You hate him just because he's black

You hate him just because he's black.

Well, yes, but I don't see what that has to do with anything?

no, he's black because i hate him.

i have the power to turn everyone i hate into an african-american.

But he isn't black. Does everyone forget his father's a spic?

I hate him because he's a digustung halfie!


I don't hate him just because he's black.
I hate him because he's *just* black. That's his only distinguishing trait from Peter Parker.

Give him an arc, give him character development so he's not just another Peter, and I'd probably like him.

As it is, he's just boring, chronically bendised, and wins every fight with one Venom Blast. Why would I enjoy a character like that? Literally the only reason is for the diversity of it, but that's not enough to justify buying poorly-written comics by Bendis about an otherwise flat character.

It also irritates me that in Spider-Men, he was the one who figured out all that tech shit Mysterio was using instead of Peter.

No, I hate YOU because you're black.

Fucking this.

Make him a character, give him a arc to grow, and fuck sake get rid of that Venom Shock which just reinforces the stereotype of black people getting electricity powers.

Actually I hate his spic half more.

I hate him because he is a gary stu with every woman lusting for his cock and having gorillion retarded super powers.

Fanfiction the character.

I don't feel anything towards him but he would be better off with a different mantle so that he can get a chance to grow.

Jiz pls

Do you think normal people sometimes refer to him as "Black Spider-Man" because his costume is black, and he has to hold his tongue about it?

I hate him because he took Gwen from me

Two words.
Venom Blast.

Remember when this was the only Black Spider-Man?

In a way that's true. I hate him because his only defining characteristic is being black.

Well actually I like him but yes there are many people who hate him just because he's not "white"

Every single one of these threads end up with some Pol fags calling a fictional character in Nigger to feel good about themselves. But before they do that they pretend like they don't like him because of some other bullshit "reason" but it always ends the same way.

Sombody screencap this, I swear it happens every time. Too preditable

> just like Peter Parker!

Oh my God I just realized that he has electric powers stereotype syndrome

Someone does not read the comics
Dads the african one

Both his parents are black, and his mother is latina.

Gee Wilickers, I have no idea where this sudden surge of raunchy, off-color humor at the expense of others ever came from.
Sup Forums has never been this racist before

Aren't most Puerto ricans technically pardos?

That's a damn good reason

It's really amazing that after several years of existence, his whole character arc can be summarized as:

>Supporting Character: Hey Miles, be Spider-man
>Miles: Okay
>Something real bad happens
>Miles:I don't wanna be Spider-man
>Supporting character: Don't give up. You're Spider-man now. Peter wouldn't give up
>Miles: Let me think about it... well, if peter didn't quit, I guess I won't either
Repeat, then waste pages that should belong to Miles to focus on his dad and the supporting cast. Because everyone wants to know what the fuck they're up to.

It says something that his most memorable arcs, aside from his debut, all include Peter in a prominent role.

Well actually for some time Sup Forums as a whole wasn't blatantly racist, its was a parody of racist making fun of them, until the retards couldn't tell the difference between real or fake.

Basically people playing retarded until retarded people jump on board and took them seriously

Didn't you learn this history in school

Everyone's pardos one way or another

I don't hate him. He's too boring to have feelings about.

I hate him because he's a terrible character with no personality.

You like him because he's black.

I hate all legacy characters, even the straight white males. The only exception is Rachel Grey because I hate JEEEEEEAN even more

I hate him because he tried to go all hatecrime on Gwen.

lmao if you believe this

Of course not. I'm not that petty. I just hate him because he's Bendis' creation.

No i hate him because he killed Captain America

>oh fuck a big threat is gonna fuck Miles u-

I don't hate him, I'm just indifferent. If he scratches a particular itch for some folks well more power to em I guess.

Then explain my love for Black Panther, Luke Cage, Voodoo, Falcon, Prowler and Hobie Brown.
Miles is just shit when written by Bendis. He needs to be taken away from his influence for a long period of time so someone can fix him. Shit, even Slott was better with him.

I hate him because racebending and genderbending, for the sake of liberal politics, are shit story telling.

Does he even have his own rogue's gallery?

Anything Bendis creates is tainted until a new writer takes over and actually develops the character without emphasis on identity politics or the aim to replace an existing, well liked character.

If you choose a new writer for miles, who will it be?

