Why do I suddenly feel bad for poor Hillary...

Why do I suddenly feel bad for poor Hillary? I feel like she's a nice old grandma with health problems whose presidential dreams have been dashed. Remind me why I hate this woman Sup Forums.

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She is (((funded))) (((((by))))) (((((((((((((((((Soros)))))))))))))))))

The nice old grandma who accepted bribes from cannibal warlords of africa

>Why do I suddenly feel bad for poor Hillary?
Because you are a human with empathy.

>Remind me why I hate this woman Sup Forums.
Because she isn't.

Because she's a candidate built to order for Wall Street and face of establishment politics.

>nice old grandma

you mean a literal psychopath responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands and a corrupt old hag who owes every cent she has to Wall Street and the Saudis?

>I feel like she's a nice old grandma
There's a "nice old grandma" running the EU. Be weary of nice old grandmas with illusions of grandeur

not an exaggeration

this seems like a good time to dump my anti shillary folder

Not even Clinton thinks she's a "nice old Grandma"




>We came. We saw. He died.

Yeah, seems like a sweet old grandma...



RIP Gaddafi


Literally a witch

as I said

>I feel like she's a nice old grandma

a nice old grandma who murders nice old grandmas after she rips them off on bogus land deals?

hope she's dead I wish for that when I come

A nice old grandma

who arms terrorists and gets hundreds of thousands of people killed for her own hubris.

Because you're weak. Get on your knees and kiss the refugees boot at this point.


Because your a fucking faggot.



not talking about hillary . I'm talking about OUR nice old grandma




>Remind me why I hate this woman Sup Forums.
She's a lying libfag who wants to take our rights away and give them to illegals, but I kind of agree with you.

I don't want her to die, just to drop out or something. I don't like her, but I still wish her good health anyways.


She iss friends (in good terms and agreement of philosophy) with Merkel.

Gaddafi was a true hero of the people, for all the people.

Now Europe will have no choice but to warm up the gas chambers for all those niggers that Gaddafi was protecting them from.

What has jeb done though? I mean... is he like the screw up of the family ?

If he only took $46k why did he take anything at all?

>she's doing to fuck up the entire world but I don't wish her ill health

wtf dude

I do too. I feel guilty about wishing her dead. I prayed for her on my way home from work today

She corrected my record with God

>Women's self worth foundation

I guess they're worth about $2.5M less now.

Nice old grandmas don't kill people, user.


Shes terrible but empathetic , like Walter white

At best, she is an absolute cunt that got off a rapist via character assassination of a 12 year old rape victim, at worst, she is an elite puppet who uses and abuses monarch sex slave children along with murder and the like, ie cathy obrien

Either way, fuck the cunt, glad to see her withering

>lol let's depose the secular leaders who needs them
>ISIS takes over


probably friends he'd feel rude turning down

I wanted her to win because I think Donald Trump will be a world-wide calamity, but I don't feel bad for her. She's an old lady who had a giant plentiful career and she still wanted more.

I don't understand wtf were the democrats doing. They were supposed to be the party of youth and vitality and progress, and yet their choices was a lady in her late 60s and an old dude in his mid 70s. The supposed future of the country millennials only have to pick old farts.

Yea, you're dumb.

well the ROI on political donations is usually huge

Until Trump Goldman Sachs donated to both sides hedging their bets since they'd get billions regardless of who won.

Now Goldman Sachs employees are banned from donating to Trump.

DON'T feel bad for her

She's an international war criminal with ties to the most powerful people in the world

She's extremely evil and corrupt,and has no problem killing innocents

Fuck her and all her supporters!

They needed an electable wall street shill

and she was basically their only option

anyway thanks for being a neocon that more or less supports Clinton's foreign policy, you've been of absolutely no help.

>Now Goldman Sachs employees are banned from donating to Trump.
Yeah, instead they just work with him directly.


When have you EVER seen her act grandmotherly? She talks about it, but has she ever held a baby in her life? Who the fuck knows. Getting weak and falling down is literally the most human thing I've ever seen her do.

I know... I know. Sad isn't it? Now so many more lives must be taken to fix things. But I suppose that was the plan all along then, wasn't it?

Oh well.

China is the power

Russia is a distraction

If she needs to be the most powerful woman in the world to be happy than she's got much worse problems than pneumonia.
There's nothing stopping her from retiring from public life completely and then spend all her time relaxing. She's a power hungry witch.

you do know that Bannon is quoted as saying something like

"we need to burn this fucking place to the ground" about Goldman Sachs after the bailouts right?

