Those of you here that aren't white nationalists? Why?

Why do you disagree with them. Especially those of you that are white and/or race-realists.

Other urls found in this thread:

Bumping for interest. I would love to hear some valid reasons for multicultural society.

Inb4 muh tacos and muh hiphop

I'm a nationalist of my country not all whites.

Fuck off.

And learn the difference.

A multicultural society isn't a good or bad thing, it's just a noun.

When the Romans came to Britain, they created a multicultural society, which even included Middle Eastern soldiers and I have heard of a Syrian trader marrying a British girl.

You'll never get rid, or stop multicultural societies, and you aren't making an argument by saying that.

Multiculturalism just benefits the stronger beliefs, traditions and cultures that cohabit a nation, this has good AND bad consequences.

White nationalist =/= white supremacist you dope.

Op here. I can give one I guess. I think some diversity is important. I also think what's important are genetics. IQ, creativity, low violence. Even if it is the case that some races are better that doesn't mean there aren't individuals from those races that shouldn't be kept.

It's also been proven diversity, although people here love to point its drawbacks, can have benefits. Diverse groups are usually more creative and innovative compared to homogeneous groups.

I also think white nationalist overplay how great a pure white society would be. I mean just look at Europe from 1000-1800. Constant endless muslim style wars. Once you make a society purely white people will just find something else to discriminate on. Hair color, eye-color, etc. Just look at the Balkans for proof. A group of couple almost completely identical to each-other but they absolutely hate each-other and think they are distinct racial/ethnic groups.

Because im azshkenazi and persian

Because i dont disrespect anyone elses culture.

Why are only white countries multicultural?

What the fuck does this have to do with white nationalism?

>which even included Middle Eastern soldiers and I have heard of a Syrian trader marrying a British girl.
Brits have always been cuckolds having their girls fuck Arabs, who knew.
read the first sentence.

Because Caucasians are smart enough to build the best countries, but stupid enough to give it all away

People are free to have their culture in their land.
It's when they're here that I care.

>Swedcuck respects the Abo culture of raping children, burning forests, consuming gasoline and playing with sticks

Isn't the whole point of fascism that you don't have to argue anymore, you just shoot people?

Are the modern day fascists of Sup Forums more interested in princeton debate rules because they're too chicken shit to fight anyone in the streets?

The answer to both questions is yes.

Because I know too many smart non-whites and made a conclusion that upbringing, environment, media and culture decide ones intellect, not 100%, but enough to not to want to kill them. Not against deportation tho.

Far better humour then any left leaning board

Because you stupid fucking burger, I am a fucking Englishman.

Not some stateless rando who has to take pride in their translucent skin colour.


>A nuclear war isn't a good or bad thing, it's just a noun


Jesus christ when are we gonna address the Swedish Question on this board?

how is that our problem`? monkeys do what monkey do. we should focus on our own shit.

>you will never sieg heil the greatest man to walk this planet.

>Yes, goy, worship dead regimes which will never return, we have ensured that
>Don't ever live your ideals today, that's for dumb Nazis, goy

I am not white and thus white nationalists would not accept me.

>Diverse groups are usually more creative and innovative compared to homogeneous groups.

Any links you can point me to sir?

>Are we cucked?

I don't think I can be a white nationalist because my mother is 1st gen American (hispanic). but I am an American nationalist

Go be a nationalist for your people.
What are you?

No shit you're cucked, it even comes through in yalls IDs.

Because adopting white nationalism in America will only shoot nationalism as a whole in the foot. America is truly a melting pot at this point and there's no going back. We can still fight globalism over here, but not as some united white front.

Now, Europe is another story.

it's just propaganda and corporate bullshit speak

I hate Chinese and China, I'd rather be a white nationalist.

The introduction of the Romans to Britain was a good thing

Awful argument

Because it's a shitty way to sidestep the real issue.

That's actually quite sad to hear that, nothing wrong with being Chinese bro

I'm a white nationalist but it is hard to be a nationalist in a country I don't want to relate to.


Very fucking funny moderators....

White nationalism is an american thing. Here we have ethic nationalism. Hell a lot of countries have their own separatist movements within them.
I hope you realize how truly unique the US is, nowhere else have a bunch of Europeans lived together and not kill each other for so long.

I'm half white, but an American Nationalist. You don't need to be a white nationalist, as long as you support american nationalist values, we welcome you.

You would not think there was nothing wrong with it if you had ever been to China.