Someone like Bendis so he can utterly destroy any traces of the original character.

G.W Wilson has been the only one to write him well so far, so her I guess.

Are you complaining that he is badly written by bendis?

Which one dude?

>you in charge of reading comprehension
I'm not in the mood of babysitting today

This, he feels like an example of what happens when you create a character who's black just so black people can identify with him but you don't give him any worthwhile traits. As a black person I just can't identify with Miles, he's really got nothing going for him character wise and frankly I identified more with Peter. Also Static is a way better black Spider-Man.

It is like a joke? I want a honest answer user.

But I liked Hobie Brown Spider-man

>You hate him just because he's black.
Yep. One of the best stereotypes for blacks is that they can't be lame or boring unless they dress like Urkel, and Miles is fucking it up for blacks in real life by being so fucking average. He's putting the whole ruse at risk.

What race was Miles Morales before he was a mulatto?

No, its because he is male.

>that pathetic attempt to copy gurihiru's style


Look at Kamala. Marvel should go full waifu with their legacy heroes, that's the only way for them to be appealing.

Did people hate Miles more than Riri?

Kill yourself user. Marvel isn't going to be another generic anime harem.

Well, i am black and i hate him because he's black and because i hate Bendis.
And this too.

Not sure about other people, but I hate Riri more than Miles because as bullshit as venom blast is, it's at least better than "Smartest person on the planet" because those types of characters are absolutely dreadful 9 times out of 10

What a terrifying mutant ability

I hate Miles more than Riri, but that could be because I've never had an invested interest in Stark...And haven't read her book.

When Galactus attacked the Ultimate Universe, his father checked out. Even took the time to make sure his couch was out of the house by the time Miles got back.

It was like something out of a stand up bit. He took the couch but LEFT HIS SON!

>Well actually for some time Sup Forums as a whole wasn't blatantly racist, its was a parody of racist making fun of them
No it was to offend people, the raids were basically about messing with people on the internet.

Looks pretty cute to me.

Way better than what we have now.

Riri gets hate because >Bendis.

Sam should've been a girl too. So she could ride Dick Rider's dick into the Cancerverse and back.

Miles at least had a supporting cast that was good until Bendis eventually had to go full Bendis (Uncle Aaron, Ganke, UltJess, etc.) Riri has jackshit but Bendis drones disguised as black people.

>Sup Forumsacks
>Reading comics

Pick one

Does Bendis actually interact with other human beings? Cause nobody should be so fucking awful at writing 'natural' dialogue.

For any new's benefit:

How to spot a real critic of Miles: give examples from his comic; explains what's been fine and what could've be done better; suggests a solution; can actually name a support character

How to spot the memester: Bendis, vemon blast, diversity, some vague Tumblr tie in (aka any copy paste pop post)

I really don't like Riri. There's just something about characters who pop out of thin air and are the best of something I really don't like unless they're the villain.
I don't like Miles' book right now because it's a fucking recap of this shitty event.

The only reason he exists is that he's black. He was created so that there would be a black Spider-man. I think the character was invented because someone got the idea from a rumor about Donald Glover being the next Spider-man way back. That is a shitty reason to create a character.

We already have a Spider-man that we all love (in theory.. even though he now makes deals with the devil). I don't want a new Spider-man. Eventually there will be demand to have him become the big screen Spider-man too. Hollywood is not big enough for two Spider-men, just like it wasn't big enough for two Luke Cages.

Would I hate him if he was not black? Probably. I mean when Ben Reilly first came out people hated him. Although at least he had the decency to eventually take on a different superhero name. But the fact that they are doing it for diversity and inevitably squeezing long-established white characters out of their roles does rankle a bit. It's just cheap to take the name of a character people love because you know they will buy it for the name, and then pull a bait and switch.

I'm not interested in Whor, Yellow Hulk, Blacktain America, Iron Shortie, or an of these other cheap imitations they're trying to pass off to us. Create original characters, like Luke Cage and Black Panther. Yes, it will be harder to get them popular but at least they'll stand on their own if they're good and not ride on someone's coattails.

thanks for not hating me

I'm not a fan because Ultimate Spider-Man died just so Miles could take his place, right when things were getting good for him.

