What the fuck kind of ending shot is this?

What the fuck kind of ending shot is this?

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Well it's the kind of ending shot meant to represent a form of escape. For the deluded antisocial weirdos that this series attracts, it's escape from reality, but to the rest of us it just means an escape from one of the dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

luna was still sucking him off even though he had cummed

>op will get cancer

In all seriousness I think it's meant to be a contrast to how the Demontor's kiss is portrayed in the films, with that weird swearing effect on the victim's face.

However in this shot Harry is at the height of happiness. That's what the director was trying to portray, I think.

Still laughable though, especially the way he is cut off mid-yell

I think I already said this, it used to be called a Chuckshot.

Steak sauce


>image isn't smeared

step it up user


This song should have played during that scene

dubs confirm

KINO edition
Eh bien, c'est le genre de tir final destiné à représenter une forme d'évasion. Pour les inconnus antisociaux illusionnés que cette série attire, c'est une évasion de la réalité, mais pour le reste d'entre nous, cela signifie simplement une évasion de l'une des franchises les plus ternes de l'histoire des franchises de films. En sérieux, chaque épisode qui suit le mécréant et ses copains de l'Académie de Poudlard alors qu'ils combattent des malchanceux variés est indistinguable des autres. En dehors de l'imagerie sombre, la seule cohérence de la série a été son manque d'excitation et l'utilisation inefficace des effets spéciaux, tous pour rendre la magie magique, pour que l'action semble inerte.

> a - au moins les livres étaient bons bien

L'écriture est terrible; le livre était terrible. Comme je l'ai lu, j'ai remarqué que chaque fois qu'un personnage faisait une promenade, l'auteur a plutôt écrit que le personnage «tendait les jambes».

J'ai commencé à marquer sur le dos d'une enveloppe chaque fois que cette phrase était répétée. Je me suis arrêté seulement après avoir marqué l'enveloppe plusieurs dizaines de fois. J'étais incrédule. L'esprit de Rowling est tellement régi par des clichés et des métaphores mortes qu'elle n'a pas d'autre style d'écriture. Plus tard, j'ai lu une critique somptueuse et aimante de Harry Potter du même Stephen King. Il a écrit quelque chose à l'effet: "Si ces enfants lisent Harry Potter à 11 ou 12 ans, alors, quand ils vieilliront, ils continueront à lire Stephen King". Et il avait tout à fait raison. Il n'était pas ironique. Lorsque vous lisez "Harry Potter", vous êtes en train de lire Stephen King.

A guide to Harry Potter

1 EE: Kino
2 EE: Kino
3: pure kino
4: flick kino
5: kino
6: pure kino
7: pure kino
8: flick kino

I don't get what Sup Forums has against that ending.

>Look mom, I made the thread again!

I'm going to post it every day until you like it

Vernon Dursley did nothing wrong.

True KINO edition
Eh bien, c'est le genre de plan final destiné à représenter une certaine forme d'évasion. Pour les inconnus antisociaux bercés d'illusions que cette série attire, c'est une échappatoire pour mieux fuir la réalité, mais pour le reste d'entre nous, cela signifie simplement une évasion de l'une des franchises les plus ternes de l'histoire des franchises de films. Sérieusement, chaque épisode qui suit le garçon magicien et ses copains de l'Académie de Poudlard alors qu'ils combattent des antagonistes associés est indistinguable des autres. En dehors de l'imagerie sombre, la seule cohérence de la série a été son manque d'excitation et l'utilisation inefficace des effets spéciaux, tout cela pour rendre la magie non magique, et rendre l'action inerte.

> a - au moins les livres étaient bons

L'écriture est effroyable; le livre était horrible. Lorsque je l'ai lu, j'ai remarqué que chaque fois qu'un personnage faisait une promenade, l'auteur écrivait plutôt que le personnage «allait s'étirer les jambes».

J'ai commencé à tracer un trait sur le dos d'une enveloppe chaque fois que cette phrase était répétée. Je me suis arrêté seulement après avoir marqué l'enveloppe plusieurs dizaines de fois. J'étais incrédule. L'esprit de Rowling est tellement régi par des clichés et des métaphores creuses qu'elle n'a pas d'autre style d'écriture. Plus tard, j'ai lu une critique somptueuse et aimante de Harry Potter du même Stephen King. Il a écrit quelque chose à l'effet: "Si ces enfants lisent Harry Potter à 11 ou 12 ans, alors, quand ils vieilliront, ils continueront à lire Stephen King". Et il avait tout à fait raison. Il n'était pas ironique. Lorsque vous lisez "Harry Potter", vous êtes en train de lire Stephen King.

