Horror comics

Horror comics.

What are some good ones to read?

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I got some old lists I can post and a download link for plenty greats.

Also I can't remember if Girls is on this image, but ignore that. That comic was shit but the rest is solid far as I've read or known.



This ought to set you for quite some time.

Most of the stories are stand alone things, though some follow movie continuity and some continue it like Freddy vs Jason vs Ash

Also personal recommend (since This the Season)
The Krampus comic on there.

Also there's some good horror from Marvel and DC

I know DC a lil better so look into Swamp Thing and Spectre (most recommended are Moore's Swamp thing run and Ostrander's Spectre)
Also look into the Animal Man/Swamp Thing stuff at the beginning of N52. That was also really good.

Marvel I don't know nearly as well, though I personally have enjoy most of their Marvel Zombies and I've heard good about their old age Tomb of Dracula stuff (also for a laugh look into the old anime movie based on Marvel Dracula)

The Darkhorse Alabaster series is gold.

If you're looking for some good gore that doesn't take itself to seriously try Ferals, sadly can't storytime that one anymore cause of sensitive mods but its fun

Just finished Kazuo Umezu Orochi, but I wouldnt recommend, it is kinda bland.

If ya want horror comics that are currently ongoing,
Tomboy is great
I am currently enjoying Clean Room from Vertigo
Cannibal from Image is like 3 issues in, and Monstress 8
They just started a new Tales from the Crypt ongoing (new stories not just reprinted old ones)
Of course Haunted Horror or Haunted Love or Grimm Tales of Terror are always around
Lord of Gore is about due for 2nd issue soon so jump in there too.

Lots of other stuff ongoing that are building up on my "to read" list but I'm sure are solid.

That list is fucking dog shit

Found through desuarchive a folder for (among other things) Witch Doctor


Personal favorite comic of all time.
Has two trades worth, with an open end that I swear there writer promised we'll get more eventually.
So until he dies or tells me personally the comic is dead, I will shill this beautiful comic in hopes of a cult following and the story continuing.

Personally only ever read the original Crossed story, which honestly I liked but was well aware it wasn't for everyone or most people in general.
Comic equivalent of an over the top exploitation story.

I'd find Crossed hard to recommend, but the same can be said for Tokyo Gore Police.

Also, while more artistic than horrific, Godzilla in Hell is fantastic.

Up there with Half Century War as best Godzilla comic.

Also fuck the haters of the 2nd or 3rd issue that was narration heavy. That shit is solid and the art amazing.

some Crossed is good, some Crossed is bad, some Crossed is the fuck are we reading tier.

Lotta fucking crossed comics so it'd probably have to warrent a reading guide all its own.

Im curious to know if Avatar's Extinction Parade and Absolution were and IDWs V Wars

As expected, plenty of great Aliens and Predator comics over the years from Dark Horse.

Ongoing they've got Aliens Defiance which is good.
And a Life & Death comic that keeps changing names but continues the story (if I remember right it goes Predator Life & Death, then Prometheus life & death, and Alien life & death is what they're up to now)

Defiance (among a shit ton of other stuff) here

Tomie just came out in hardcover.

Broken Moon is pretty good.
One trade plus an ongoing.

What's that thing supposed to be?

I wouldn't really classify Hellboy as horror, it's closer to pulp.

>implying Godzilla is a christian
He's buddhist or shintoist if anything.

>What's that thing supposed to be?
Clive Barker's Rawhead Rex
Apparently there's even a live movie about it, a pagan god on a rampage across the Irish country side.
I just downloaded the comic based on OPs picture. Looks sick.

Vertigo had some other recent good horror comics.
The Dark & Bloody was good
Survivor's Club I personally loved (though the way it ended felt like it got cancelled too soon and they had to make some changes)
American Vampire was amazing, though I kinda lost track of it halfway through so I can't recommend it as a whole since I've only read like 30+ issues of it.
There's a Lost Boys comic that's ongoing now (continues after 1st movie and I'd have to rewatch 2nd and 3rd to see if it fits movie continuity but fuck that)

And that off the top of.my head the horror stuff from Vertigo that's most recent.

Rawhead Rex
Based on a Clive Barker story. Had a movie, too. But the movie ain't as good cause budget made Rawhead look like a loser.

Highly recommend anything based on Clive Barker's work. Translates really well into visual mediums for some reason.

The horror movie links I posted earlier also have the 90s Hellraiser comic runs which I also super recommend.

Is that a penis?

It's based on Clive Barker stuff, so ... Maybe.

the movie and comic designs for Rawhead are very different and Barker dislikes the movie but its still a pretty damn good horror movie.

I second Clean Room, although the art after issue 12 is worse because the artist got grabbed for the Wildstorm reboot

>Highschool of the dead
And the entire list is null.

Suicide Forest. Clean Room.

It's super scary if you're afraid of big boobs and shitty writing. But all zombie stories become shitty if you drag them out.

