To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.

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Just delete this board already


reporting this thread for anti-semitism

>CNN, NBC, New York Times are the only news media in america
>CNN, NBC, New York Times are make journalism

You have a board to talk about this shit, there are tons of other sites to talk about this shit, why do you spam this stuff on an unrelated board? Are you just trolling? Are you stupid? Do you really have nothing better to do? Do you really think you're educating people?


Martin Schultz is not Jewish. He simply looks like a kike.

Do dumb whites want affirmative action so they can compete? What's stopping you from making your own media outlet?


>waaaah, it's not fair! somebody make it so I can compete with Jews!


if thats completely true and jews own everything and hold all the powerful positions, doesnt that mean theyre a completely insurmountable force?

>who is Trump

>doesnt that mean theyre a completely insurmountable force?
they're strong but not unbeatable.

they've lost to the muslims every single time they tried to take the holy land.

wow, really makes me think

no, they are less than 2% of the population

history will repeat itself and then they'll move on to china


lmao fuck off ahmed

>whites are less than 10% of global population
>have been expelled from over 100 countries

wow, what a vile race

your shitty state wont last a century at this rate.

europe is almost full muslim and trumps got a nice ceasefire going in syria so you wont be expanding any time soon.

once the muslims decide to end you its over, you're either glass or you're out of there.

I hope trump deports you, goat fucker.


kek, as I said FUCK OFF AHMED

mad schlomo?


JIDF spokesman:

>The New York City metropolitan area is home to the largest Jewish community outside Israel.

NBC and NYT are both based in New York City.

Literally 20% of Manhatten is Jewish. 1 in 5.

Stop posting bullshit propaganda you found on Sup Forums

What's funny is how Trump has a net worth greater than the New York Times, CNN or NBC. Trump has literally bought controlling stock in companies in the past to replace people whom he didn't agree with politically. Just think about that for a second. This is the kind of guy that is running the country.

if you're counting shit like Argentina as "white expulsion" you may as well count the US as well.

lmao go cry elsewhere you dumb kikes.

you'll make a lovely piece of nuclear glass.

over what? I piss on palestinians and laugh at you, ahmed

t. buttmad arab

How many cheeseburgers per post are you being paid, khalid?

jfc OP why don't you do this shit at /poleddit/? wtf is wrong withyou?

Nobody cares about your precious arabs, ahmed. How many rapeugees is enough for you shitskins?

picture of future israel.


or so he says

picture of present MUH PALESTINE



>argentina is whiiiiite


jesus christ, who the FUCK told muslims that they could post on Sup Forums? Fuck off back to the refugee center your shitskins




lol SJWs



My mom? That's about it

better gif

>le if you hate jews you're a muslim meme

Nice try, filthy jew.


Jew hate comes from muslims, historically. You're just buying into thousand year old propaganda. Sad really.

>Muslims are our friends guys, really! Now take in some of our redpilled refugees

yeah no, fuck off

>Jew hate comes from muslims
sure it does.

and im sure it has nothing to do with the fact that jews are destructive parasites.

please never be this stupid

>le if you dont' support MUH PALESTINE AND BASED ISLAM you must be a Jew

Nice try, filthy shitskin

I have a really good tune for this in my head, thanks

Yeah, the counter-semitic Romans predating the birth of Muhammad by centuries sure were muslim shills eh?

fuck off with that #notallmuslim bullshit shareblue shill

>Hasbara IDF shills are this desperate

These dumb tactics don't work here, jew rat.

If all Jews are rich and running things, how do you explain comedians? I rest my case.

No one here thinks he's a muslim, kike.

romans weren't anti-semitic really, they just waged wara gainst jewish rebels. Expelling people from areas due to rebellion was fairly typical of Roman policy, and Jews weren't discriminated against more than any other provincial group.

>shilling Islam

fuck off ahmed or I'll make 3 pali's grovel at my feet tomorrow

No, I rest my case.

I never said Romans were anti-semitic, they were COUNTER-semitic.

the japanese must be muslim too

>To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.

>the menace of the movies, a group of Jews
Ford says it best

>hey guys, muslims are actually really redpilled and our friends! btw I'm not a muslim, #NotAllMuslims ;)



>I never said Romans were anti-semitic, they were COUNTER-semitic.

Why say that if it has nothing to do with the argument you're trying to counter?




racially indistinguishable from their colonial rulers

>oy vey goyim, you are free to get your news from wherever you like!
>who cares if some of the biggest are our mouthpieces?

