New major STD character is a turbo autist

>New major STD character is a turbo autist.
STD is the accidental comedy I never knew I wanted. Haven't laughed that hard at a Sup Forums show in a while.

what's the deal with her penis?

Hopefully we'll find out in the next episode.

Its black

She isn't an autist. I feel like Sup Forums is providing some of you with a flawed impression of what autism is, or shit portrayals on TV is. She might have ADD.

ADD isn't an STD though.

>we see engineering

>literally one male working

She looks like she has a big bosom.

Please don't try to take this moment away from the autistic community.

I actually like her. She is cute

TNG had Barclay 25 years ago

Yep. First autistic character, first black character, first female character, this show is breaking all kinds of new ground for the franchise

Don't forget first non-obvious gay character

I don't even know ST that well and even I know about the holosuit dude from TNG.

I *am* the autistic community and I'll reeeee a motherfucker if I find out she's supposed to be autistic. Would be worse even than that Netflix dross on at the moment.
Only decent portrayal of autists I've seen in recent years is The Accountant. If Ben fucking Affleck can get it right, these nerds can.

TNG had Data, who's probably the most realistic portrayal of a high-functioning autist you'll ever see on film.

This is already settled

Does that count? He was an android.

But I suppose you have the theme of guy who doesnt understand humanity learning to be human.

Um what about Garrack?

Yeah, all Star Trek does.

The big problem isn't the Sup Forumsacks pretending to be Trekkies that tumblr was on alert for, the big problem is CBS trying to appeal to non-Trekkies by pretending to have just invented elements the show had from jump.

Everything before STD is now irrelevant. This is Star Trek for the modern age

im not sure what autistic means.
7 of 9
that loser genius hiding in "the good sheperd" on voyager.



introducing characters many episodes after the premiere? i cant care

I figured that by the 23rd century, they would have cured autism. Especially since they wouldn’t use the vaccines we do today

By the 23rd century everybody will have autism

I figured that by the 23rd century they would have cured homosexuality

No, no no Autism isn't something you 'cure'. It's something you accept. What a bigot.

Nah the Star Trek verse is against breeding better humans through genetic shenanigans, I'm guessing this would fall into it so they just let "nature take it's course" as it were.

This is patently retarded of them.

Did Odo ever have a hard time comprehending social niceties or did he just not give a shit about them?

Everyone in Starfleet is autistic

as soon as we are able to cure it by gene modification of embryos, autistic people will disappear. nobody wants an autistic kid.

Yes, I hate that too. Trek has always been progressive. STD really invented nothing new.

Sorry, I just hate retards

I know, I was just trolling.
>tfw the future hitler wanted will come true
>no one actually wants faggot kids
>or trannie freak kids
>or sperg kids
>or ugly kids
>even blacks know blonde hair blue eyes are the best
The future will look very bright.

He was extremely insecure and tried to pretend to not care.

Read what I wrote carefully.

all of this is true but it will be the chinese doing it

>no sexy pics of Cadet THICC

Id say such fashion would fade over time. Replaced with new "styles". Blonde hair and blue eyes is some ideal, but ideals fade quickly when they are easy to achieve.

Assuming you can craft and edit babies at will, you wont even need sex to reproduce anymore. Meaning anyone can fuck whoever they want.

It really is.

There was a whole big war of normie trash vs. super humans which is what lead to it all.

I know. It sucks.

Probably because there are none

Khan did nothing wrong

Can you imagine how beautiful her bush is

>awkward character
>"omg such an autist XDD"
I hate modern day internet.

don't think I can call any part of this chick beautiful

Fire down below!

can you describe?

