Fuck your flag
>"fuck America"
>gets shot
>"America pls help"
Fuck your welfare, EBT cards and muh BLM porch monkey
>get shot
I am indifferent to your opinions, and I do not care about your feelings.
If you do not like my flag, then pack your shit and get the fuck out of my country, you ungrateful brat.
What's you flag?
What's your flag?
Damn brotha
Niggers Love To Get Shot by Me
why the alt-right would be patriotic about the US is beyond me. Theyve been cucking you since the 60s and you still slurp up the americentrism.
This is technically correct, this country was built on the slaughter of innocents.
lol I knew you were a troll.
my ((echo))sonar is off the charts, give me that man's name
Lets make one of these with the universal African flag
Why was that guy cleaning up his Kool Aid with Old Glory?
You can just leave the country if you hate it so much.
Even if I was in a country I hated I would not disrespect its flag because it still allows me to live in it without putting me in a prison.
If you think you are not "free" try living in North Korea.
Whats that, a black child's hide?
Nah, it's my right as an American to live here and hate this country
Can someone edit the OP pic with white hands and this flag (pic related)
We will troll the shit out of these fags on facebook
I am abhorrently offended by your opinion but I will fight to the death for your right to express it on a Mongolian yurt decorating imageboard. Murica.
Lol ok fair enough. Why do you hate it?
I hope that guy gets fucking lynched.
>le I disagree but Will die you you can be a fucking disrespectful cunt with your opinion
These people are cucks
Go back to your mud huts, Shamal
When all these fucks decide to move to a country like Venezuela they'll be packing their sorry asses back home and regret what they said.
>being rude to Biafra and Malawi
Now that's not fair.
>Fuck your flag
That masonic dishrag isn't my flag. This is my flag.
I frequently do, OP. It's soft, absorbent and easy to wash with the rest of the laundry.
>why do people think we hate America
this is exactly the shit that demonstrates how the left has abandoned patriotism
you can't say this and then say that you like the USA
although he is wrong that "we" drew the lines in the middle east after WWI. That was Britain. But if he'd have said the West, I'd have given him that point. I'd also have given him the point that the West is responsible for that error, but will they admit that drawing lines across cultures is a surefire way to create conflict? I.E. multiculturalism is doomed to conflict? I doubt it.
but you're stupid to do so. you know that right? like buying a car, hating it, then refusing to sell it and get something else. You know that right? why wouldn't you make life easier on yourself and everyone else by doing something that helps you and them? this would be the proverbial win-win, no? are you too selfish? too much pride? scared of change? serious question user, please answer.
>Voted for Hillary instead of Bernie then complains about the flag.
Looks as if now you're the slave to your wealthy political ancestral buddies in Washington DC.
fuck your skin
It's my pleasure to tell you that as part of a free country, any Americans who wish to fuck off back to Africa are free to do so.