Washington Fags & Students 4 Trump

We'd like to have a brief chat about one of the officers of Students 4 Trump.

His name is James Allsup. You may or may not know him. He attends Washington State University.

You can find him on this page: students4trump.com/leadership/

Recently, he has begun randomly purging Students 4 Trump chapters for petty personal reasons.

Some of you may or may not know Ariana Rowlands. She is the president of UCI College Republicans. But she is not a true conservative. She is a Rubio shill who took power by stabbing the former leader of her club in the back over comments he made that were deemed "Islamaphobic" by liberals (picture very much related).

Ariana is obviously a threat to any true conservatism in this country. She was added to private strategic discussion groups. Clearly that's a problem. When members of these groups asked that she be removed for the operational security reasons James decided to instead promote her to admin as a show of his apparent thirstiness for her. (cuck alert)

The groups splintered. And James threw a fit and started threatening to remove people from Students 4 Trump unless they left splinter groups and came back to the groups where he had admin rights. (Even thought he was abusing that power.)

At this point in time Students 4 Trump may be looking at moving towards implosion if things don't change soon.

Anyone with any affiliation to this organization I ask you to look over the situation and prepare accordingly.

Godspeed gentlemen.



This is a very real problem.

I know this guy irl.

Same. He's a cool guy. He just doesn't seem to be very responsible/trustworthy when given power.

And now his actions are seriously going to destabilize one of the strongest pro-Trump organizations.


Now all that dumb nigger drama makes more sense.

So he's being cucked by some girl and throwing a temper tantrum at the expense of Students 4 Trump?

Not to be a dick. Why does any of this matter? Seems like you dudes are playing Model UN or some shit.

Why aren't you organizing chalkenings or happenings?

Fair point. That's basically what we were trying to do. But Allsup started bringing legit shills into the group and attempting to silence anyone who spoke out.

Like he seriously threatened to fire people for joining other discussion groups. I'm not even joking I have the logs to prove it.

And he's one of the main officers of Students 4 Trump. So when it comes to this type of behavior, it's actually somewhat of a medium sized deal. (Not a big deal, but it does have an impact.)

Basically model UN petty dictator shit. We're currently working on reorganizing so we can start actually being productive.

It's not model UN or silly bullshit. it's actual chapters of Students for Trump getting purged for "being neonazis" or other bullshit reasons. This Rowland bitch has gained control of him and is tearing the organization apart. We can't actually plan when the guy in charge is gone insane over some pussy.

>Ariana is obviously a threat to any true conservatism in this country.
She runs a college political club. It's like the mock elections shit we did in high school.
>Oh no, Chad won the mock election! He's going to redistribute my lunch money!

True, he actually said that someone had to be removed because they had indicated that they
might be okay with "ethnic nationalism."

Not "ethnic supremacy", not "white supremacy."

"Ethnic nationalism."

James Allsup is a shill, and a bad one at that.

I don't mean like "she's part of the illuminati."

I mean like "she's a threat to our attempts to organize actual political action."

She had sold people out to the liberals before, proof is in OP.

She can't be included in high level intra-college strategic discussion.

Listen my young nigga, welcome to the world and welcome to politics. You niggers aren't going to get shit done in a big group.

I appreciate what you young fags are trying to do but coming from an old fag who's had to deal with this type of shit for years and years both in academia and the real world, you niggers are going to accomplish nothing in a big a group and you need to actually figure out what the fuck you're doing aside from playing pointless power games with each other.

Any large group of people coming together based on politics is going to inevitably fuck up and fail for exactly what you're experiencing right now.

tl;dr you fags need to be operating in small cells and actually doing shit other than crying about each other online.

Isn't she an outspoken trump spporter? I saw her on gavins show

I 100% agree. That's actually why I posted this. We're trying to get people to start seeing this kind of high level "House of Cards" bullshit that these busybodies are trying to throw.

James Allsup, Ariana Rowlands, et al.

These people do not have your best interest at heart. To them it's all about the next political move. Politics has always been like this, and it always will.

We're working on building an alternative structure for young conservatives to organize via. Something that goes more along the lines of what you're saying here.

So, I'm right with you oldfag. And we're working on it!

Who cares what some wannabe buercratic faggot or cunt in make believe politics club thinks or does. Operate on your own, do what you think will win hearts and minds. Don't reveal your power level to these fags. They'll off themselves sooner or later. If things get too bad you can destroy their reputations and have them thrown out of college.

When it's convenient.

Obviously there is a little bit more to all this than what I was able to post here. But she was making tons of people uncomfortable.

In the end, it all became about power and control. They're trying to control the young conservative movement across the US. And that's a problem. Especially when we have evidence to back up the claim that these people are shills.

So our message here today is one of warning. Know who you're dealing with when you deal with S4T.

Bless you user. The bureaucratic fags don't matter. Operate on your own. Do chalkenings. Hand out literature. Wheat paste posters. Some faggoty make believe power structure couldn't matter any less. Bureaucratic fags are in everything trying to ruin everything but once you realize you can just operate without them, they don't matter.




Who nat here? I know I'm not the only one




2D women only

I thought Voldomyr was running that shit. If he isn't, why?

Because niggers

Volodomyr is the next Pinochet.

Srs tho. I gave him mod.

I haven't seen him use it.

/NAT/ FB user here. Fuck James but FUCK Ariana more. Just cause. #MAGA

Butt fuck Ariana?