Has anyone read this? Will you get put on a list just for purchasing a copy?

has anyone read this? Will you get put on a list just for purchasing a copy?

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if you are put on a list its worth it

he is the most redpilled person in america and knows his shit

dont forget to read his articles too


As a jew could I glean any factual info about it? Or is it just like David Duke-esue Christian moralizing?

from it* Sad that there is no criticism of Jews that isn't from neo-nazis

I first heard of Macdonald through his frequents guest appearances on David Duke's show. I didn't realize he had so many credentials

because your attack dogs the SPLC and the ADL call everyone that does criticize you Nazis. Don't pretend this isn't true

They can't attack jews though. I think its possible for someone to academically critique the Jews in a scholarly manner using historical and primary source texts without making it about morality or unproven conjecture. Fuck the SPLC and ADL.

I don't even hate Jews, I just hate communist subversives trying to wreck this country and every other decent country with LGBT frankfurt school bullshit, many of whom happen to be Jewish

>As a jew could I glean any factual info about it? Or is it just like David Duke-esue Christian moralizing?

there is no moralizing, he analyzes jews as a group evolutionary strategy - he has 2 previous books about jewish history , their treatment in other countries, and why they have done what they've done in the west.

>I didn't realize he had so many credentials

he is very credentialed but he was forced to retire from his university because of his views

That is literally what his book is. It's why even Jews that said they'd provide a retort to his book, couldn't.

For others:

"Jews Must Live" is an interesting read.

better than being locked in an Austrian prison for 1 year and banned from every other country in Europe

Its a great book desu

It's almost as though all criticism of Judaism and Jews is either suppressed or handwaved away as antisemitism.

and every person that publicly criticizes Jews is slandered and defamed

is that what happens in austria?

The most Sup Forums trilogy ever written.

Every time a white person reads Kevin MacDonald, a Jew loses a shekel.

I'm not communist and I hate them as much as you do. I am gay (sorry) and I don't think it should be somehow pushed as an agenda, but I do think people should tolerate gay people and not discriminate against them. Trans, I don't think they should be discriminated against, but I think transitioning and bathrooms are highly problematic.

I'm not trying to wreck Western Civ and I support Christians even if we don't see eye-to-eye in interfaith dialogue.

I guess I would just like to see a more scientific/biological/genetic approach to it.

Seems to be a split between KHAZARS don't deserve Israel on one side, and HOW DARE YOU QUESTION ISRAEL on the other.

I don't want a retort, would be fascinating to read a book co-written by a Christian and a Jew exploring unpleasant realities of how Jews and Christians have interacted that doesn't lionize either side and focuses on facts not moralities.

No it is, I prefer to use the term anti-Jew. Now some just want us deported or killed, and obviously I can't support that, I won't convert to Christianity, I think Orthodox Jews are extremists, and we need to have open dialogue without suppression, unless people are openly advocating violence.

it did to David Irving

I don't have a problem with gay people, but I do have a problem with people who push the gay agenda

but user jews ARE the root of communism

Define push it. I think we should teach safe sex in high schools for gay and straight people. Like saying gay guys should consult the school counselor if they are having trouble coming out and need to talk to someone confidentially and ho to have safe sex and healthy relationships, gay or straight. I don't want children to be gay or something, which I guess stormfront is convinced I am a child molester or something.

I think we should have positive gay role models in the media but not necessarily hyper-sexualized ones, just healthy relationships, and it doesn't need to be anywhere close to a majority of gay characters in a movie or even the lead, just a token gay or gay couple who is open and isn't some flamboyant caricature. Helps gay kids to want monogamy if they see monogamous gay couple in film and television.

I am fine with pride parades but I think they should be family friendly and not be about slutty costumes unless the parade is advertised as 18+ only. That said, ours here is family friendly and I rarely see anything nudity or even speedo related but I know some are not like that.