I know China is a shithole, but it hasn't got THAT much to do with actually being Chinese, more to do with total destructive power of Communism

Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong are doing well

All it takes is one major event to change America back to what it is was always supposed to be. Suppose there are simultaneous chimpouts in numerous american cities and whites finally fight back and gun down a few hundred niggers. Things will never be the same. It would no longer be safe to have niggers living among us, Something like that will happen one day because this society is not the natural order, Multiculti America is a very new experiment and has been a disaster. It will fail hard one day

This exactly. There are a lot of whites I don't like. Although I could temporarily ally with all whites to help clean the world of shitskins.

first of all, "britain" as we know it didn't exist when the romans were here, only the land existed. england did not exist, english people did not exist. the romans are irrelevant. secondly your premise that
>"Multiculturalism just benefits the stronger beliefs, traditions and cultures that cohabit a nation"
is based on nothing. define "nation" for a start. multiculturalism is bad because it divides society and leads to conlict.

>A multicultural society isn't a good or bad thing, it's just a noun.

A multicultural country IS a bad thing, because one culture always oppresses the other.

For true liberty and freedom, a group needs their own living space.

>When the Romans came to Britain, they created a multicultural society

No, Romans created multi-ethnic societies. When they tried multiculti in Germania it failed miserably and led to Armenius, the sack of Rome, and other enrichment activities for the privileged Roman.

you think I should agree with ppl based on my skin color?

ethnic nationalism can be part of a wider european nationalism. the eu would be fine if it was based on white nationalism.

Go be a nigger somewhere else. Or learn to speak proper English.

yeah, why not?


You didn't understand what I said. I never said multiculturalism is always good, but clearly in that example there were two cultures that mixed to create a better society. There were ideas and laws passed to the British by the Romans that advanced us.

I would say it would depend on how much change occurs, but in general I agree with you

Sorry, I only meant in the process of change

not an argument

>Someone in this thread will prove my point on why I hate flags

White Nationalist here. I can give response to your questions because I remember the reasons why I wasn't one in the beginning.

The common belief is that borders are the egotistic, subjective desires of a collective of people who wish to claim and use both human and natural resources for themselves. That means other people won't want to share with the people whom are perceived as "victims of circumstances." Since we do not get to choose where we live and who we are, we are supposed to abandon all claim and let the resources be shared based on need.

Multiculturalism was first presented with having intellectual motivations, confused mostly with the free flow and diversity of ideas (which is not a bad thing, but since this isn't what it is, it becomes a bad thing). This multiculturalism and race mixing are means to destroy any attachment towards a territory, flag, country, people. This applies even to whites who identify with a certain culture/nationality, they start to make demands in the foreign countries that they reside, from cultural events, studies and signs in their own native language, acceptance and enforcement of their own cultural habits and in the worst case autonomy.

A consequence is that people stop caring about solving the problems in their country, but rather decide to go to places where the economy and standard of living are higher. Thus humans become economical prostitutes (honey attracts flies).

I can tell you why I ended up considering ethnic nationalism as a viable system of governance, but I wanna see if there is any demand for such a discussion.

Because being "race realist" is nothing but an excuse to overlook the complexity and structural problems of society.

because i don't believe what they say or think

I was on the altright twitter
this idiot says they just wanna be left alone.
check his twitter. Bomb the hell outta them. wtf?
these ppl are idiots

It's hard to define what white is, but I'm more of a nationalist. European ethnic nationalism is fine, but white nationalism can't work because of the necessity of purity and the blurriness over what is white and what isn't.

Because being proud of just being white is fucking stupid.

Be proud of your country, sure. But if the only thing you have that you can be proud of is being white, your country is gutter trash.

Poland and Hungary and other EU countries that don't want refugees don't do it because they want to preserve their own countries, not a desire to preserve a white Europe.
A non-hostile/expansionist ethnic nationalism is the best position for Europe.

so let me get this straight: you went on a twitter, saw some stupid shit and now you welcome the destruction of white nations in the name of diversity and multiculturalism because of this?

You're right. There are obvious biological differences between the sexes and races, but it's only one factor in maintaining a healthy nation.

Because being "race realist" is nothing but an excuse to save the effort of understanding the complexity and structural problems of society.

I'm Persian but I like the white man and hate those faggot Arabs

We should team up and carpet bomb all Arab states brothers

The problem with the label "white" is that it is in itself a globalist term. Before we had Romanians, Hungarians, Germans, French etc. Each of them having different histories. Romania got subjugated many times and had some of its young stock given to the turks as slaves, yet if I were to walk through the streets of, let's say, Commiefornia, someone will point out my privilege and somehow make me responsible for slavery, lmao.

