Tell me a racist joke, Sup Forums

Tell me a racist joke, Sup Forums

I like my coffee like i like my women...
From McDonalds

Difference between a pizza and a nigger? A pizza feeds a family of four

Mexican and Black are sitting in a car. Who is behind the wheel?
Police officer

itt: assholes who didnt get enough love from mommy as a child

India will be a superpower by 2020

Old and stale, i remember telling these in the cafeteria to my nigger friends back in high school

What would you call Fred Flintstone if he was black??
A nigger


I like my coffee like I like my women. I don't like coffee.

normies get out

Why do niggers have such big eyes?
So they could see hunger better.


What do you call a Native American who suffered two cerebral hemorrhages on a Moped?
A two-stroke injun!

Whats the difference between a black person and a tire?
Tires don't sing when you put chains on them.

What did God say when he made the black woman?

>Fuck, burned another one

Why there are no jews on jupiter?

Because its a gas planet.

What's long and hard on a nigger?

First grade.

What do you get when you cross a Mexican with an octopus?
Beats me but it sure can pick lettuce!

Why there are so many Blacks in New York and so many earthquakes in Los Angeles.
Los Angeles chose first.

What do you get when you shove peanuts into a black man's ass?

Black lives matter

Why can't Stevie Wonder read?

..because he's black.

What do you call a fat Chinaman?
A chunk.

What do you call a short Puerto Rican?
A speck.