Italy Voting on Jewish Control of state

Where were you, when Italians fucking bit the hand of the EU, that told them to stop being a democracy, and threw the entire EU into the furnace where it belongs.

Other urls found in this thread:,_2016

Rise! my spaghetti

You're almost al dente


It's actually going to happen, isn't it? We're going to see the death of the EU within our lifetimes.

The EU is ferrying thousands of African Muslims into Italy each day & if Italy deports any of them they get fined

The EU is trying to genocide you, why the fuck would you support them

What am i looking at?

Shall i vote yes or no? Media don't talk about that
>inb4 getting info from media that's why i'm asking you

I knew it from the start that americans wouldn't let a real uncucked EU form so they put commies and jews in charge to make it seem that the EU was forming when in reality it was a 2 decade scam to open the markets of european counties to usa companies, then destroyng the EU and buy it all at cheap prices.

Cool ID

You shouldn't really trust random people on the internet... you should vote no though, it really is a terrible reform

You should vote no, because that's what is currently making everyone shit themselves. They want Italy to be more centralized right now only because it's a way for the EU to control your finances better. They don't give an actual shit about the rest of the government, or the ability of people to be represented. Plus if the referendum fails, your government collapses, and hopefully that's the last big middle finger to Merkel and Deutsche Bank, who need this to go through in order to resaddle Italy with the bad assets it knowingly took from you.

If yes you get Greek teir austerity within two years, if no, possibly collapse of EU financial system and fun times ahead.

What is this graph about?

The constitutional referendum

Alright, thanks john, gonna trust you, they will have my no

A poll showing that Italian public opinion is rejecting a referendum of their prime minister to basically disband parliament forever and replace it with a Russian style Dom sovetov, meaning a new parliament where the premier selects the deputies rather than the people vote for them. This would make Italy less democratic than Russia, which at least still has the Duma, but more centeralized and cohesive in theory. In reality, it's just a way for pro austerity measures and pro euro financial control legislation to pass the parliament without a vote.

That's right the solution to get the Italians to cooperate with the EU is literally a referendum on abolishing democracy. Many Italians are beginning to realize this, which is going to fuck the governments shit up come October.

Think of it as new brexit and last chance to show Italy is not cucked to death by EU

Right, the rederendum, I had forgotten one was in program, but what was it all about again?

I will vote yes just to see D'alema and co being BTFO. They are the reason why we have such a shitty governments in these recent years. Also I want to see Grillo crying more. You know there is something wrong when you see Grillo, Berlusconi and D'Alema all in the spot.

>to basically disband parliament forever and replace it with a Russian style Dom sovetov, meaning a new parliament where the premier selects the deputies rather than the people vote for them
Not really, it's about the senate
Right now we have parliament and senate and they have the same power so to pass a law you need a majority vote in both with the same exact text, what Renzi wants to do is remove power from the senate so that you would only need to pass a law one time, which is bullshit for multiple reasons

To disband the senate I have to vote yes right?

Have we started the sauce?

ah, ok.

>if the referendum fails, your government collapses

Lolno, our buffoon premier already backpedalled on that

At first he said that if No wins he would have resigned, now he "changed his mind" and won't talk about resignations anymore because referendum results are not to be personalized.

I'm gonna vote no desu. The reform is shit and won't solve anything.
It's not really about cost cutting, rather centralization of power

The right thing to vote is no. Kek has spoken.
Also see

>i'm gonna destroy my country just to make people i don't like cry
Seems to me the reason we have a shitty government is because of people like you not because of morons like Grillo

No, the senate stays wether you vote yes or no, if you vote yes it completely changed the way the senate operates without actually making anything better
Oh yes but you save like 80 cents in taxes

jesus christ.
our country is really over.

Why do you think there are so many people saying yes in the polls despite the fact that literally every party other than half of PD is saying to vote no, it's because Renzi is trying as hard as he can to avoid talking about the content of the reform because if people knew there would be no one voting yes

Raga I live in Switzerland but got the italian citizenship. Is it normal that I didnt receive any letter for voting?

Good. Gibs back Trst.

In sostanza, il ddl Boschi segna la fine del bicameralismo perfetto. Infatti, dopo la riforma la Camera dei Deputati avrà molti più poteri rispetto al Senato, che sarà composto da 95 membri eletti dai Consigli Regionali. Nel dettaglio, la riforma costituzionale introdotta dal ddl Boschi prevede:

riduzione del numero di senatori;
solo la Camera dei Deputati potrà concedere, o togliere, la fiducia al Governo;
il Senato avrà competenza legislativa piena solamente sulle leggi di sua diretta competenza e su quelle Costituzionali;
non ci saranno più i senatori a vita;
il Presidente della Camera diventerà la seconda carica dello Stato;
nuova riforma del Titolo V della Costituzione. Tornano allo Stato, infatti, alcune competenze come energia, infrastrutture e protezione civile.