No, they just bought into muslim propaganda like you did.

wtf I love based Islam now

what are you on about?

Anti-semitism implies irrational hatred, counter-semitism is self defense/fighting back against jewish bullshit.

Japan's 2nd largest arms supplier is Israel and they were a refuge for Jews during WW2

>counter-semitism is self defense/fighting back against jewish bullshit.

Yeah nice, but again, why the fuck are you talking about counter semitism when we're talking about anti semitism?

>pointing out that jews are the biggest muslim importers makes me a muslim

K, Shlomo.

>Bibi Meeting with Visegrad Group leaders
>Israel's campaign against Soros
>Zionist groups funding rise of nationalists in the Netherlands
>Israeli lobby pushes for Geert Wilders
>Austrian Far-Right finds allies and support in Israeli parliament
>European far-right and Israel form strategic alliance
>Jewish groups back the AfD and Pegida in Germany
>European Fascist parties receive backing from Israeli right
>Israeli intelligence services conclude that a far right Europe would be safer for Israel
>US Jews pour money into financing of anti-immigration parties in Europe
>European Far-Right forges links with Israeli right
>European far right dangerously anti-Muslim and pro-Israel conclude European intelligence services
>Dutch Secret Services investigate Israeli links with Dutch Far Right

wow, I love muslims now! #OpenBorders!

what difference does it make if whites have an ethnostate

>leftist kikes subvert and take over nationalist movements

Tell me something I don't know already, user.

They must have really good wifi in the refugee center, eh ahmed?

>Hitler loved these shitskin savages so you should to!

no. the west has had ENOUGH of your muslim bullshit. terror attacks, rapes, endless welfare. This is why people like Trump are being elected to kick you out

i know right, they're really islamophobic? If only they realized that islam is based and muslims are our friend?

it's rather peculiar how an image and a quote sends (((everyone))) into a tizzy

>falling for kike false-flaggers

Sasuga, user.

Look at the shills in panic ITT, you can tell trhey are outsiders right away.

>false flaggers
>literally trying to spam pro-muslim bullshit


Reminder the alt-kike voted for this kikeloving subhuman and still post that shit as if they aren't more to blame for the kikes ruining the world than anyone else at this point. The cognitive dissonance and legitimate retardation it takes to be an alt-kike faggot is astounding. One day they will be a footnote in history that everyone shakes their head and then laughs at. Now watch the alt-kike hiss and shrink back at being called out then post the equivalent of "NO U" because they have no argument. If you still have enough shame in you, if the kikes haven't totally drained you of humanity, if you think about that kike thrall you voted into office and feel even the tiniest bit of regret do the right thing and kill yourself tonight. It's the only way. And all you liberal cuckold faggots thinking that cunt Clinton would have been any better should fucking join them. Two sides of the same coin walking hand in hand into an endless sleep as penance for what you wrought upon this world with your ignorance and soulless pandering. Fuck. You.

a rapeugee like you would know about invasion & subversion, eh ahmed?

This but with every instance of "kike" replaced with "Star-Lord."

nobody likes muslims. fuck off

This image claims that what the "Blaming Jews for my personal failings is no better than a nigger saying " it's white men' fault ""
You have to prove that, the similarities between what whites say about Jews and what blacks say about whites.

But fuck it. Firstly it is easily disprove, Jews occupy positions in banking, media, academic social sciences, and politics all of which are predatory and rent seeking, and don't actually produce anything, whereas whites make up the bulk of the workforce in America (we'll use America as an example). The Jewish media/banking/political machine relies on the taxes and labor of the whites in America, without which the Jews would have no relevance or influence- this is why they have focused their immigration in America predominantly. Jews don't give anything positive (keyword there) socially, whereas whites have given blacks both monetary and cultural subsistence. I could continue but frankly it is a waste of time. Jews need whites, especially in regards to funding and maintaining their state in the Middle East, whites don't need Jews. Alternately blacks need whites, or rather rely too much on them.

Where would Jewish Hollywood be without the white masses to suck from? Where would Jewish banks be without the white masses to plunder and squeeze? Where would Jewish academics be without the white populace to infect and subvert?

sweet blog post, chaim

still mad hillary?

Top tier rebuttal, capped for posterity.

>#NotMyPresident and Islam is our friend!

You're either a shitskin and/or some disgusting Antifa faggot