I do think the Civil Rights act should be amended to protect gays, and Trump has agreed with me in the past.

sigh, I know. The thing is, as much as I hate Communism, I still don't consider myself an antisemitic. I don't want to hate an entire group of people because a small elite of their tribe overthrew Russia. But it seems that even implying that communism has Jewish origins is enough to get you labeled a Nazi. There's no escaping that incendiary label

its exactly what nixon said - just because you accept it , doesn't mean you should exalt it

the jews push homosexuality not because they like gays , but because they hate the western family and want to destroy it. because it destroys the west and its people

I'm pretty conservative so I oppose any celebration of anything LGBT or anything that encourages it. It absolutely should not be taught as acceptable behavior. But it shouldn't be illegal, just frowned upon. And definitely no gay marriage, my biggest problem with the gay agenda is gay marriage. Its a mockery of real marriage, every gay marriage is a hoax and an absurdity

Currently reading. Have to take it in small doses because it is so distressing.


how so?

I don't hate the Western family. I know reform jews like gays. We are often smart and scholarly and genuinely religious. Being hated by many and having hard lives to predisposition to mental issues does tend to turn someone towards religion. My Rabbi is gay.

I just think we have to meet in the middle. It already IS frowned upon though.

Well too bad about gay marriage. It exists, it has no proven deleterious effects, and its 5% of people. You could have 5% of the population guaranteed Republicans if you abandoned your dislike of gay marriage. Gay marriage encourages gays to be monogamous and less degenerate. Yes, we don't have kids in the normal sense but often we adopt, have surrogate kids, or take care (I do) of kids of our relatives who may have mental or physical issues burdening them against being able to take care of their kids without help.

I'm fine if you go to Church and talk there about how awful gays are, and I don't care if you personally think I'm repulsive, I just don't think the laws should be informed by that. Remember, Trump himself tweeted his support for amending the Civil Rights Act to add sexual orientation as a protected anti-discrimination class.

Haven't heard about this before now, but I just ordered a copy. Seems like it might be a long read, but a lot of people are saying positive things about it

why won't Israel allow gay marriage, despite having such a large gay community? Does this not bother you?

Of course it bothers me! I understand the the Torah is against it but reform jews believe that only ethical laws of the Torah must still be enforced and that secular human rights come first. I am not a Zionist.

Also, my father is a Reform Jew convert and if Jews were in peril of genocide, he would not be allowed to come to Israel.

I hope Iran gets nukes, we discontinue foreign aid ENTIRELY for Israel, and we withdraw all troops from Afghanistan, and those from Iraq that aren't securing oil, while trying to find more oil in the U.S. and Canada and building new pipelines, and investing in Nuclear Power.

The further you go down the (((rabbit hole))) the more maddening it gets

I can barely listen to a full David Duke podcast without getting angry as hell. Will this book have me banging my head against the wall until I start bleeding?

>I am not a Zionist

then what is your position on Israel, and its policies? Zionist seems to be the status quo with bibi in charge

I guess I'm sort of mixed. I do fear a rise of anti-jew nationalism. I mean I'm a nationalist but some go as far as to say America should just be White Christians with everyone else deported or killed. I have visited Israel, it was beautiful, spiritual to me. But I think their influence has been so corrupting to the U.S. Bibi will die. I think it should have to face the music of the U.S. not securing the western and eastern borders of Iran (Iraq and Afghanistan) and fight its own wars. I fear more what would happen without Israel existing at all, then that I approve of Israel's "right to exist" or something. They clearly are corrupt and devious and need reforms to be a secular country.

Depends on how padded your wall is

>I do fear a rise of anti-jew nationalism

I doubt that will happen since trump is pretty pro Israel

> America should just be White Christians with everyone else deported or killed

its important to remember that those are the people who founded the country, and that there are forces in this country trying to eliminate both of those things. What if I said Israel should be bereft of Jews? I don't think America will ever be an entirely homogeneous society, but I'm resentful of anyone who resents the White Christian majority. We aren't the problem in this country

Oh I am fine with White Christians being the majority, I just want to be able to practice my religion without persecution or discrimination.