WHO /salvini/HERE?

They haven't decided when the vote is gonna be so i guess yes, i don't know when you usually receive them but we're more than 1 month away

He's a fucking idiot.
Too bad he's our best choice.

Shit. Now i want to vote yes.
Wat2do guys?

That's what's been so surprising for me and why I'm so opposed to it. If you have a pile of shit on display and the people vote for it that's one thing. If people get to the polls and vote for you to basically have dictatorial power because they mistake it for a sign of approval of your policies, that's quite another.

The only reason why people said yes before is because everyone was literally quite about its contents including Renzi. Which leads me to believe he's being a snakey fucker for his own benefit behind the scenes. Probably with some juicy euro deal.

You are even more stupid for asking Sup Forums

Don't fall for EU memes. If you do centralization, do it from a position where you can establish national strength. Not get immediately fucked in the ass by finance reform laws and accepting 3million Syrians because Renzi told you too.

>he actually believes that this is a good idea
lol. Mi puoi spiegare il perchè?

>they mistake it for a sign of approval of your policies, that's quite another
It's not even that, everyone by now knows he's a complete fucking retard that doesn't know what he's doing, everyday there are more analysys on how he fucked the economy and the job market so most people can't stand him, it's just disinformation, he spent all the time saying that with this reform we'll save money (without specifying how much, it's like less than 1$ per person) and that if we vote no WW3 and a nuclear holocaust will happen, which is what they were saying of brexit

I will vote yes. Perfect bicameralism is a mess, to slim down burocracy is our first priority.

pretty much this. Our media is very powerful and it's almost completely or Renzi's side. He also kept changing many directors of tv channels to be more in line with his views

grazie :)

What's "affluenza stimata", why did it start in feburary, why is it so high, and why is it made of dots instead of a solid line?

>to slim down burocracy is our first priority
Then we are you voting for a reform that will create a mess that only the constitutional court will be able to solve after paralyzing the country for months?

what am i looking at?

Expected voters, they probably weren't counting it in the early polls or something

>to slim down burocracy is our first priority.
You are not slimming down bureocracy, at least not the bureocracy that actually matters. You are just demolishing a system of checks and balances.
If you want to slim down bureocracy start by abolishing some ministries, it would even help reducing our spending

Good old pastafags I know how fucked your spaghetti land is by niggerslime god speed

Because having every law been approved 2 times has been mining the stability of every government elected.
Look at how they got rid of Prodi.

This is what the socalled anti immigration party in power right now are doing or it has been going on.... Selling us to Brüssels and TISA
>We be anti immigrants no more rapefugees
>Sells the country and removes to border so we will be flooded by shitskins from europe

>I freaking warned you all
Sylvi Listhaug who almost got us out of the asylum shit in januarish... she got the hurt feels not here....
Wanting to quit, she said cuz trolls.... I did not see this, I didn't pay attentione.

This was it... while she works her ass off... The traitor sells us off

Don't trust any of these shits they must all go, puppets

Nella mia ignoranza mi pare di capire che lo stato assume una forma piú autoritaria, se in futuro dovesse subentrare un pm di estrema destra, sarebbe per lui piú facile stabilire una situazione dittatoriale.
Ma mi rendo conto di parlare senza sapere

Right now you can pass a law in less than 2 weeks if it's a good law that everyone agrees on, with the reform 1/5 of the senators is enough to stall it in the senate for 1 month so that's already a pile of shit
Not to mention the fact that this system prevents terrible laws nobody but the ruling party wants from passing so your entire argument is shit, the reason governments fail is because they try to do things the people don't want

>Look at how they got rid of Prodi.

Which time?

Trick question: it's always Bertinotti. God, I fucking hate him so much.

>vote yes so i can annoy contrarians xd
>i'm a double special contrarian guys
>nobody's on my level!

you sir are going to get hanged first

Every time someone make a proposal someone like you come up and say "wait there are other things more important!"

We have to start from somewhere, this reform isn't bad. You just want to see Renzi fall.

No, non funziona così. In pratica si tratta di decidere in che modo le leggi vengono approvate. Con la riforma una piccola minoranza potrebbe bloccare una riforma magari anche buona per mesi

>tfw i'll never see italy fragmented in a glorious federation of city states competing with each others for beauty and genius

si conclude così la mia vita, shitpostando

>this reform isn't bad
this reform only diminishes the buffers for absolte power. It has almost zero influence on how much bureocracy we have or it's costs.
>You just want to see Renzi fall.
>votes for Renzi
lel. The referendum failing would also send a strong message to Renzi: change or fuck off.
Remember how he got a hard on when the referendum on the trivelle failed?

