Is the dream over bros?

is the dream over bros?

I don't know...what do you think, user? ',:)

For every mutant aside from Logan and Kitty.

Can't wait to see where Bendis forces Kitty next.

It's already dead. This is Hell.

He can't do shit after IvX, she's leading the X-Men in Guggenheim's X-Men: Prime.


This is why stories having endings is important. This is what Grant Morrison was talking about in Multiversity and Final Crisis. Without the happy ending things these stories about heroic characters will sour and rot and die screaming.

The dream dies because it was never allowed to become true.

Galactus said there's pride in pushing the Boulder to the top. But there isn't. The Empty Hand loves it when you work the Oblivion Machine.

You mean Guggenheim's X-men: Gold. X-men: Prime and Inhumans: Prime are just one-shots setting up their respective lines for RessurXion.

they need to refocus and have a Nu52 reboot

I liked what some false leaks had some time ago: that they were to be sent to their own universe/planet. Better than staying in 616

>that they were to be sent to their own universe/planet
Remender's original plan for his X-run was going to be Planet-X, but then Remender left and that plot idea got dropped entirely in favor of the bullshit terrigen cloud nonsense we ended up getting. Though, the reason for them going to Planet-X would probably have been the T-mists anyways.

They were never going to get shipped off to their own universe. That was just shitposting.

Except there's already a meta example of mutants not regarded as humans. Marvel argues that X-Men figures shouldn't be treated as human in marketing and sales. So even it's own creators think that mutants are separate from humanity.

>thinking this will stop Bendis

These shitpost threads are always more obnoxious and wrong than Beast.

What is it now?
>Duurrrrr, Sup Forums said that mawvul is making the urx-mans into in-humans, DURR, because that's the original concept now

Last time wasn't the shitpost pushed on EVERY X THREAD by these assholes that the X-Men were all about to be killed off by Marvel because Marvel just hates them for no reason?
Before then it was that the X-Men were going to be sent to their own universe in a retcon so the messaging that bigotry is sensible and correct behavior would be easier for young readers to embrace.
Before then it was the shitpost about how Marvel was sabotaging their own profit-making characters because they're petty and vindictive and would rather burn their own business to the ground than allow Fox to share in the profits from the movies.

Why is it that mods aren't policing these constant and repetitive shitposts by fuck-tards that are obviously attempting to sabotage threads they have no reason to be in, let alone the ones they make?

Oh, and there damned well should be a permaban for any asshole who puts up another thread about how Marvel should reimagine everything in some massive conservative values retcon because that one asshole is pushing the lie that the company is failing.
Remember how Sup Forums was meant to be another board?

I wish I could care about any single thing in life as much as you do about this.



>Remember how Sup Forums was meant to be another board?
Sup Forums isn't a board but a state of mind, an ideal that we as a people can be more. Imagine mutants and humans living as one. Sup Forums is a dream and you can't kill a dream, you can only dream bigger.
-X Gon' Give It To Ya

Phoenix Scott will be resurrected in a year or two and kill all these shitty creative teams
Besides Cable, they all sound so gay
make Marvel fun again

This can't be hell. Kurt's still here.


>Galactus said there's pride in pushing the Boulder to the top
Would you describe this as pushing it to the top or kicking it to the bottom?

Kurt's damned too. He sold his soul to little maggot demons that turned into little naked Bamf-goblins and stole Logan's whiskey.

Who hates themselves more, Frost or Deadpool?

That's actually a surprisingly good question...

I don't know.

>Frost making her own psychic projection of Cyclops say Jean was the only woman he ever loved (bearing in mind she was in his constantly while they were together) vs this

There's a patootie-full of better examples of how much 'Pool hates himself.
Just look at his ex-wives.
And Frost being jealous of Jeanie to that extent doesn't quite qualify as self-loathing when compared to the time guilt drove her nuts and one of her hallucinations was of a younger version of herself named "perfection" that kept calling her "the pretender".

They've both got MAJOR issues.
But hey, the hot ones always do.

I came into this thread to post that.

Thank you.