
What is Sup Forums's personaltiy? I'm a INFJ.

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The true personality type of any NEET with dim future prospects.

I'm a gemini. Hows it going


seems to be a lot of us here usually


Intelligent, nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor



What do these abbreviations mean

INTJ Master Race.

Master content race.



back the fuck up bitches, best personality type coming through
are you fucking ready


Youre all subhumans


ISTP same as putin but idk if this scale is science

INTP here too



It means you're a woman. Pls be London.

If you're E you're a fucking subhuman


ISTP last time I checked

I'm whichever type I idealise at the time because MBTI is pseudoscientific nonsense that asks you what you think of yourself instead of actually measuring your personality in any meaningful way.

If you're F you're a woman.

I consider myself TransJew and you can refer to me by "Master"


Big Five test is better though. These are my results

>from an "F"
nice emotional outburst you got there


I know what it means, I'm just curious where the fuck did you get this idea from.

INFP here too, I always take this test months apart from each time, and I always get the same result.

Also my political compass is dead center


Sup Forums full of INTP kek, not a surpriise

I'm 4 squares right but dead center on Lib Auth as well



The F means you have a propensity to act based on feelings, rather than thought.

INFJ here too, glad I'm not the only one.

NF something

Oh, that's what you've meant. Meh, I'm just a that makes me more of a a Faggot than a Female, I suppose. I hate this shit tho

hi richard

Hey an F can hurt people too. For example I don't like muslims, so I want them gone, they do bad things.

>Anything with F in it


i dont even know why i come here anymore


f farting rainbows and coming fesh from the sixties is the worst meme

that's a bad site
best one is on celebrity personalities site


Look forward to leading you faggots in the future

intraverts are beta retards who live in the feminine principle
sensors are autistic golem people who were meant to work at walmart
T's are soulless retards who cant empathize and dont know what it means to be human
J's think they know everything to an almost embarassing degree

its a shame ISTJ is the most popular type

hey chad



F types don't have to be retards, they can channel their feelings to do great or terrible things. Jesus and Hitler were both supposedly INFJs

It's a real life false imaginary true self meme.

Loads of NFs think they are neo hippies and have long hair and vaguely cultural marxist tendencies.

thing is most people unfortunately make a huge meme out of Fs

so when you go to noob sites with quizzes the ask you things like
do you love everyone
do you shit rainbow
do you burst into tears each time you see a little rabbit
do you feed your unicorns every day

>Hitler was an F
That explains why he was such a fuck up.

I pretty much gave up on saving the world, I just try to look out for my friends and family now. Pretty much those close to me. I still want to improve my community though.

Yeah I know and it's retarded, Fs can definitely be useful in their people reading skills. I'm very skilled at determining someone's overall disposition, personality, and motives when I first meet someone. I can smell bullshit from a mile away too.

One of my favorite aspects of Jungian type is that it opens up a kind rich tapestry of complex post-racism.

>That explains why he was such a fuck up.

its really quite more complicated than:


learn something


ENTX-A, since i'm like 52% prospecting and 48% judging

I have taught most of my friends and my immediate social circle to identify and hate sensors.

Dont talk to sensors.
Dont date sensors.
Dont befriend sensors.

Once you truly understand the sensor, you understand what Little People are. They have sent people like Bill Hicks on intellectual rampages throughout history. Why are people dumb? Why are people stupid?

No.They're just sensors. The majority of people are sensors. The sooner you understand this, the better your life will be. It makes dealing with "stupid" people a lot more manageable.

entp master race reporting in

INTJ. NT is the master race. The other two don't matter nearly as much.

You wouldn't want a non-NT in any position of responsibility or decisionmaking. Example: INFJs are counselors, while INTJs are masterminds.

That doesn't mean that all INTJs are good people, by the way. Hillary Clinton is an INTJ.

Sensors never seem to consider their actions very much from what I've noticed.

lol look what i found:

this makes two of us
>inb4 leaf

so true
i always though im alone with this knowledge

the rare ISTP

oh fair enough then, ENTP-A for life!


ENTP master race

Introverted = coward

ENTJ. If you enlist now you will receive your personal robowaifu of choice and 1 year worth of battery charge.

Did I win something?

INTJ master race reporting.

INTJ. The most overrepresented personality type on Sup Forums; take that for what it's worth.
INTJs are basically two clicks away from being literally autistic. However, I will follow the stereotypical course of my people and suck my own dick for a bit here: the greatest strength of the INTJ is not default logical reasoning, or natural inclination for long-term plotting, but RUTHLESS introspection and self-scrutiny. What other people may see as insecurity or shyness, or a lack in self-confidence, is more accurately described as a very acute awareness of one's own flaws, and the weaknesses in one's own ideas/beliefs. We constantly, constantly, constantly attack and doubt our own paradigms, not because we're self-loathing and spineless, but because we're so used to hearing other people's ideas and automatically being able to find their flaws and tear them apart like they're nothing. End result: INTJs never speak unless they're 100% certain about whatever they're talking about. If an INTJ finds a good reason to speak, everyone had better fucking listen.

Hot damn, just let me be the face of the revolution and I'm in!

INFJ too. The SJW special snowflake mbti

Prove you're worthy of it.

Ummmm I'll kill all the muslims cause they don't fit in my perfect world, how's that? Or something else?

That's INFP, moreso imo

>biggest pussy of all of the types
>calling anyone subhuman

This. INTJ is too mistyped, most of these people are INTP or INFP.

OP's pic related looks like it belongs in runescape

ENTJ btw

Yes, but unlike INFPs, I have a job.


>1. In conversation, they will almost always bring up some physical aspect surrounding them. If you are wearing mismatching socks, they will mention it. If you have a cool tattoo, they will comment on it immediately. This never fails. If you are having lunch with friends, and a man with a dalmatian walks by, the sensor will always say "hey look at that dalmatian"

>2. They have a huge focus on cleanliness. Of course this is not a bad thing, but again, we are playing spot the sensor. If someone drops something, or spills something, like say - a drink. They will almost always go "HAHA YOU SPILLED", or something of the sort. They will make a big deal of it. More so than the N deems necessary.

>3. They have extreme difficulty discussing ideas. They are comfortable with discussing the mundane. You have some wickety-wick sick idea you learned from your bro (((Stephan Molyneaux)))? Dont try to talk about it with a sensor. You will lose them.

>4. Sensors are generally conformists. In any place you are in, they will generally try to dress in a way that is similar to whatever subculture or archetype they subscribe to. They frown on individuality.

>5.They love /things/! Ever know a guy who loved a car more than his kids? That man is a sensor. Muh car! Muh golf clubs! Muh things! They're very territorial over their THINGS. They put great stock in their possessions, and will get extremely upset when said possessions get threatened.

They are of course people just as much as anyone, this is a subtle distinction of personality. We all have our quirks. I simply choose to not associate with them so much because the things the sensor chooses to FOCUS ON, does not interest me so much.

as enfp (probably) id say killing everyone is stupid
why dont you just use them 4 your benefit

No no I mean the special snowflake crap.



I mean that's be the best, but many just can't be reasoned with unfortunately.

>reasoned with
you dont need reason

EXACTLY. Holy fuck are sensors boring.

Friend I told about type instantly developed a negative attitude towards sensors and I didn't even push him in that direction or do anything.

Ultimately though the most unbearable types are ENFP and ENFJ no contest, many people of these two types are deservedly hated by everyone they have ever come into contact with.

I take some of that back. Apparently a bunch of presidents were not NT, if I'm to trust this list: Trump is supposedly ESTP, while Hillary is supposedly INTJ, though I'm not sure those are both true.

why do you hate us britain-sama