I don't think Israel can be a theocratic ethno-state and promote "diversity".


you do realize that Jews have had those rights since the founding of this country? There's a synagogue down the street from my house and I don't mind it. But I do mind mosques popping up everywhere with the intent of attempting to make this country theirs

Oh yes I know but I think my parents' generation insistence on stifling all valid dissent or critique of any Jewish person or Israel by invoking the Holocaust will backfire upon my generation. And I do hear on here some pretty extremist opinions.

Also, Yale and Harvard had jew-quotas until WW2 I believe.

no longer the case since the ivy league is now Jew dominated. The supreme court ruled that UT Austin has the right to admit students based on race. This is code word for white quotas, because the case involved a white girl who got denied admission, and the universities certainly aren't thinking "we need to admit more white students."

in my experience, Jews are extremely defensive. I had a Jewish friend and his parents told one of my part Palestinian friends that Palestine doesn't even exist

All people who never read the frankfurk school output themselves and trust a retired psychology prof.

slow clap muthafuckers.

there are also many jews that criticize jews, or rather zionism. if you stormfags were exposed to anyone who isn't remotely related to david duke, you would have known about this already.

>no longer the case since the ivy league is now Jew dominated.

total falsehood.

>his parents told one of my part Palestinian friends that Palestine doesn't even exist

White nationalists are like this too. The legitimacy of israel, which is the zionist's pride and joy, is dependent on some myth that it was always a jewish homeland since forever. Many liberal jews critique zionism regularly. You need to ask why the US bends over backwards for zionism.

what's wrong with Kevin Macdonald? Its okay for Chomsky or Finkelstein to call out Israel but not an Irish-American goy?

>Many liberal jews critique zionism regularly

you mean like Sam Harris, who is explicitly pro Israel while pretending he isn't?

Oh yeah I know, but it could happen again (the quotas). I don't support affirmative action.

Palestine DOESNT exist though. I don't support Israel or Palestine. Its not an ethnicity or a nationality. Its opportunists who came in from neighboring countries.

I have read some Frankfurt stuff in University.

There are many many many non-jews that call out isreal and zionism, that wrote academically about the abuse and use of the holocaust to make excuses. it's there, already in academia. If you want to see a community in academia more threatened than the white man, just look for his jewish counter part. To be jewish, to be pro-israel, in contemporary western academia is you to forever be expelled from it.

The reason why Macdonald is bad is because Macdonald isn't using intellectual honesty when he is encountering this topic. If you read the frankfurk school stuff, along side the shit he wrote in that book, you will scratch your head and wonder why Macdonald is so blatant with his falsehoods. You can easily dispell that wonder if you understand how he makes his money, and how he serves as a 'entertainer' of ideas for the WN community.

>Sam Harris is the only liberal jew you know of
that's on you bro.

There are many many many jews that critically look at how the holocaust functions in zionist discourse. Maybe experiencing the world outside of stormcuck's echochamber and tithing your favourite entertainers, maybe... it's too big of a maybe.

let's just say: no jews you know of criticize israel or read non-jew criticism of israel.

>Palestine DOESNT exist though

but they do have a government, a flag, UN representation, etc. You can't just stay they're a bunch of stateless squatters. You're either going to have to give them something or annex the West Bank and dissolve the Palestinian Authority

What frankfurt stuff and who is the prof/what course. You shouldn't trust the prof. University isn't community college.

I hope you know that certain disciplines abuse texts much how certain sects of christians abuse christian texts to support their theology.

But they kind of are...
Could they defend themselves militarily against Israel? No. The whole thing is a mess.

Um it was a decade ago. Some Adorno I think?
Not a ton of it just a freshman social science class at Chicago but they aren't known for being too far to the left.

Palestine does exist and for the reasons you cited. It doesn't exist in the other user because he has a criteria that wont be met. It is much like how cats don't exist if you consider the existence of cats to just be cats with 10 legs.

I think the reason you don't like Kevin Macdonald and David Duke is because you know there's some truth in what they say, and that's why you want them silenced and discredited

Adorno is pretty based. He was for traditionalism, or re-vamping traditionalism because he felt capitalism was gonna destroy our connection to our history (which is oddly prophetic).

the "Palestine doesn't exist" argument doesn't make any sense. What is it then, a nameless desert waiting to become Israel?

