So I don't get it

So I don't get it.

At the beginning of the movie we see the weird shit happening in the bookcase.
Later on the dad goes to space, goes into the bookcase black hole and then does the same things he saw happening in the bookcase.
But we're never shown who or what made the weird things happen before.

Was the book black hole a plot hole?

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No time!

Personally, I think the whole alien fungus is killing our plants could have been avoided.

where'd you get the idea that it was alien? it wasn't m8

he became INTERSTELLAR you weenie

He sent his daughter a message on the watch. Not hard to understand


This. Why instead of going in a suicide mision to space they didn't just fight the alien fungus?

Time is a flat circle.

He was doing all that shit from the future.

I don't know the specifics but I know that time exists in space, so if you alter space (like a black hole and wormhole does) it will affect time

It wasn't exactly the future. Inside of the tesseract was a space outside of the normal flow of time.

Then why is his daughter a grandma when he visits her

Time dilation occurred because they had to get very close to the black hole to jettison themselves away from it.

People are actually this stupid

book hole

What I never understood was how he permanently altered the watch hand to give a message in morse code
Also, the whole power of love bullshit was over the top

He did that in the past and gave himself a reason to eventually go into space then go in the black hole. There's no time paradox. I forgot how he left that blackhole though

Unseen forces removed him once he "completed his task".
Yeah it was an asspull.

Also wouldn't he realize that sending trying to communicate with himself in the manner that he did wouldn't work because ... it literally didn't work.

Why didn't he do something new??

Aliens dumped him outside of it because you can't have an ending in Hollywood without the hero winning everything forever and getting the girl, even if your happy ending already includes saving the entire species

They were future humans.

>I found the magic library now I can send messages back in time to my daughter and save the world!

Literally Harry Potter tier

Were they? Guess I completely suppressed that in my memory and only remembered that in the beginning they think it's aliens

I give points to the movie for how akward that over emotional speech was and how skeptical were the rest of the crew.

They never explicitly tell you but it's the most logical answer considering the whole time travel theme.

He was in the fourth dimension you dunce, it's an abstract representation.

Who cares. Enjoy the well done CGI porn.

this isn't a new concept. Read Kurt Vonneget.
There is a race of people that exist in infinite time, they now how the universe ends and they know how it begins, but time is not linear so they exist when and where they want,

Just because it's not a new concept, is that suppose to make the ending plausible, or not contrived?

american forced feels! other than that it was good

Am I missing something here, or are both of you just fucking retarded?
is right, there was no alien fungus, it was a world wide blight that wiped out wheat and rice, and turned most of the planet into a fucking dustbowl.
Corn was the only thing that was still growing, thats why they were growing it in the middle of the fucking mountains (a place where you don't normally grow corn)

fun fact at the start of the film all the things on the breakfast table are made mainly using corn like cornflakes, cornbread, pancakes, corn syrup etc.

It's still stupid.

the dustbowl scenario is one that we are already starting to see. deforestation is a real problem, but it is unlikely to get as bad as it was in interstellar within the next 85 years

Gaia hypothesis will fix everything

In addition to the fact, that regardless of what happens, there will probably be a better plan for humanity's survival than space colonization. But the actual plan had something to with discovering some aspect of gravity, which would allow them to cross space far quicker, or something. This movie really sacrificed a lot of coherency for neat-looking space scenes, and showing that love is the one thing that we're capable of perceiving, that transcends dimensions of time and space.

The science of the movie in regards to physics is actually spot on.

So, how did learning to control gravity or whatever solve the food crisis?

Watch the movie again, and pay attention to the plot, especially near the end

It's been a while. You can't remind me, or do I literally have to watch the movie again to get an answer to this?

The gravity equation was solved, and humanity was able to achieve interstellar travel, implying that either they found some way to beat the crop blight, or they were able to find another home somewhere else. Regardless of that, McConaughey is on some space station orbiting Saturn, and due to the time dilation stuff Murph got older, and McConaughey stayed the same age, which explains old Murph at the end.

So, they just found another home? Okay. That's what I thought, but I thought there was a more direct solution to the crop blight. Also, was the original plan in exploring the other end of the black hole, (or however they traveled), to discover interstellar travel? Because otherwise, there was no other way to save humanity, except by repopulating another planet through artificial means.

I suppose they did, and seeing as Cooper's on a space station at the end and not on Earth, it's very possible that Earth is simply unlivable at that point in the story. Yes, plan A was to discover the solution to the gravity equation, with plan B being the artificial reproduction plan that was also mentioned in the movie