What do you think the opinion of this film will be in 10 years? 20?

What do you think the opinion of this film will be in 10 years? 20?



Just like we are doing now with the prequels

What do you think of the Prequels?

"oh..that exists"

>2027... It is... Forgotten..

It will probably be mentioned in some context like as follows:

"Episode X is basically just the plot of The Force Awakens except with a trans lead shoehorned in, F+"

It will be completely different to the prequels.
The prequels were almost immediately dated and atrocious in terms of it's execution, while this is just a safe reboot that nobody will care about in a couple of years, but it will age decently in terms of it's execution.

The whole trilogy will be forgotten about.

It will be like the Roger Moore era of Bond films.

>will not have seen it
>will like the new ones better
Sup Forums
>will claim the originals were the best

Most of Sup Forums seems to think the OT was shit and the PT was better even now.

>"first third of the greatest cinematic love story of all time."

Remembered fondly by kids who will be in their twenties. Parents generation won't care that much, or just will consider the older ones better.

We went through it twice already, m8.

TFA would make way more sense to me if Kylo was into Rey and just thinking with his dick the entire movie.

I agree user.

Same as Inception, lots of people said it was brilliant at the time, but it was just an empty vessel (TFA for a character/story resurrection, Inception for CGI).

Except the onslaught of non-stop movies with diminishing returns will dilute the appeal.

Yes, I'm an asshole

They'll be making dank nostalgic memes about it all of a sudden, just like what happened with the prequels.

what kind of stupid choreography is that? no one is trying to hit the other one or even defendig, just dancing around

t.refused to see the (((movie)))


I hope the sexual tension deepens in Ep. 8, if not there is no hope for nu-Star Wars

>Inception for CGI

God you are stupid

So you think a recycled trilogy will age "better" than the Prequels? Am I in reddit?

Probably be liked at like how people view the prequels now, except it wouldn't deserve as much praise and nostalgia like the Prequels since it is recycled garbage.

By that point the market is probably so over saturated by Star Wars movies that no one really cares about it anymore.

I imagine the Originals and the Prequels will always have some sort of cult following that may or may not overlap. But the rest will be regarded as just Disney Star Wars

It will all be completely forgotten, even the original trilogy and prequels.

Depends on episodes 8 and 9 really.

would be forgotten instantly if it wasnt star wars. But since its linked to legendary movies that will always be remembered it will be included in "whole saga marathons", just like the prequels are only remembered because of that.

Also it will be considered something worse than the prequels: while the prequels were bad and have a rewatch quality in being memeworthy, force awakens was just a boring nostalgiabait with no soul.

Oh man, I barely remember the movie, but I remember the hype and the disappointment afterwards. Same with Avatar.