What will be the next movie to get an all-female remake Sup Forums?

what will be the next movie to get an all-female remake Sup Forums?

Cast it


fast + furious
with more crashing

Tay Tay and Asr.


biel as leonidas?


I just want the main cast to be composed of good looking women, and the costumes should remain exactly the same, because gender equality and shit.

Hopefully Saló.

leonidas and ephialtes?

fund it


Master and commander


shes a big girl


what film is this from desu?

Why everybody taking photos of the 2001 set lately?

The Thing.

unless you could the alien, original's a sausage fest.

I hope they do The Thing

KStew and Dakota Fanning

2001 A Space Odyssey

its actress Carlson Young on a 2001 recreation set

It would be blasphemy but I'd genuinely like to see a no-holds-barred fight club, with a fit as fuck Tyler Durdenesque woman and a schlubby everygirl.
The problem is that the male ideal is so far from the female ideal that the Fight Club wouldn't make any sense... But I don't think modern execs would understand or care. I just want to see a bunch of fit, dom women blowing stuff up and talking about how their mother's were inadequate guides and how the corporate world doesn't fulfill their hunter-gatherer instincts#
(in spite of the fact that women don't really have those instincts)

Okay this I'd watch.

Space odyssey

fuck don;t say that shit someone could actually do it

Reservoir Dogs hopefully


12 NAA-AA-AA-AA-AA-STY women

Arthur C. Clarke came to the light and became gay realizing women are dogs.

Someone remade it recently
