I really want a character who is like an anti-Batman

I really want a character who is like an anti-Batman.

They're extremely rich and have a lot of toys at their disposal, but they are also complete assholes and regularly, openly commit crime. The local criminals and police are afraid of them and they have way too much money and firepower to openly come after. They have a callous disregard for human life and mostly use their vast wealth to have fun at everyone else's expense. They also had a happy childhood and their parents are still alive, possibly the original source of their wealth which has only grown. They're also kind of dim-witted and have no moral compass.

Is there a character like this?

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Lex Luthor.


I got you senpai

I like the part where he impregnated a woman using her gay uncle's semen and rigged a bomb to her womb to prevent her getting an abortion. It really showed me how clever and cool he is.

Wouldn't it just go off when the baby is born?

>her gay uncle's
Her gay brother.

Wrath is a Batman enemy whose criminal parents were killed by cops and he built a multi million dollar company and uses Batman like tech to kill cops


Killer Moth

That's evil batman. Not anti-batman
An anti batman is a lighhearted poorfag who is all super powers.

Fantomas is your man, but good luck finding translations of anything past the first novel

So Superman then?

More like Spider-Man


Spider-man uses inventions in addition to his powers.


That Yellow Bastard from Sin City.


Black Mask and Penguin? Kind of?

Bendis has pretty much written her as a villain in cw2

Yeah but unlike Batman he doesn't outsource his invention to the only minority in the entire city.

take a stroll over here, you'll find what you are seeking moral compass or no, you'll love these guys MW industries mw-industries.deviantart.com/ link to their website is on there

Here you go

Hey now you're forgetting Luke Fox, and Duke Thomas, and any other minority thrown in for the sake of throwing a minority in

This. Lex is what happens when evil Batman creates powersuits over becoming a ninja.

The Hellfire Club when it was controlled by children..