Cherubs BTFO!!!!!!

Cherubs BTFO!!!!!!

Other urls found in this thread:

>shitting on cherubs
time to revoke his based blackman card


>Lol guys like how does Freddy the Krugger enter sleep if he not real? SCIENCE??????????

Ayy Aitch Arr Bee Cue Dee Dubsle-Yoo Eee Eff El, etc etc

I heard a college club saved up money to hire him as a guest speaker and he shat on them and called them all dumbasses.
I'm pretty sure he just uses this science shit to fuck qt 3.14s that dig the feeling of superiority they get from maybe watching 20 minutes of Nova on pbs

according to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a cherub should be able to fly.

In Ireland they used to kidnap people and demand they say the letter H. The idea being that Northern Irish and Southern Irish people say the letter H differently.

The point is that neil is a smartass nigger that needs taken down a peg

This guy is legitimately insane

Something of his came up on my youtube last night explaining tesseracts. Never watched him before, but I don't get the hate. He explains stuff as generally as possible for like 1st graders, how the fuck are you going to grandstand against him for that?

that literally not what "alphabetical order" means though

I get what he was trying to do but does he not realize that it just makes him look retarded

thanks for the history lesson bruh


Wouldn't it instead be phonetic?

Can someone seriously explain to me what the fuck he meant by this, is he making a joke?

wait what the fuck is he talking about

Hold up, so whatchu say'n is we wuz
Managing directors of the Hayden planetarium?

His actual science stuff is fine, that's why he's the popular Black Science Man

The problem is the shit like his twitter where he's a pompous twat who acts like he's blowing your mind with SCIENCE!


Sagan should have put this fucker down when he had the chance.

yes, but normies can't tell the difference

dude angels don't real lmao

Someone post the one where he thinks helicopters just fall straight to the ground when their engines die (they don't) or when he thought bb8 moving on sand was impossible ( it isn't)

It's miracles I ain't gotta explain shit

Everyone one twitter is a pompous attention-seeking twat. (immediately, i can name another in a huge position of power who tweets infinitely more retarded things than black science man)

Maybe it's not that he posts things on twitter, but just because he *has* a twitter to begin with?

No, he's trying to impress people by applying irl science to popular fantasy stuff

>In a mirror, you can only kiss yourself on the lips.
How did he find that out?

>Maybe it's not that he posts things on twitter, but just because he *has* a twitter to begin with?

Nah, 50 cent has twitter and I don't mind him at all

I don't get it.

It's funny how even a black guy who is half White that you expect to be really smart, still ends up being a nigger who shits on superior White culture

Blacks are literally worthless

What about blue-eyes white dragon?

Was it autism?

Still, there's no reason not to keep those thoughts to yourself. 50cents is just as much of an attention seeking faggot if he needs the to say all that shit.

Why bitch about something so non-trascendent while nigga can't even explain how bees are able to fly?

mad people are hating on based science nigger, redditor?

I bet he thought this was clever. Stupid nigger pop scientist


>dragons have sensibly long wingspan
They are the size of a 747 without any jet engines, they are not flying no matter how big their wingspan is. Anyways what the fuck is he on about with cherubs? Does he think Renaissance artists were actually making anatomically accurate depictions?

reminds me of a kid in high school that fell in love with physics and would go on constantly about "interesting" things he had discovered, without anyone ever caring.

He thinks he's being clever

What about actual research and scientific papers? Is he just a glorified teacher?

>Obamas rating are down cause he didn't include pimpin and hoein in stimulus package. Good hoes would boost male morale and fix the recession.

Haitch begins with an H!

I'm just pointing out it's retarded to hate on him.

If you're at a children's magic show, are you the type of persons who's going to heckle the performer and berate them because you know how the trick is done?
No, let the poor magician perform and fill the kids with wonder, who are actually enjoying the show. Maybe they'll now want to be magicians too when they grow up and they'll be able to do tricks that you'll actually enjoy.

>Holiday derives from Holy Day

>walk up to mirror
>kiss bicep
>mirror self is also kissing bicep
I would like to claim my smartest science man of reddit award now please.

>if everyone does it, it's okay

except no.
shame every shitty word that comes from social media. all of it. just because you are on the internet doesn't mean you get to be a fucking impulsive retard

He tried to suck his own dick

if the magician has a habit of getting political while doing their act, then yes. get in their face for bringing that shit to their job.
NDT's twitter gets political


That's exactly what it means. Languages evolve. Except for the word lose. That's where I draw the line. Lose and Loose ARE DIFFERENT WORDS!