I think it's a combination of a joke, and the fact that it's the one ending shot that really differs from all the other films.

PS: Hogwarts express leaving Hogwarts as Hagrid waves goodbye
CoS: Everyone hugging Hagrid, camera slowly moved away and show the castle
PoA: Weird shot of Harry on his broom with a weird effect
GoF: Harry, Ron, Hermione standing at a window in Hogwarts looking out
OotP: Harry and the gang leaving Hogwarts on the coaches
HBP: Same as GoF, looking out of the castle window

Most of the endings are comfy and show Hogwarts in some way. Only PoA did something different. And I suppose DH1 ending with Voldemort getting Dumbledore's wand. But DH2 ended with Harry and the rest watching their children go on the Hogwarts express.

imo best day of the week
WHY IS THAT Sup Forums?

You're improving.




the least that we can say it's that this is a strange final shot for superproduction like this

Is there really no post on Sundays in Brittonland? Not even if you order something online? Lazy fuckers.

Because there's shitposts on Friday?

Because it's an ending that would belong to a cheesy 80s sports movie, not a 2000s fantasy adventure movie

That must be uncomfy and chaffing as hell. They never mention or show any broom saddles do they? Have you ever run around the house at high speed with a broom between your legs? Shit hurts.


I agree it's different from the other films, but that's a minor complaint when the films differ so much in other areas (especially the first two from the rest, but I feel the third also stands apart, and I mean well before the ending already). I also don't think this would become a Sup Forums meme because of something so minor. These threads seem to be from people who think the ending doesn't work and I just can't see why that would be.

Just because it's so happy and upbeat? I don't know if cuaron thought about this, but I think it's nice to have such a happy ending before the films got much darker. The third film was already darker thant the previous, but it got downhill fast from the fourth on.

I was mostly just speculating in that post, I'm not really sure why people are so up in arms about that ending shot.
I'll admit I thought it was a bit weird when I first saw it in the cinema all those years ago, but it was immediately followed by those awesome credits with the Marauder's Map so I didn't think much of it after that.

While I don't hate the ending shot, it does feel weird and different, and I can sorta understand why people often discuss what it means (Dementor's Kiss reference, showing Harry looking really happy after all he's been through in the film), if it even means anything.

>atlas shrugged
>god tier

EE? EE?! What the fuck did you mean by this? It's driving me insane

Nobody's really up in arms, people are just joining in on taking a playful jab at a really funny frame in a movie series that's fun to laugh at.

You have to go back.


Extended Edition. He's saying the best way to enjoy the first two films is by watching the extended versions which include some extra scenes and longer scenes which were cut from the theatrical release.

Oh cool, I haven't seen those. Might check them out.


Was this guide made by a mouth breathing fucking retard?

Don't get too excited, I think it's about eight minutes of extra stuff. No LotR-tier extra hour of material.

>No LotR-tier extra hour of material.

Nobody has time for that shit so it's fine

I wouldn't mind if all 8 films had an EE with 45-60mins of cut stuff and a two hour behind-the-scenes documentary/making-of thing. In fact, I'd fucking love that.

walked out at this

nah, yo, haven't you guys watched the Wizard's Collection special features? Each film comes with an hour long documentary that's focused on a specific aspect (casting, music, creature design, writing with a cool interview between Rowling and Kloves, etc.) and has all the other documentaries/special features that were previously released too. There's also a documentary specific to that collection called When Harry Left Hogwarts or something like that about the filming of the final film and focuses on the crew members that aren't ever shown in behind the scenes documentaries, like the guys who make the material used to build the sets and the assistant director and shit. There's a part where they interview Gary Oldman's teenage son since he's working as a PA for the first time and shows them his DVD collection in his room and talks about how cool it is to be able to work on set with his dad and then it cuts to Gary Oldman talking about how nice it is to be able to spend time with his son while he's working and how proud his son makes him, it's really fucking heartwarming. Only making of documentary that's ever made me cry besides the one Lord of the Rings one where Elijah Wood films his final scene and Jackson can't keep it together when he says cut and hugs him.
>"It's imprinted upon me for the rest of my life. He burst into tears... and just said 'thank you', over and over again."

but yeah you can easily get the Wizard's Collection with just the extras and not the movies on TPB or wherever. It's 53 gigs or something for all of it but you can just download the Creating The World of Harry Potter docs and the When Harry Left Hogwarts one as well.

