Did Voyager break canon by introducing a black Vulcan?

Gene Roddenberry was already dead by the time of Voyager so I'm wondering if he would've approved.

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Vulcan has always been a hot planet.
Vulcans have always been black.
Gene Roddenberry white washed the roles and it was about time Vulcans got their proper representation onscreen.

>all other races look the same except humans

Why wouldn't there be black Vulcans? Isn't their planet, or at least large parts of it, a desert?

>slap some elf ears on a nigger and call it a vulcan

Where's his forehead ridges? That's not even racism. It's just lazy fucking makeup.


tuvok was so stifling, even spock lightened up sometimes

Canon? No. Suspension of disbelieve for showing a nigga being calm and logical? Maybe but I doubt there's anything canon saying Vulcan's can't be dark skinned. Tuvok was the best character on STV though.

Wouldn't it be more surprising if Vulcans did NOT have people of all skin colors like humans do?

my nigga tuvok deserved a better show with less painful writing

Spock was half human.

Seeing as the same actor played a different black Vulcan on one episode of TNG I would say no.

Except he wasn't a Vulcan in that TNG episode.

he played a klingon in one episode of TNG

It's mostly a hot, dry, arid planet. It's got a few large seas, but most of what you see of it is those creepy temples from Search for spock/ voyage home, and T'pol's mom's house, which seemed nice enough.

He was just acting his age the guy's like 70 or something.

And he was a officer on the bridge of the generations movie

I thought tuvok was half human like spock which could explain why hes black

All you need to be a vulcan is a haircut your mom gave you, the ears, and the eyebrows.

he was human


you might be confused because Picard used a vulcan nerve pinch on him

>Picard used a vulcan nerve pinch on him
That he learned from his mind meld/emotional connection with Sarek in that one episode.

he also melded with Spock in unification II

dark skin isn't an adaptation to heat

correct.. LIGHT skin is an adaptation to maximise vitamin D synthesis in low light seasons far from the equator

>spock, did I ever meld you about the time I took your fathers emotions and then writhed in his bed moaning how much I loved you?
>he was a good friend

No, but they broke canon by introducing the Borg in way before the Enterprise met them in a flashback episode about Seven

Unless I'm missing something. Dark Frontiers had a young Seven getting assimilated, while when Picard met the Borg it seemed like the first contact they'd had with humans

His wife too?

>Humans saw Spock
>More humans breed with Vulcans
>More Vulcans are half human



They had some subtle build up to the borg reveal if I recall. Some throw away lines about distant colonies mysteriously going silent.
They had encountered humans before because of stupid First Contact, which put borg in the past to show up on enterprise to send the signal that summons the borg Q tosses them into in TNG. Besides that they had assimilated other humans, but this was the first time the federation was seeing them.
Seven's parents were just some hippie scientist from some federation colony I though.

seems like you're implying dark skin is not an adaptation, it is

Wasn't there a black vulcan in one of the movies? In the background somewhere.

I know they had an asian romulan in IV.

Well they technically encountered humans prior to TNG because of First Contact, but those weren't those still future Borg? Also, the Enterprise encountered them, didn't they chase them all the way across the galaxy because they were human? Or were they just following the ship?

Not like it matters anyways

>Spock's hot sister is black
>Spock can't logic her into incest so he dates Uhura


Learn to read nigger, that's not what he implied at all.
Black skin is not an adaptation to deal with heat, but solar radiation.
In more northerly climates where you dont get nearly as much direct sun, you don't need to worry about solar radiation as you do being able to produce vitamin D. Especially when you consider you wear more clothes for heat in those extreme latitudes and have less skin directly exposed to the sun.

you typed light in all caps, that's why I asked
calm down

you idiot.. I'm saying WUZ WUZ ALL KANGS

gibs reparations

Vulcans are pure logic they probably wouldn't consider step-sisters to be incest.

The borg in the future fight their way to earth, and then travel back into the past, to stop first contact and assimilate the alpha quadrant in the past. Why they didn't just travel back into time BEFORE fighting their way to earth, and have a plan that works? I hate first contact so much.
They blow up the future borg, in the past, and think they got them all. Apparently some debris and a few borg land in the arctic and go full encino man.
In ENT era scientist find the wreckage, start excavating, and the borg wake up, assimilate the scientist, steal a ship, and then book it for the delta quadrant.
Archer remembers hearing a drunken speech by Zephran Cochrain gave where he started rambling about time travelers, and cyborg monsters trying to kill everyone.
They're chasing them because he thinks it might be srs business, and they also came from earth so starfleet wants to know what the fucks up.
They end up destroying the ship that was in the process of being upgraded with borg tech, but not before it gets off a message. Presumably the same one the borg were trying to use the deflector dish to send in first contact.

How do you know the Best of Both Worlds WASN'T the borgs "previous attempt to travel back in time"

What if there were dozens, or not thousands more incursions ih human history stopped by starfleet or other forces in the future?

You're not thinking 4th dimensionally, you'de hardly pass the academy entrance exam.

>no reading comprehension
>please calm down

want a latte too, you sensitive twat?

ah, i see you don't know shit about Star Trek.

>no reading comprehension
I explained why the non-typical thing you did make it unclear.

>sensitive because I'm not angry at a Sup Forums post
Well at least you got me to feel something, pity.

As noted and they actually did that back in '94. A few years after Roddenberry died.

Not that he would have given a shit anyway. The guy wrote sci-fi to be inclusive and hand-waved anything he wanted to. It wouldn't matter if it would make the show work how they wanted it to. Adding a black Vulcan to make things more inclusive is typical ST ideals. Just like not giving a shit if you cast a bald guy for a captain in the 80s when hair was everything.

The famed dubdubs of truth.
Doesn't Vulcan get a lot of sunlight though?

>What if there were dozens, or not thousands more incursions ih human history stopped by starfleet or other forces in the future?
>you now remember the temporal cold war