>skin cancer on forehead

Snail trail up to her chest hair

can't wait for them to keep on introducing diversity every week
first austim girl
then next week transgender (special guest appearance 'jazz')
following week a guy that identifies as a gay klingon
then a rain man type andorian

Is he autistic? I don't remember anyone writing a puff piece about him.

star trek is meant to be as progressive as possible so i hope all of those things do happen it will be really inspiring to see

Hey guys, remember that ds9 male officer who was only mentioned to be pregnant again with his 9th child? That was progressive for its time

Is she STD's answer to Barkley?

fat ginger girls are my Achilles heel.

My nigga

Yeah, it's pretty tiresome.

They are using like gold, silver, black and so there are no red-shirts. I thought they were making her as goofy as possible because they intended to kill her off, hence her bright red hair. Red hair /red shirt, implying death is what I thought they were doing. But no, she's still alive, not funny, and very annoying...

One episode after the premier? Oh no!

If this is an optimistic vision for the future why hasn't psych medicine advanced? That was always my problem with Barclay too. You'd think they'd be able to treat mental illness at this point. They can't treat simple anxiety for Barclay? Or fix her shit?

Don't be so neurotypical, guy. She's healthy the way she is, she's just different.

Yeah it's funny that an article would praise the inclusion of a mentally ill character. If it's set in the far future, the existence of the character would be a bad thing. It would mean the disorder never gets a cure/treatment


You mean like baldness?


Shit tit dick

pure thicc


it's called aspergers you fucking worm

Baldness is not a illness in the future. Watch the documentary Chaos on the Bridge. They adress this topic.

What are they gonna say in 5 years when "on the spectrum" becomes a banned phrase because of how insensitive it is.

Michael Burnham does not end up on the Discovery until episode 3, so it's crew is not introduced until then.
You would know this if you had watched the show. If you haven't watched the show, and can't care you should leave this thread and shut your fucking 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286 hole.

>Haven't laughed that hard at a Sup Forums show in a while.

Kind of like how only rednecks howl with laughter at "you might be a redneck if" jokes.

"neuroatypical" or "neurodiverse". it's the word used to describe autistic people by those who no longer want to consider it a disease. "normal" people are called "neurotypical". it's equivalent to trans/cis

Here you go. I'll go through the episode and get you a better one. I wanted one with her hair down, but there are some earlier in the episode with her looking cuter.

just puked a bit

She's actually a spy sent on Micheal to observe her by Section 31. Her behaviour is a game to lower Micheal's defenses down.
Notice she was completely professional and calm during away mission.

They're going to redshirt her in ep. 4 calling it now

>then next week transgender
Micheal is transgender.
>you will never be a young starfleet cadet ordered to lick her feet and anus before she ravages your boipussy with her thick cock

>>There are people who don't want to consider it a disorder


>You will never emotionally balance her with copious testosterone injections to the vagoo while flying around in space


Webbum of scene here.

>turbo autist


They should write nerdy woman like the roasties they are.

I've more or less seen this woman character happen before. She's tolerable while she has big tits and isn't too fat. Then a couple seasons later she's a vile pig and all the charm is suddenly lost.

>that fat oozing out from her high heels

I was answering a request from another user. I prefer Michael.

He courted Ziyal. Nothing gay about him.

He was an obsessed engineer who ended up at the highest science post in the federation, which suited him more than fucking up gerodi/obrien/Klingon terrorist engine room.

>Notice she was completely professional and calm during away mission.
She also would not reveal classified info during a black alert about what the hell a black alert was.
Webbum of the away mission.

>that whole whatever it was
yikes, no wonder STDs divide audiences more then ENT ever did

under any other title it wouldn't get a hostile reception...or much of an audience.

There are red shirts. One got sucked out in space in the first episode when the hull breached.

Ziyal was his beard.

She's not autistic you schlomos, just easily excitable and overly talkative. Also way too fucking positive, but that's more of a personal issue for me.

She's not ADD, just terribly written.

>Forgetting based black Billy shoving crayons up butts

I can see their point that it isn't a disease, I mean nobody can treat it it's just something that is them. Expecting them to exist their lives with the medical community and society at large considering them 'ill' doesn't do anyone much good.