Instances where the film is miles better than the book it's based on

Instances where the film is miles better than the book it's based on.

Starship Troopers

forrest gump

Terrible opinion. You should be ashamed.


You forgot
>OP pic unrelated
The book is so fucking fantastic, you 50 Shades of Gray, Harry Potter reading earthworm.


just what i wanted to say

He doesn't get dubs in the book though.

None for you either.

He didn't get dubs in the movie either.

That's nothing Bateman.


Reminder that Starship Troopers predicted 9/11.

>come for action cheese
>turns out it's a really good thriller

I was still doing drugs when this came out. went to see it with my dad. was on like 2-3 bottles of robogels. Completely forgot about it until you posted that. Need to give it another go, since I can barely remember anything at all.



Even idris elba's big black tower is better than the book because king is the worst writer of the last century


The Outsiders