>don't do it because they want to preserve their own countries
Meant to say they do it god dammit

Because being "race realist" is nothing but an excuse to overlook the complexity and structural problems of society.

white nationalism is only a reaction to outside influences. if you live in a homogeneous country you dont need to be one.
however, if you sometimes are the only white person on the train you start asking yourself how this is desirable.

destruction of white nations also paranoia

wtf are you talking about? if anything these morons will destroy their own nation with stupidy

Until recently there wasn't any interest anywhere else, but I think places like Singapore, HK, Thailand etc are becoming increasingly multicultural.

Brazil is pretty MC too

>Claim whites are superior race
>Spend all day complaining about white leftists/cucks/race traitors
Sup Forums.

I'm a white nationalist because our country has gone to shit since 1965 immigration act. Also society is a racial construct


made me kek. good one

I don't see it as a priority.

Nationalism matters most, we can fix everything else with genetic manipulation and eugenics down the line.

Yeah but they don't respect yours, and what you consider to be good manners and respect on your part, they consider to be weakness and naivety and you are being played. That's why we have massive levels of abuse, in many ways. Unthinking, endless tolerance and apathy from us has been so damaging to ourselves.

>I mean just look at Europe from 1000-1800. Constant endless muslim style wars.
But what about the art, the science, and the literature produced? We created the mechanisms that would become the modern computer.

>The problem with the label "white" is that it is in itself a globalist term.

Exactly. Which is why I find Richard Spencer to be incredibly idealistic when he speaks about forming a European federation.

You're just doing that, complaining about people.

lel, I'm not white

>structural problems
like equality

I'm white and I happen to be an American Nationalist, does that make me a white nationalist?

It's like watching a car crash. Sup Forums gis one of the most entertaining experiences online. You faggots alternate between autistic rage, hopelessness and self-loathing so much you just can't stop watching. If Trump loses in november I'm actually wondering if some people here would off themselves.

There can be an European Federation (which won't lose its European characteristic, not like the current EU), but Europe would then face the same problems like any other federation.

See the U.S., there are even controversial debates today about State power vs. Federal power. The Federal Government tends to be so oblivious to the different laws and customs in different States, that they take legislative decisions which are not compatible with all States! This causes more division, less unity.

I agree with nationalism but not with not racial nationalism, but a cultural one. The culture of a host nation should always be respected no matter what your background is. So if you don't like a country's culture, don't go there. It's as simple as that.


Because the individual is superior to the nation.
>individualism > collectivism


are you one of those mysterious Mexican intellectuals?

Taking pride in being white is more than just being proud of a color. You are proud of the people, the culture, the achievements, the genes you share.

If you can't be proud of those things, you can't really be proud of very many things at all. Take pride in your siblings, you're worthless. Take pride in your children, you're worthless. Take pride in your culture, education or even yourself, you're worthless. According to your logic at least. If you can't be proud of the legacy of your predecessors, you can't really be proud of yourself either, since you are a direct result of them giving you your education, culture, opportunities, and even life itself.

Ultimately, if you respect yourself, you should respect those who came before you. And since those around you share the same past and heritage, it makes sense to take pride in belonging to the same group with them. You actually share even your genetics with them, which is the whole reason we even have societies and innate altruism.

If you can't take pride of your whiteness, then please do go make some babies with niggers. You're too stupid to propagate your faulty genes, so I'm only happy if you remove them from our shared gene pool. And don't bother raising them, because you can't take pride in anything they do.

Libertarianism is a kike D&C invention to weaken you. Freedom isn't free, it takes patriots to preserve it.

The bible tells you to love everyone or something like that

Can't have a Christian society without it leading to liberalism.

Because it's a stupid strategy and a product of incomplete thinking. I believe in freedom of association, but forcefully deporting natural citizens based only on their skin color is not only immoral, but it would cause way too many problems and would never get the support of anyone not an extremist. You're basically killing your movement before it even begins and weighing down everyone you associate with from gaining legitimacy. Just stick with telling facts about race and promoting freedom of association and you actually have an argument that can gain traction.

no. Why would you even ask that question?

The last part is correct.
But why should people die for freedom if the government gets to take away your freedom for the "betterment" of the collective?

They aren't. But they are the only ones that are insanely, naively multiculti.

Most countries keep it contained to the major cities/ports.

Bangkok, for example, is multicultural as fuck

I dislike the nazi and muh pure aryan ciclejerk and their obsession with germans. Although Hitler demonisation is overblown, those german fags still attacked my country and many other Europeans.

Well why did you build your country between Germany and their enemies? It's your own fault.