Was it a mistake?

Was it a mistake?


Yes. He'd eradicate isis.



No. It simply wasn't carried out in your interests. The people who did it don't regret it.


Leaving before the job was done was


Yes it was a mistake. Mudslime countries need a dictator to keep everybody in line.

To eradicate ISIS you would have to eradicate the ideology beind sunni salafist wahabbism and we all know the Saud's would never allow that to happen.

only because we left early. We did real good in Iraq but we lost all our gains in the country when Obama promised to be out of Iraq by 2012. The Iraqis simply weren't ready, and probably wouldn't be ready for decades. We should have set up some semi-permanent military bases there to help with the transition, it makes no sense to me why it's a problem for us to have permanent troops in Iraq but perfectly fine to have permanent troops in South Korea or Germany

Countries exist to destroy and exploit weaker, inferior peoples. If you aren't comfortable with Bush toppling Iraq, you probably aren't American.

The oil gotta keep flowing.

Correct, but you now live in Globalized America, so the American people are weaker, inferior peoples to your own government.

You are cheering your own torture and death.


This, shitty people need to be oppressed to survive.

>implying the average American benefited from the war in Iraq

Because troops in Germany and Korea are not dying. Hence no public pressure

America has always taken in immigants from all over the world. We don't hate immigrants. We hate welfare dependents. If you are willing to carry your weight and put America first, America will welcome you with open arms.

A lot of good that will do you when 90% of your population are savages with 80 IQs or worse.

And I don't know why you're talking about immigration to begin with. I didn't bring it up.

Not only muslim countries.


There were a lot of German's killing American troops in the late 40's and 50's? I don't recall that.

Who could be behind this post, Mr. (((neo cohen)))...

That's because you are our (((greatest ally))) and we are basically your landbased aircraft carrier with Rammstein Airbase.

It all makes sense now.

...But why is Merkel fighting the ba'athist party an their allies instead of joining them? Surely they'd have more things in common with each other right?