>Right now you can pass a law in less than 2 weeks if it's a good law that everyone agrees on
This never ever happen.

>with the reform 1/5 of the senators is enough to stall it in the senate for 1 month so that's already a pile of shit
Source on that assumption? Did i miss something?

>Not to mention the fact that this system prevents terrible laws nobody but the ruling party wants from passing
This system make so that every government undo the progress made by its predecessor. Nobody wins and nobody loses.

>the reason governments fail is because they try to do things the people don't want
Lol yeah just like that time Prodi was betrayed by his men for a bribe. You know nothing kid.

Capito, ti ringrazio

No problem. La cosa triste è che i media non informino su queste cose

>It has almost zero influence on how much bureocracy we have or it's costs.

As always italians only look in their pockets. It won't make burocracy cheaper for you personally but it surely will do for the government apparatus.

>This never ever happen.
It's their problem for making shitty undefendable laws
>Source on that assumption? Did i miss something?
Yes, you forgot to read the new constitution before shilling it online, you fucking retard, you also ended your post with "you know nothing kid" which is really ironic
>This system make so that every government undo the progress made by its predecessor. Nobody wins and nobody loses.
And how would taking powers away from the senate change that exactly? Not that there's something wrong with deleting the mistakes of your predecessors
>Lol yeah just like that time Prodi was betrayed by his men for a bribe.
And this has nothing to do with what we were talking about

The garlic simmers


Quando si vota?

I'm more than willing to pay to keep a system of checks and balances u and running. As I said, that's not what needs to be cut from our government apparatus. Let's start by cutting vitalizi, useless ministers, extra services, etc. Those do not benefit the average Italian in any way and are just as expensive, if not more

TBD But currently looking at some time in November.

You still have to give me sauce on that assumption about 1/5 of the senate, kid. Do some copy paste work so i can see if i missed something reading.

Good government are punished just like bad governments. You are a naive ideologist if you think the current laws defend a government fairly elected by the citizens.

Isn't italy's senate or whatever broken as shit? Like there are thousands of senators who all represent a tiny amount of people because you're guaranteed a shitload of money for doing nothing but getting elected?

>Like there are thousands of senators

There are 315, and it works pretty much like any other senate in the world. A senator gets paid for being a senator.

My bad it's 1/3, it's hard to remember the new article 70, there's so much bullshit in it

Renzi is a typical commie, even without getting into details (unsubscribed from The Economist as it became defacto Globalist), i'd do and vote exactly the opposite to every policy or position he has without looking into it.

Please not on 21 that's my birthday.

Maybe its not senators then. My aunt who lives in italy was telling me about it, how either the senate or something else was super bloated because its way too easy to get elected solely for those senateshekels

Dumb moron, I should kill myself for having such bad politicians.

Renzie isn't a commie, the Jobs act is enough for claiming he isn't a commie.

That sounds like a generic complain about every politician in general.

>They haven't decided when the vote is gonna be
Then it's never going to happen. (((They))) won't allow another Brexit.

Don't worry for Italy, every once in a while we have a big transformation and we became extremist, then after some years we change our mind and we would go with socialism. See also Sir Garibaldi and Sir Mussolini

They need the referendum to pass the new constitution so it would be in renzi's interest to hold it, beside he's legally obligated to do it, he's just delaying it as much as he can because the polls are against him and he hopes to put some sweeteners in the balance this autumn like higher pensions and stuff like that
Too bad the new one is based on a growth projection that didn't happen so he's already out of money and can't do shit

good job italians

democracys only benefit tribalised people.


sause breh

Gtfo with his cuck, he is literay shilling for Nordicism and backstabs Mediterranean culture


No its not friend, but you guys have a choice to set it on the right track! It may hurt for a bit but I believe in you

In my defense, that graph had no title explainig shit.
And except for the earthquake and those fucking idiots in Rome, our shitty media are not discussing this referendum very much.

yeah goy don't listen to these anti-semites, only the truth gets published in the news.

Does anyone else get a kick out of the fact that Sweden's capital is STOCKHOLM?

Inb4 "No" wins, the government falls, and we get another fucking EU puppet a la Mario Monti, possibly even worse than the chucklefuck.

He never worked a single day in his life.

Salvini should hang from a tree for spitting on his ancestors graves

Vote no, majority of the right wingers are on the no side,_2016

He's trying to men the Lega's hate towards the south, with pretty lackluster results I might add. At least he managed to piss off some of the party's most hardcore members.

Quindi abbiamo un sensibile miglioramento dal sistema attuale?

>it's an american conspiracy

To MEND. I probably should go to bed.

This is what I am actually afraid of. I still can't puzzle my mind on the fact that there are not going to be new elections for new government anytime soon.

it's not only senate: even our local governors get shitload of money, basically a legalized robbery of italian taxpayers.
Some of these people get paid more than Obama.