Woah something only a scientist or a romance language speaker would now! its not like there gazillions of the former in the USA

>ndt in a nutshell

>languages evolve
>so spout off whatever dumbfuck nonsense you want online

is being this stupid something that happens by accident, or do you put in practice?



Proud Gabriel fag reporting in.

Are archangels not technically cherubs?

Kek shit like this is why they took his twitter off of him.

lol getting this mad over internet talk. Just remember you fighting a losing battle bro.


You are stuck on a desert island with either Black Science Man or Smug Comic Guy
Which one do you choose?

This cannot be real.

>just because you are on the internet doesn't mean you get to be a fucking impulsive retard
You're saying this on Sup Forums of all places

Definition of irony right there

Is Twitter popular with autistic people? Because I'm starting to like it!

define "internet talk", because i think you're talking about abbreviations and shorthand when i'm talking about a total fucking disconnect from rational thought and morality

It really depends on who's fatter.

Some of these are ok and kind of funny but he's no Sagan

But that's objectively wrong.

explain exactly how, you obtuse, vague shit.

You're just not smart enough to see how it's all just peer pressure

If I kill myself can I get both of them stuck on the island?

He's a fine public scientist, very good even. It's just that his Twitter is hilariously trash. It makes me think he has someone ghostwriting them for him because of how laughable they are

He breathes white lightning.

Jesus Christ.

I'm sorry

only the dead knows peace from this meem

Fucking nerds.

DAE hate when people talk about their social lives?

Why do pseudo intellectuals love this guy and Bill Nye so much? Well at least nigger space man is better than that fucking engineer who marches around like he's Einstein.

Tyson seems funny and nice in interviews and stuff, and I'd ask him questions all the time, which could be a fun way to annoy him. Because you know he'd just have to answer them and explain why I'm wrong.

>Hey Neil, how do Ghostbusters proton packs work?
>Nah, I don't think that's right.
>Why don't they make like gloves from that little box they put them In to just grab em then?
>That doesn't make sense at all.
>Then why does the photo beam always touch the ground? Like it never goes off into the air.
>Ghosts fly man, I'd made a big long pole with that box on the end of it and just hit them in the head with it like a hammer.
>No I don't have anything better to talk about, now answer me.

Neil. He's smarter and he's only a faggot on Twitter

I kind agree with this one, I hate that shit.

>He explains stuff as generally as possible for like 1st graders
So do grade school teachers but most of them aren't as smug as this prick.

if the magician thinks he's the shit then yes

those are pretty funny

>anytime women are speaking, i leave

solid advice

>DAE hate when people talk shit about someone else?
I do

I really hate SCIENCE!™

Because in usa science is no longer an inquiry method, its a politicized religious movement that instead of giving you afterlife salvation, it makes you look smart right now, all you gotta do is believe and simply by parroting very dumbed down science related ''facts'' with no actual scientific bases.

Its aimed towards the dumbest of the dumb, litterally people who actually need help to fake being smart.

Here is what happens when they aglomerate in one place:

>comparing a biological Dragon to a supernatural, ethereal Cherub

They literally don't need wings to fly. They exist solely for allegorical or symbolic showiness.

NDT needs to brush-up on his understanding of mythology.


uhhh cool Neal

Science stuff can be applied to basic survival

Taking everything at face value means that you are smart and scientific!

His music a shit but ol fiddy is pretty based not gonna lie

Because they are the closest thing 'sciance' has to celebritys. They go on talk shows, they tweet, they go on rants about how various anti-sciance things are wrong to get people all pumped up and cheer.

Who else is so easily accessible and publicly visible? And I'd say sciance 'enthusiasts' enjoy them, not scientist 'hobbyists'. You know people who actually do stuff vs people who just like stuff. Big diffrence. It's a little strange that some people claim to like sciance but don't test things out for them self, but whatever.

>Don't say the mythbusters, Adam savage is doing pretty much only prop building now. Which is pretty cool btw, he is was more in his element.

what is the point, really? it's like saying "lol did you know you can only step on the shadow of your foot?"

he wants to be sure you saw it

he's literaly shilling funny or die wtf is this shit

how do these people even get into these events? I thought it would be loads of STEM students and actual scientists going to these lowkey events

fuck me this guy's out of his mind
lol that bow, is he half asian or already adapting to the future?

it's astounding how much shit people say without an understanding of what center mass is and how it pertains to firearms

>y don't armor cover dick
>y cops not shoot in arm