What should I read if I don't want gore and anything supernatural (at best it can be subtly implied not outright shown or told about)?

I'm just hungry for some suspenseful stuff.

Sometimes you gotta stop with the spookiness and just have a good fap.

Manga not comic but heard nothing but good for Monster.

There is also Pride & Joy, but more feels than scares. Still pretty great thriller.
Also A History of Violence, but that ain't horror at all.

Gimme a minute I might think of some.
It's a lil hard since, being a visual medium that is limited only to how well a writer can describe and how well an artist can draw, comics are mostly crazy shit because they're the only one able to pull off crazy shit the easiest, and therefore more gore or crazy sci-fi/fantasy.

Resident Alien

This happened

Take out highschool of the dead and replace it with I am a hero and you're gold.

I got only one question that would make or break me reading this.

... Does a single xenomorph wear a copy of Vampirella's outfit? IF THE XENOMORPH QUEEN WEARS ONE I'LL GO BUY IT RIGHT NOW.

I didn't make it.

It's from the 4 years dead Sup Forums recommends tumblr.
I'd use a different image if I had access to a more up to date one
Or hell anyone willing to edit these images and update them.

Art is most important in horror.

What was the one comic where a woman relates the story of when she was impregnated by a fly, and near the end of the story, fly larvae explode out of her back. The story ends showing that there is nothing left of the back of her body. Does anyone know this? Felt utterly repelled by it.

never got around to reading the last issue but the gist of it is:
>ancient vampire civilization found of mars
>Vampirella gets invited to investivate with astronauts
>astronauts discover xenomorph eggs
>cat and mouse game as Vampirella fights xenomorphs in ancient underground vamp city on mars

Also all of the Thing comics by Darkhorse are good

I know what you're talking about.
I believe it was House of Mystery from DC.

Never read it myself, but if any of the rest is half as crazy as this image I'll give it a read.

It's amazing how solid 90s horror comics were doing so great while 90s horror movies was mostly a dead time compared to previous decades.

studios wanting to cut budgets and not do horror movies designed for the big screen.

Still lotta good gems came out on straight to VHS back then, things like Project Metalbeast come to mind

If you want indie horror comics, there's people like Josh Simmons (who isn't really good comicwise but makes horror that sticks in the mind like nobody else) and Al Columbia (less scary but better at making comics).

I remember the fly impregnation story.
It was only a short part of a longer very different story. Vertigo I think.

>dat feel when we'll never get a Splatterhouse ongoing

Also the 90's The Demon series is pretty good, granted it moves between horror, comedy, action/adventure, pretty regularly.
Most of its by Alan Grant with the last 12 or so issue by Ennis.

We get this

they weren't dead at all. Horror and comedy are the two biggest bang-for-your-buck genres you can do in movies. They are cheap as fuck to make and when you stumble upon a successful one you make bank. And horror fans will literally watch anything because they are pathetic marks, at least comedies have a purpose.

There's no such thing as a scary high-budget horror film.

AH HA HA HA! This movie was shit. Between the bad acting, and the monster pissing on a priest, it really had it all.

Christ what a mess.

Shadows on the Grave by Richard Corben. A new black & white horror anthology. I always felt like horror worked best in short stories like this. Creepy and Eerie were great examples of that. Corben is a master of horror. His work on Ragemoor was the best horror I've read in years.

the monster pissing on the priest came straight from the comic, the movie is actually more toned down than the comic

What is Session 9 of Sup Forums?
I take back every "00 horror movies are all awful" post made by me. It was fucking fantastic and reminded me why I love the genre in the first place. Post-10 horror movies still are awful without exception, though.



That's fucking hilarious, especially for how funny it was in the movie. The other priest's reaction was GOLDEN though.

when will the aliens comic by stokoe be released?

No (You) for you.

You cheeky cunt

In the comic, Rawhead just pisses on a guy to establish dominance, in the movie it looks like he's rocking out to thrash metal while losing bladder control.

Actually, Rawhead's designs and performance are pretty much exclusively what's wrong with the movie, because it's a decent adaptation otherwise.
He looks and acks like a metal fan as envisioned by Jack Chick.

kek , didn't mean that, but seriously, his reaction is the most real thing in the movie it says to me
>"what the fuck is Kevin doing WHAT TEH FUCK. Is that a horse man PEEING ON HIM? why the fuck does he like it what the fuck is going on?"
Just sheer confusion, slight repulsion, and a pinch of why did I go to work today?

Come on though man, the movie was hilarious. The wolfman getting his hand torn off and thewoman not realizing the rest of him was missing till she looked down.

The Dad and Mother comically leaving thier kid in the van with all the doors open while they let the daughter piss along in a field behind a hard to pass fence for adults.

"how about a cup of coffee" "how bout you go fuck yourself?"

That scene where Rawhead trashes a kitchen for five minutes like he's doing his best Kane impression

That whole movie was priceless.

