Is drinking tap water normal in your country?

I always see it in the movies and I just can't imagine drinking from the tap when drinking water is so cheap and safer. Even if the water is "safe" and "clean" I don't think the pipes can be that clean.

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Good old well water sir

pipes are probably clean enough...

If you can't drink tap water in your country, you live in a shit-tier country.

Why would you drink tap water even in a first world country? I mean I can drink tap water and I don't get sick I just choose not to do it.

In most of my country, My Province has great water and my City's is some of the best in the world. Up north however, I would be so sure.


That bottled water that you drink is just runoff tap water purchased by Nestle from my countries supply.

Canadian. Master. Race.

Because it's cheap, less plastic bottles that pollute my land and look at pic

But if I can afford to drink DRINKING water in a third world country and it's peanuts to me shouldn't everyone else?

I've always drink tap water and it is exactly the same they put in bottles and sell 100x expensive

fuck canada

>his water isnt glacier water from a spring you can drink strait from

Nice try canada

T. True Alaskan master race

Literally the same shit.

That's why it's so cheap.

I drink my water straight from the spring. The stuff that sits in the bottom of the valley gets bottled and sold to Mexico.

Our tap water has to adhere to strict standards and is some of the cleanest in the world.

That shit bottled water you drink is probably lower quality than our delicious tap water.

Not in Mexico. If you drink the tap water there you'll get very ill, very quickly. It also tastes like sewage, which is probably related

>my countries supply.
>Canadian. Master. Race.

the eternal leaf strikes again

>mexico asks if drinking tap water is safe

you can't ask this shit up

I stick my face into waterfall pic related. We dont let nestle come in and cuck us out of our own water

Because in first world countries we have proper purifying methods.

>I don't think the pipes can be that clean.

Only thing going through those pipes day and night is fucking water. There are LOTS of filters to ensure no filth.

Tap water is one of the most controlled things in all first world countries so it's safe to drink. If you think that paying >1000% the price for bottled water makes you seem like a rich person, that just explains why you aren't...

>drinking water is so cheap and safer.

What the fuck do you think drinking water is?


Drinking water and tap water are two different things in Mexico holy lol

white countries don't shit their insides out when they drink tap water, sorry jose

i definitely dont drink the water when im in mexico paco

I've had my water tested ever year and never found anything that wasn't in tolerance levels.
However I still use a filter because I don't trust that shit.
You live in Mexico, you have just reason to fear drinking tap water since I can google a report on how many people are getting sick daily.

Fuck off juneau fag

True french money miser. At least i got some good genes being related to you guys and everything

>tfw russian, french, and scottish

Its like i was designed to be some hybrid european that can out jew the jews

Unless you live somewhere with fracking going on.

Fuck off lemon creek

Funny that you even see a real distinction between drinkable water from a tap, and "drinking" water from a bottle.

Mine smells like chlorine even after I filter it. Plus my filter is plastic so it no doubt contains xenoestrogens
I guess I'll just fill up on the schools water and end up carrying a bunch of water home with me.
Oh wait the Schools water probably has 15 times more xenoestrogens.


This. The only reason I don't drink my own is I don't like the taste after it comes through hundred year old pipes.

Whenever I've lived and traveled in countries where everyone says not to I do anyway. YOLO.

In the Northwest where I live the tap water is cleaner than the bottled stuff. Contrast that with where I used to live in Houston where it is pretty much useful for cleaning things only.

You should buy a water filter before the SJWs and their xenoestrogens get to your precious bodily fluids, user.

that is such a hilarious spic thing to think.

I used to drink tap water and from the hose as a kid, never had any trouble.

Nowadays it's all bottled water or garrafones. What happened?

>normal day
>fill a glass of tap water
>crystal clear and doesn't have taste

>rainy or after a rainy day
>fill a glass of tap water
>you can actually see through it and it taste like dirt

Such is life in the desert

if you cant stomach water with all the chemicals in it either from unkempt water reservoirs or plastic leeching into it from water bottles you must realize that you and seeds you carry are inferior.
We need humans that can survive and even thrive in pollution and anything gmo get yourself a doll and never breed

Man I can't get a boner anymore it must be my water bottle and the


U used to work at the halfway house?

Drinking tap water in a third world country like Mexico can be a death sentence.

Never drink bottled water unironically. Only when on the move.

Buy bottled wa- oh wait it's all in plastic. Well collect your own if you live in the cou- oh wait that's banned in numerous states, hundreds of countries, and probably a thousand municipalities. Welp, guess you'll just have to drink your calming estrogen water then

>live in NY
>tasty ny tap water tbqh
>have family in mexico
>go visit
>get Montezumas revenge from god knows what
>my family has like 3 Poland Spring watercoolers at home
>everybody drinks Coca cola with meals

Fix your water Pablo and we can talk about upgrading you to second world country.

Of course it is, you Americans are just cavemen and cavewomen

> Won't drink water from tap.
> Eats his moms ass.

Most bottled water is straight up tap water, if you don't live in a shithole.

but that's only if the water is currently running, I know how bad it is in SA atm, how many times have you had power shedding this week?

Not here senpai. Water has so much bleach in it, smells like pool water.

>everybody drinks Coca cola with meals
I know. :(

>Is drinking tap water normal in your country?
The emus poisoned the reservoirs, and only fags drink bottled water. That's why we all drink beer.

Government pays people to ensure the tap water is safe. You're dependent on Coca cola's say-so with their bottled tap water.

That's only with tourists who can't stomach it and even then most buy drinks with ice so they get sick anyways.

Drink your own piss like a real man!

It's filtered