Are there any other actors who are so consistently the worst part of anything they're involved in?

Are there any other actors who are so consistently the worst part of anything they're involved in?

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Scarlett Johansen
Mark Ruffalo

Sam Worthington
Jai Courtney (tho he was better than Leto in Suicide Squad)

Who are you?

I saw that nexus short on youtube, does he talk like a full autismo in the movie as well?

Miles Teller

Miles Teller is a good choice.

For a second I thought you meant Jude Law and got upset, but then I realized who you were talking about.

I'm me, and you?

>Sam Worthington
Was good in Hacksaw ridge, better than Garfield the cat

we're not so different, you and I


what was this line from? Bojack Horseman? I know I've heard it somewhere recently


Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me?

um sweaty


>Jai Courtney (tho he was better than Leto in Suicide Squad)

He was better than most of the people in suicide squad desu.

He was fine in alexander.

The only thing he's bad in is Suicide Squad and thats because the writers were hell bent on getting him to be a Heath Ledger impersonator.

After watching that shit stain "first kill" Bruce willis is dead to me

he was better than nicolas cage in "lord of war"

He's not even a bad actor though, just mediocre and keeps getting involved with really good productions

>that scene where dead joker is jealous of shitty alive joker

The annoying thing isn't that he's bad, but that he thinks he's good and tries so hard and does all that method acting crap.

>not a bad actor

He and Brian Cranston went to the same school of acting, all it taught was yelling=emoting

This. It was painfully obvious in Gangs of New York when he had to share screen time with DDL and was embarrassingly out acted.

Yeah, final moments of the S4 finale
>Honeydew is the worst part in everything it's in. It's like the Jared Leto of fruit


His performance reminds me of Robert De Niro in Angel Heart.

Is he a robot? Because his voice sounds fucking good, like steven hawkins voice.

Dude leto a poo poo. Grow up you fat cunts.

It's a meme on Sup Forums, all the anglos say "erm no sweaty xx"

for me it was The Revenant

Tom Hardy was running circles around him

>Denis wanted David Bowie PBUH
>we got Leto instead

truly the worst timeline

He was better than Harrison Ford

Hacksaw Ridge had some of the most consistently good acting I've seen in a few years. The whole cast performed well.

daniel day lewis

The short was great. Havent seen the full movie yet since i'm an alcoholic friendless autist.

just go by yourself

how does hardy out perform leo when the entire script is just grunts and "muh pelts". Truly a mystery

Yeah, nothing to fix the ol' confidence than to sit alone while a bunch of couples and gangs of cheerful friends take their seat as i sit there alone autistically raging about the prices of cinema popcorn.