Bro, what I dislike about them is that when Macdonald wrote about specific points in his text about certain scholars, I want to believe him but then when I am forced to encounter their works on my own, I feel betrayed by Macdonald because his claims do not pan out. The argument is logical, but its based on falsehood.

It's like saying:
>all cats are niggers
>niggers eat dogs
>therefore cats eat dogs

logically, 100% perfect.
factually, oh man, that's when you gotta stop reading the shit and try to let the larger world in, and I am sorry to say, if you do that, you will find said logically fine statement to be abhorrently incorrect. At least I am not asking you 20 bucks to make that point, right? redeeming?

To isrealis, it is. It is a nameless desert waiting to become theirs. There are some goy scholars that looked at the biggest scientific project israel is conducting and believe israel wants to say that said nameless desert was always israel.

you will never guess what's the biggest and most important scientific project in israel is. it isn't nukes or weapons or 'jews make your intel chips' maymay.

>you will never guess what's the biggest and most important scientific project in israel is

Nile to Euphrates Lebensraum?

scientific project.

Academia is no friend to the jew. If you want to acknowledge yourself as jew, you have to be culturally jewish or liberal jewish enough to accept israel is always wrong.

Not ALWAYS wrong, they do a lot of good scientific/medical research but they certainly are corrupt.

>Academia is no friend to the jew

its actually a bit paradoxical. There are Jewish student groups as well as BDS groups. Dershowitz is pro Israel and is one of the most notable Harvard professors

If they stay silent about israel in academia, they are fine.

Jewish student groups have no platform. They exist, but they have to organize outside of campus. They have the ability to bring all the SJWs out to the yard, and violently so. Dershowitz probably does important work besides being a zionist shill. It really isn't that paradoxical if you can entertain a world where there isn't a single great arbiter.

how did BDS get such a stranglehold on colleges anyway?

Because everyone really sees how transparent israel is. It is almost impossible to see israel and not see how it abuses the holocaust, how it lies, how it attempts to influence us (me and my friends saw it first hand in 2014 with hamas, and type of shit gave us the jidf meme). The lies are transparent. Even hawkings is BDS. Academia is no great cabal of the jews, it is quite the opposite.

Many people blame israel abuse of western good will on the rise of this shitty tier of islam. if you knew the history of radical islam as epitomized by the muslim brotherhood, it really found its roots in the failure of secular governments in the middle east inability to deal with the jewish question. I can't remember the guy who started the shit show, but his argument was simple:

>if the state can't protect you
>if you see your fellow muslims butchered
>why not jihad for their well being
>if you can jihad for their well being in palestine
>why not just jihad for everything else?

all this shit is transparent to those in academia, openly discussed and jew students, from the freshman to the graduate, literally feel like they have no place in academia.

the way it got to that place is simply the fault of israel.

>Academia is no great cabal of the jews

Communist Manifesto is often required reading and holocaust is gospel in history classes

If you're worried about being on a list you can always find it online for free. Here's a link.
If you feel like being an upstanding White then mail Kevin cash in lieu of purchasing the book on the internet.

What history course is the communist manifesto required reading? the only course in history I took that had it in the reading list was a cultural history of europe. The manifesto was read (its like 40 pages) to discuss the soviets. Nobody discussed the virtues of it, they discussed how it fit into history. In my specific history class, the TA asked the question if the manifesto was even relevant to the russian revolution. Revolts were a regular thing in europe. The class agreed it wasn't relevant to the peasants who revolted, and only became relevant among the political elite later,

>the holocaust is real, but no justification for israel doing what they are doing to the palestinians

that's what academia teaches.

You can buy it straight off of Amazon. It basically validates Sup Forums but without the idiots and garbage posts.

I only recommend it if you are willing to let this ideology take root in how you perceive the world. I can't say it's been worth it for me.



OP on phone here. I've read mein kampf three times. I think I'll be able to manage this book