>That scene where Rawhead trashes a kitchen for five minutes like he's doing his best Kane impression
aww shit I forgot about that bit, I know what im watching soon

Rawhead Rex is a Barker book which follows the incarnation of male predatory sexuality as he rapes, burns and pillages his way across the country side, killing everything.

It takes a magical virgin girl to stop him. No, really.

>zombie apocalypse XD

Pic one

No he was fine with virgins, he had issues with fertility (as it was a sign of LIFE and he was an entity of death)
And he was stopped by one of those fat titty fetility goddess statues.

Go in a time machine and bitch it to the creator 5 years ago, or make a new one and replace the one from the recommend tumblr.

What Halloween and TCM comics are actually good?
So far I only read the TCM remake comics and the one Halloween comic where Michael gave kids candy with razor blades in them (can't remember its name, it's been a very long time)

Sorry for mistaking your zombie apocalypse thread for a horror thread, buttmunch.

Coming Of Rage is worth a read.
If only cause it is the last thing with Wes Craven's name on it before he died.

The Thing.

The Fly (Cronenberg's) too.

Wow this is pretty meta when you know the book.

Looks like Templesmith.


Anything from Clive Barker (including The Great and Secret Show).

Anything from Junji Ito.

From 2012 and the links still work :

Every issue of the Epic Hellraiser comic (not including the Pinhead series and the Nightbreed crossover, unfortunately):

Rawhead Rex:

There was that one that was a collection of stories: one was about three newly orphaned girls in the 1800s stranded in their cabin in the winter with the only other person in the area a neighbor they were told never to visit. Another was about a girl trying to figure out what's going on with her older brother's fiancé. The final story, this may be a spoiler, is the shortest and most brilliant that is pretty much just Little Red Riding Hood, but what makes it stick out is when the wolf says something like "you have to be lucky every day, but the wolf only has to be lucky once." Not much of a spoiler for a simple story, but it is.

Does anyone know the comic I'm talking about? It was story timed here.

And while at it... Does anyone has working links for "Son of celluloid" and other non-Hellraiser Clive Barker comics?

what the fuck

Pigeons From Hell

go with the original adaptation from Eclipse rather than the newer version from Dark Horse

>junji ito
All his stuff is good for is reaction pics. To him ugly = horror, and the unexplained (which is actually explained by shitty writing) = mystery.


>I wouldn't really classify Hellboy as horror, it's closer to pulp.
Pulp uses a lot of horror elements and is really the basis for modern horror.

Colder by Paul Tobin.

>being this deep in denial
Try telling a synopsis for one of his stories out loud and you'll hear how dumb it sounds. Not to mention that he absolutely can't into endings.

>dependent on plot

Horror hinges far more on atmosphere, in Ito's case through ugliness, the plots don't matter that much

>implying you can get invested into a story if you're 100% sure it's going to turn out to be really stupid before ending abruptly
>implying everyone can get scared by gross things without any proper context
A good story with a mystery and characters you want to survive is what makes a horror, Ito can't into either.

>muh characters
Only idiots care about "characters you want to survive".
That's how we get cancerous shit like zombies and slasher flicks in the first place.

I think you are talking about "Through the Woods" by Emily Carroll

She has comics up on her website

Link to House of Mystery annuals?

Man, Freaks of the Heartland was such a disappointment. It felt like it was going somewhere but the time it almost gets there the comic ends.

Is Monster really horror though? It seems more like a thriller/drama to me.


If you're recommending it as a comedy I guess.

Goddamn Tomb of Dracula is a stellar comic. So much of the Big 2 Bronze Age horror is hit or miss but that comic really nailed horror atmosphere and blended it perfectly with Bronze Age serialization and characterization.

Don't worry she gets better. She is telling her story in a bar to listeners and her back is hollow.

Realm of the dammed, Defoe, Devilman, Cat Eyed Boy, Dororo, Dororon Enma-Kun, GeGeGe No Kitaro and Go Nagai's one off horror comics are top tier stuff that rarely get discussed

Yeah but what would you call the suspense of a horror without the gore or crazy sci-fi/fantasy visuals?

It'd be either a very censored serial killer story or an intense thriller.


I found them all fairly readable, except maybe the Avatar Press TCM comics and that Raising Cain mini from WildStorm.

does anyone have the most recent puppet master issues? Havent read any since the story time early october

I really should start adding to that more frequently, but most of my free time I spend here, doing absolutely nothing worthwhile.

I did recently replace a bunch of shit with better quality (or simply ad-free) versions, though.

aww yeah buddy, you know it

>The Goon did not make the Sup Forums zombie list
>The Goon is consistently about zombies/undead shit for almost the whole comic

>High School of the Breast made the Sup Forums zombie list
>High School of the Breast is 15% zomb, 85% rom-and-com

Hope you saved some of the ads.
Old ads age like a bad tasting grape into a fine wine.

Are you trying to recommend shit?