The dude is redpilled as fuck

well every generation has to have some great conflict that costs thousands of lives

the conflict today is over stopping the neocon and neolib globalists. At least Gaddafi and the secular Libyans died trying to protect something. And their struggle could have woken some people up after his corpse was raped live on camera.

>Remind me why I hate this woman Sup Forums

Do people in street fights that place their enemies in hospitals think bout mothers tears while doing that?

China is a power that the neolibs and globalists created via outsourcing

we are effectively funding their military expansion by impoverishing our own countrymen.

This is a treasure trove.

Hillary Clinton also "said" anti-Wall Street things plenty of times.

If you care about what people are saying, you would care that Donald Trump wants to repeal dodd-frank-related bank regulation.

It's like saying that you will fight the jews by giving them all your gold and valuables.

George Soros is the most infuriating person of the 20th and 21st centuries combined. When he dies the media he practically owns is going to venerate him and blue pill the masses.

Fuck feeling bad.

Forget first woman President. First dead President is where it's at.

This bitch is gonna upstage FDR if she keeps it up. Major health problems and no wheelchair in sight. Now that's what I call hard.

Man, all I'm saying is that I wouldn't want my mother/grandmother to die, and don't wish this on anyone either. As much as I hate what this woman represents, she still has a family that loves her and I hope she recovers but drops out of the race. She clearly isn't fit to take the stress of being a president.

A fucking leaf.

Christ said pray for your enemies and forgive them for they know not what they do... Thanks for posting this you made me reflect.

>muh feels is so stronk
A fucking fruit cake. Where do you fall on the gender spectrum?

Fuck her. She ruined so many lives. Give her a long and painful death

She made excuses for the President (Bill) who was getting blowjobs from 24 year old interns in the White House oval office.

A lot more people than one grandma are going to die if she gets elected

CTR is getting really pathetic now.


he has feelers everywhere

I'm not even sure what you're babbling about

Shillary is as globalist as you can get she pushing TPP from the beginning, she pushed for deregulating wall street in the 90s, she was for NAFTA from the beginning

every neoliberal/globalist scheme since 1992 has had her support just like every neocon war has had her support.

Trump has pledged to reenact glass steagall

Clinton helped REPEAL Glass Steagall

The choice is clear who to pick


What the fuck are you talking about. This was a very baller day- one of the best ever. We get a happening on 9/11. Not only that but the biggest cunt in history just had to be dragged down the curb and thrown in a van after having some sort of weird spasms while at the fucking WTC ceremony! which was also being attended by the other candidate, who just happens to be the most based motherfucker we've ever had running. This was a 9/10 day and the only reason it's not 10/10 is because that's reserved for Nov. 8th

>I'm not even sure what you're babbling about
Yes you are. You just don't want to say it out loud.


> “Dodd-Frank has made it impossible for bankers to function,” the presumptive Republican nominee said. “It makes it very hard for bankers to loan money for people to create jobs, for people with businesses to create jobs. And that has to stop.”

> Pressed on the extent of the changes he wanted to make, Trump said, “it will be close to dismantling of Dodd-Frank.”

By the way, Bill Clinton just signed the repeal law that was pushed by a Republican congress. Even if he did veto it, it would've been overturned and democrats would've lost even more popularity, because it was after indictment.

They're all owned by jews, you just don't want to admit it.

She knows exactly what she has done, doing and will do. Maybe that verse or gospel or whatever you Christians call it, was directed towards autistic enemies or people.



It sucks for her how she can't just die in peace.

A person with her health should be laying in a hospital bed so they can die peacefully and painlessly while she is being dragged around and forced to obey her puppeteers demands.

She totally deserves it though.

everyone feels bad when there source of money dries up.


She called you deplorable. A racist, homophobe sexist, islamaphobe, cripplephobe, pedophobe, a nazi, practically hitler himself, a gun nutaphobe. Why would you vote for someone who has that much hate for you in her heart.

You do realize Dodd Frank is shit right? It's watered down nonsense passed as a bone thrown to the people after the

We need Glass Steagall back which stood strong against financial corruption for 70s years until it was dismantled by Bill Clinton and Robert Rubinsteinberg, not useless shit like Dodd-Frank.