You don't need to read the comics to criticize it if what you have a problem with is the basic idea itself. I mean, sure it may be well-executed, but if I'm repulsed by the concept that doesn't make it any better. The Ghostbusters reboot got good reviews and I'm sure it was pretty good for what it was, only what it was as a concept (all-female reboot) repulsed me so it being good is not really a consolation, if anything it adds insult to injury. It's like your mom leaving your dad who you loved and replacing him with a step-dad. If he's an awesome dude that doesn't take away from him not being your dad.

Does this mean you love me? Does this mean you don't hate Boco?

>The only reason he exixts is that he's black
And the reason the KKK and Black Panther exists are because of people like you.

There is literally nothing they did right and there isn't a solution because the character is pointless and is better off as not existing.

Social justice warriors have successfuly made the color of a person's skin, the foremost thing society should consider in terms of that persons identity.

The problem for these social justice warriors, is that they don't realize they are doing exactly the same thing their civil rights forebearers fought against in the first place.

>I don't need to read the comic
Well you kinda have to when you're spouting out bullshit.

No, he literally exists because he's black. Bendis made him because he felt African Americans should have "their" own Spider-Man, and has been open about this. And due to the fact that he has no characteristics other than "just kinda standing awkwardly in the back. An introvert guise!" by default his defining characteristic is that he's black, since that was the only thing in mind when he was created.

Gotta work on your comma work.

No because as I said the concept is what I have the problem with, whether the concept is executed well or not is beside the point.

But user! He's a kid of color! As Spider-Man! That's important! Or at least so says every other character Miles talks to.

Seriously, why the fuck is Bendis so fixated on the phrase "kid of color"? Is he too afraid to say "black kid" or something?

>I hate one character
>all other characters, storylines, and world building are inrelevant
Got ya.

Do you really think the idea for the character was not 'Spider-man, but black'? I mean that was the idea. That was the hook Bendis sold it with. They built from there. So he literally would not exist as a character if not for the race angle. That's a crappy redundant premise for a character.

I am indifferent to him because he exists.

"Black" is considered offensive now in some circles. Bendis keeps bringing it up because it's literally the only defense he has for the character, despite the fact that you could have made him look identical to Peter and it would still be shit.

I knew Sup Forums didn't read comics but shit this may be the most blantant example I've ever seen.

>people of color is the preferred nomenclature for nonwhites
>if you say colored people you must be with the KKK
Gotta love nonsensical rules.

I don't read comics that are based on concepts I find repulsive. There is no point because whether it is executed well or not is irrelevant, the very nature of these racebent/sexbent legacy characters is offputting to me.

Turk is the only black character I love.

That's cause black kid is racist. But kid of black is perfectly acceptable

>the concept is the problem
>it doesn't matter if it's done well
Miles is not a concept but a character. What color his skin is is just a physical detail of him, not some secret implant designed to trigger memories of some social injustice done to you by anotherfag that happens to not look like you, nor some long term plan to steal your waifu all the way in DC. Calm down.

What other characters? You had Peter's supporting cast, his fat friend, the obnoxious family people hate more than Miles himself, and that Tumblr blogger who got happy to see a black Spider-Man, which is problematic for reasons. Also, there's not fucking tension between the supporting cast at all besides "Le crazy Grandma XDDDD". Meanwhile, Peter's first year as a hero introduced a wide variety of characters for his supporting cast that all played off each other well and had inner conflict among them, all things Miles does not have.

None of those matter, they have no lasting effect to the character and are just kinda things he does at the end of the day. Also, they all end with that bullshit venom touch.

>World building.
All already done by the time he got there. Fuck off Bendis.

You're the one who sounds upset. You're making up stories about me to psychoanalyze me based on the fact that I don't like the concept of Miles. I have no interest in reading any character named Spider-man who isn't Peter Parker. To me, the name is tied to the character I'm familiar with and I don't care to learn about someone else filling in the role. Miles' race is the only reason he exists as a character. You think they would have thought of creating a new Spider-man who was exactly like Miles in every way except white? No they wouldn't. But even if they did and he was white I still wouldn't be interested in him.

>Meanwhile, Peter's first year as a hero introduced a wide variety of characters for his supporting cast that all played off each other well and had inner conflict among them, all things Miles does not have.

Are we talking about ulitmate spider-man?

I'm talking about 616, since Ultimate Peter Parker is secondary.

Wish i had this power, i could use it on Trump.