Why hasn't anyone contacted the FBI about a 3301 Biological Attack

Badselfeater/Cicada moloch Jews are trying to poison the well or may halve already done so. The entire FBI cannot possibly all be compromised. What the literal fuck is going on here???

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yes wtf is going on??? our pepes are mutating

"the well"
Which well? Sounds like bullshit.

I contacted them

From what I understand--the meat supply. Mad cow disease all over it.

I'm missing something here. Spit it out OP.

Good! Screenshots?

The only vegetarian I've known IRL was a Jew.
Really makes me think....

>may halve

What do you want to know--just go to the general badselfeater thread. It's a nightmare.

People are still working on that?


Yeah. They're in deep now.

like, with lead?
thats new man

Mad cow. End times.


What connects this ti Cicada?


Holy fucking shit I had a burger a while back.

No telling if I'm already screwed but I was cutting meat this week anyway so I'll stay away from if from now on.

Bad Self Eater


(B)ovine (S)pongiform (E)ncephalopathy

"First we will become Mad...." - from the BadSelfEater group ThankMrTeeth

> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bovine_spongiform_encephalopathy#North_America

Jack shit

They'll hang for it.

(B)ahrain (S)tock (E)xchange