It was shit

it was shit

Yeah, sucked ass.

Agreed, can't believe I broke my 5 year theater abstinence for that.

Yeah, did you expect anything else? Shills were out so hard it was kinda obvious that it relied upon marketing primarily.

it was shIT

Nah it was pretty solid.

Do you guys think this faggot actually thinks he made a good movie?

Hopefully yes, because it was good

Anyone that hates IT (2017) is simply an uncultured neanderthal. I can understand the plebeians and proletariats of society not understanding a movie as complex, deep and thought-provoking as IT (2017). It takes a truly intelligent film connoisseur to appreciate the subtleties of the clown's acting, the beautifully crafted shots and the moral dilemmas posed. I am here if you need help evolving from the stone ages to modernity.

I saw Fin at a theatre like 30 minutes ago.

It was pretty good though

>Says a movie is shit and nothing else
Into the trash your post goes

Yes? Why wouldn't he?

>IT you say? Heh not on my watch you brain midget, for I shall remind you that this flick's true name is none other than shIT

itt: people saying IT was shit/good

I don't know but I'm banging his ex.

what was?

It had no redeeming qualities. The pacing was weird, as if they had no idea how to connect the movie together at large but the movie is like these small segments that begin and end, and a new segment starts without feeling like it connects. It gives the feeling of being more of a mini-series than the mini-series ever did.
Its also another example of why child actors should be a red flag for anyone, there was no presence there, just someone who told some kids to act as they do with their friends and thought that would be enough to carry a movie somehow.

The entire movie was literally just Pennywise doing hurr durr scurry things in each scene, completely unconnected to the previous ones until the very end. After the first few the shock started to wear off and it was just tedious. Literally IT: THE MOVIE (and nothing else whatsoever)

The only notable thing about It is that it's ushering in a bizarre new era of directors being totally fine murdering children on screen. I was laughing in the cinema when they stopped the cat from getting shot with the pistol because Hollywood still isn't allowed to hurt animals, but 7 year olds are perfectly fine

I wholeheartedly agree, hadn't been that bored in the cinema for a long time.

It was an all-around mess. The strength of the book are the characters, their quirks and their individual worldviews. The movie does not have that, even he main characters are only caricatures of what they were in the book. Patrick Hockstetter isn't a character at all. Instead of building these characters they focused on meaningless eye candy, beautiful nature shots with lush musical atmosphere. The score is a completely different issue as it was unfitting in most scene. It's a small town kids' story, the Inception soundtrack just sounds out of place here. The scares were also, well, not scares at all. Could have at least been a competent horror movie. The few good scenes were the lake scene, Bev reading the poem, the introduction of Ben, and that's basically it.

The transitions really were weird.