goodman was just fucked in the head

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The last part was so jarring that it must have been written by someone else.

the whole film is meant to make you think Gooseman was just fucked in the head
how would it be a twist if it turned out he was just a sick old man

The ideal ending given what they shot would have been cutting to black immediately after she escaped, leaving what's happening on the surface a mystery.

If they really felt force to incorporate aliens into the plot, a hard cut to credits after she stands on the car and sees a spaceship coming through the clouds would have been much more effective.

Probably some dumb studio suit.

Yes and it was probably written without or at least a more ambigious ending

But of course they had to tie it to Cloverfield so.

That's my point, twists are stupid and tryhard

I'm fine with the "twist", even though it's not much of a twist, when she realizes how real people outside the bunker are affected. I would just prefer a better executed twist.

this twist was good though, they fucked up goodman for no reason other than they thought he was crazy
John Goodman did nothing wrong
Also 99% of films have an edgy twist nowdays get used to it

>they fucked up goodman for no reason other than they thought he was crazy
Besides all that crap with her daughter and the other girl who went missing? Besides how he wanted to replace his daugher and the other girl with Michelle? I was pretty much implied he killed/lost his daughter and then got another woman to replace her and she was killed, and now got Michelle to replace her

Michelle did nothing wrong

Would be better if the scene involved some actually scary aliens, not something that looks like it escaped from a Killzone game.

it's called cloverfield there was really no mystery about it having a monster plus no monster attack would have allowed a nice twist for just the audience

Maybe cutting out the entire encounter at the farm, save for hints of ships in the sky, then have her drive away and encounter that city under siege, cut to black, and done.

This would be good

The whole "fight" with the aliens was plain retarded. Those creatures are superior intelligence but can't tell she's hidding in a cabin, and then she pulls a fucking massive spaceship by throwing a molotov made out of a whisky bottle

wtf was that

>The film was developed from a script titled The Cellar, but under production by Bad Robot it was turned into a spiritual successor of the 2008 film Cloverfield

>In the original script, Michelle escapes the shelter and is chased through the farmhouse by Howard, who still wants to “protect” her. She blinds him with bathroom cleaner, he tells her about his tragic life (dead wife, missing daughter, treacherous Nate, etc.), and then she shoots him in the kneecap and runs away. He ends the movie alive, entreating Michelle to “be careful.” Later, after traveling down empty roads and finding no one around to help her, she crests a hill and sees the Chicago skyline, smoldering and destroyed. No explanation is given. We don’t even know what she will do next, only that she now knows that Howard, for all his oddity, was correct. The final line in the script is, “She slowly pulls down the mask on the hazmat suit before taking a breath.” The end.

I don't know why you guys are calling it a twist. That would imply some kind of forethought went into the reveal when what actually happened was a script got written and then somebody jammed Cloverfield up its ass.

Basically a baby was born with all its limbs and then somebody glued a third arm on because more is better.

it was implies, just like it was implied there was no aliens
the point of the movie is to subvert your expectations

It's been a while since I saw this movie but IIRC there were some scenes that alluded to the surface being fucked up before the ending.

But Goodman implied he killed those women and that he had serious issues dealing with females and also implied there were aliens

If you believe one you gotta believe both

much better than goodman becoming an unkillable zombie monster with half his face turned into a shitty CGI effect

>10 Cloverfield Lane
>house is out in the middle of nowhere
Immersion broken

much better

JewJew did it again

the house is about 3 minutes away from houston, that's not the middle of nowhere, I guess

it was written originally by Damien Chazelle wasn't it?

maybe they deserved it
hearing that Michelle killed Goodman out of context might sound bad too

the entire film was stupid.

the ending of the original script was even dumber.


The original script "the cellar" was written by Josh Campbell and Matt Stuecken. When they decided to turn it into a Cloverfield piece, they brought in Damien Chazelle to rewrite it. He was actually going to direct it, but suddenly he got funding for another project he had in mind ("whiplash") and he decided he wanted to direct that instead, so Dan Trachtenberg came in to direct the rewritten script.
Co-wrriten, yes.

>Michelle killed Goodman out of context
Goodman killed the other guy for some shit he made up, if he realised she's been making a suit to scape he'd also kill her (which he discovered, that's why she attacked him)

>creepy old white man boomer has a house
>it's address is not 1488 3rd Reich Road

that's a fair point well made

No, I think the end was perfect. I mean it was always a possibility that Goodman was nuts so it was cool that in the end he was right, and that even if he was right, he was still a creepy as fuck murderer. And maybe he didn't even know if he was right.

It'd been better if after mew escapes the whole frame freezes and the director shows up to tell us what we learned. Then he leaves and mew says "You know what? Maybe I AM a 10 Cloverfield Lane after all" and drives away. Keep the lightning showing many alien ships for all the pleb fucks.