I hope you Sup Forumstards are happy. First you ruined smug anime faces and now you've ruined Pepe. What's next?

I hope you Sup Forumstards are happy. First you ruined smug anime faces and now you've ruined Pepe. What's next?

if five people star this post I will post the leaked Hillary Clinton college posture photos

we will assimilate whatever we please

Now I ruin your mothers vagina with my 7 inch bogan donger

here's your fuckin star

The reddit logo os next user
One we take that we take over reddit and get rod of those plebs once and for all

The Red Pill

do it faggot

Do it goy

one more star


For you.

how is this possible when most deadlines have expired for state ballots? people have already voted.

Crashing this civilization with no survivorsh


What the fuck are these star things and why do I see them everywhere


>being this butthurt that you're not in control of your may mays
no one ever is

>he doesn't have a Sup Forums Gold Account™

>ruined smug anime faces
>ruined Pepe.

hmmmm, fair trade.

We will "ruin" everything you love because you fucking niggers shriek "GO BACK TO Sup Forums REEEEE" whenever we dare enter an already off-topic and political thread with any opinion to the right of Marx

You have earned this fate, and you should not have doubted our power, weakling

Enough stars?

crai sum moar fagit


>made PEPE great again
pepe vult

>ruined smug anime faces
Not possible.

We also ruined Bremain, and soon we going to ruin the new world order :^)


No cost too great, no wall too high to save Western Civilization