The Hobbit's appendices are also really good and worth watching. Film 1's is a bit lacking and kinda weird since they arranged the docs in random order and by in-film location rather than chronologically like the LOTR ones, but the other 2 are better than the actual films.

I think I watched most of those extras and featurettes on youtube.

There's also a series of great interviews on youtube as well, called "A Conversation Between JK Rowling and (insert name)". There's one with Radcliffe, one with the guy who wrote all the scripts/screenplays, and I think another one. Really comfy and super interesting if you're into that kinda "what happened behind the scenes" stuff.
Lots of documentaries on youtube about Rowling as well, one about her life, one following her around during the year she finished the final book, one made after the first movie came out, and some others. Really good viewing.

>the one Lord of the Rings one where Elijah Wood films his final scene and Jackson can't keep it together when he says cut and hugs him.
Those feels, man. Jackson unable to face the end and prolonging the inevitable by doing way more takes than necessary, and then finally succumbing and just losing it with Elijah...

>but yeah you can easily get the Wizard's Collection with just the extras and not the movies on TPB or wherever.
I'll look into that, it sounds like there's things in there I haven't seen yet, cheers user.

yeah those are in the Wizard's Collection as well. It really has everything, def worth downloading just to go through it all.

Did they ever do audio commentary? I would've loved to hear the director and producer talking over the movies, or the main actors reminiscing about those scenes.

Which one is this from? Is there a YouTube video of it?

The OP's pic? It's the last shot of the 3rd film. Probably on Youtube

No the other thing

Can you elaborate or point towards the post you're talking about? I'm trying to help but you're not making it easy, user.

I was deceiving you, I'm sorry. I just wanted a (You) at the end of this shitty day

Prisoner of Azakaban is the best Potter movie, but you have to admit that final shot is hilariously cheesy

you need to go back

>hilariously cheesy
That's a great way of describing it. It reminds me of how all those 80's shows would always end with the main cast laughing at some terrible quip, and then they'd freeze-frame it.
The only way that last PoA shot could be worse is if Harry flew his broom around, then landed back in the courtyard where all his classmates were gathered and they'd ask him how it felt flying the Firebolt. And then Harry would look at Ron and Hermione and say
>"That felt SIRIUSly good!"
Then everyone laughs for two minutes, freeze frame, credits.

I remember feeling second-hand embarrassment more in that movie than the first 2.

Ron goofing around with that candy that made his ears billow steam/roar like a lion made me squirm, and I don't usually cringe easily

There was one dementor left and it was killing him.

the most retarded part about this shot is not his stupid face
it's the fact that he is a fucking quadrich player or whatever the fuck is called
didn't this nigger fly a car to school? doesn't he fly the fastest satanic broom?
why is he yelling like it's the first time he fucking flies. it's not his fucking first time. why are you yelling you fucking bitch
shut the fuck up

It was a new broom, the fastest in the world. dumbass.

Imagine if you'd driven a shitty car all you're life and now take a spin in a ferrari

It's his first time on a Firebolt, which was the best and most expensive broom on the market. His Nimbus 2000 wasn't bad, but Firebolts were World Cup standard.
It's like giving him his own Ferrari after years of driving an ice cream truck.

>One Dementor left in the grounds
>Sucks out Harry's soul and leaves him permanently comatose
>Everything after Prisoner of Azkaban is Harry dreaming while he's in a hospital bed next to Neville's retarded parents
>He's regularly visited by the Weasleys and Dumbledore who talk to him and leave him flowers, mostly lilies

>Would you like to translate this page?
>Never translate from French

what is this supposed to mean

This nigga
Wasn't me

I found the video though, thank you very much friend

private post =/= govt post

Not the guy you replied to but you're welcome

So that bastard was playing me for a (you). Anyway, glad you found it. You can find most scenes on youtube if you don't care about the quality.

Ah, so no bills on Sunday, but you can get your new laptop delivered, that makes more sense. For a moment I thought you guys had some weird no-sunday-thing tradition left over from Christianity. That'd be terrible, especially with your random bank holiday Mondays spread over the year for no real reason and which have nothing to do with banks.

>having a good vocabulary is Reddit
you're just an idiot

>anons trying to keep the thread alive by pretending they don't know about the pasta

>Perhaps the die was cast

No matter how many times I see it it always gets me there.

But why? It's grammatically correct.


>how all those 80's shows would always end with the main cast laughing at some terrible quip, and then they'd freeze-frame it.
Murder, She Wrote springs to mind
Case solved, someone says something relevant and everyone laughs

That's what your face looks like when you take your first ride on a BBB

Average Sup Forums user