It was a different

>Gandalf becomes, Gandalf the 'WHITE'
>becomes more powerful wizard than before.

How did George Tolkien get away with this?

becasue white means clean?
a fresh sheet of paper and a less cloudy mind makes for a more powerful wizard

>Radagast the BROWN is a useless shitter

>saruman takes on the title "of many colors" and tries to take over middle-earth with peaceful uruk-hai refugees
>is defeated by the men of the west

It was a different time...
when Tolkien wrote it it was okay
when Jackson film it it was okay to cast Gandalf as a white person

Really not sure what is going to happen if they reboot it now

>Sauron and his army was black in color....

Notice how much positive emphasis they added on him in The Hobbits?

i think lotr may be impossible to reboot and this pisses off current marxists producers to tears

>game of thrones
>most malicious house in the realm is the whitest one

And a foreign invader is shown in positive light.

So did Legolas go on one of the boats at the end too? Nobody came and said good bye to him.

Gandalf might not have escaped Orthanc if it weren’t for Radagast.

No he didn’t. He and Gimli sailed away years later though.

how do you define "the whitest"?

How the fuck is she a foreign invader if she was born in Westeros? You fucking showfag normie

Sailed to where? Gimli dies of old age in Moria.

pale skin?

>brown gathers his magical homies to bust gandalf out

Its like kids who grow up abroad and come back to their homes and try to make something of themselves, such as Youtuber Sargon of Akkad.

white, blonde, smart, strong and beautiful

You can't remake perfection.
LotR eternally btfod marxists before they even sprouted

>main bad guy = sauron
>secret secondary bad guy = sauron-man
bravo, hackson

No he didn’t. Gimli was the first and only dwarf to be allowed to go to the undying lands.

Stay in your own country you mudskin fucks.

I'm pretty sure magic scrolls are full of esoteric information instead of being blank, buddy.

>orcs are described as having slant-eyes

plenty of houses are relatively pale

It's not like shes had much of a option since everyone tried to kill her and her family.

Lmao, i fucking hate dany, but this is just being moronic.

>Frodo! We must save the white race from the shitskin nigger orcs!

It was truly a different time indeed OP

>George Tolkien

Wanna know how I know you're a shitskin?

They could do a remake of the hobbit except with a bunch of black guys opposing on a nice white to force him to become a burglar

worst tax policy

nah Sauron was qt jew who manipulated niggerz