What would you change about this film to make it better?

What would you change about this film to make it better?
I would
>have the Nerd actually be the same character from the webshow instead of being completely different
>reduce the levels of self-masturbation and narcissism where James circlejerks about how much his fans love him
>replace random black guy and love interest with Mike, Kyle and Bootsy as his sidekicks so the friendship is actually real
>cutback on the greenscreens heavily and use more real life locations
>reduce the amount of pointless cameos
>have less special effects in general
>write a script that was more grounded in reality and with less silly shit in it
>actually make it funny and not a failed attempt at "so bad its good."

fire his wife and the jew gremlin

remove nigger sidekick remove girl thereby removing cuck scene

.still woulf suck but would be watchable

2 hour long review with all characters from previous episodes

Show Mike's dick

>replace random black guy and love interest with Mike, Kyle and Bootsy as his sidekicks
This. Also remove the stupid Deathmotsis shit, or whatever it was called. I was OK with the amount of SFX though.

>have the Nerd actually be the same character from the webshow instead of being completely different
He's the same.
>reduce the levels of self-masturbation and narcissism where James circlejerks about how much his fans love him
Only happens in the very beginning, and is used to set up the plot of the film.
>replace random black guy and love interest with Mike, Kyle and Bootsy as his sidekicks so the friendship is actually real
Mike, Kyle and Bootsy are not professional actors.
>cutback on the greenscreens heavily and use more real life locations
Most (~90%) of the locations in the film are real.
>reduce the amount of pointless cameos
There are two instances of "pointless" cameos, and the combined run time of them is less than ~10 seconds.
>write a script that was more grounded in reality and with less silly shit in it
It's no sillier than the webshow, if anything it's more grounded.
>actually make it funny and not a failed attempt at "so bad its good."
If you don't like the AVGN style of humor then this was not for you.

hi mike

you fired bootsy for being more popular than you and for being beyter at vidya

wr all know

I wouldn't make it in the first place. The character is barely a characters, he's just a framing device to do reviews and tell jokes, focusing on the character himself in any way is a huge mistake and shouldn't have been done.


>give up immediately and realise that linkara has already made the superior movie

why are you defending that garbage movie? It was not good.

chances are he's mike

>replace every character with Mike
>the whole thing is 2 hours of Mike doing improv of The Loco Bandito



Well at least he's a good friend for sticking up for his pal's shitty movie

Divide the budget by 10, remove jew producer and wife, give James a little self awareness and streamline the plot/characters. What do I know though I haven't ever passed the 20 minute mark.

caspere knew this

remove all extra actors and make him and the 2 other dudes from his videos play all characters and just chroma everyone in the same shot

maybe it would have been better if he didn't have that much of a budget.


James gets the girl at the end and the nigger gets baptized in a pool full of E.T. cartridges. Movie saved.

dis nigga...

Who is this?



Wait when was vinny on there



>the nigger gets baptized in a pool full of E.T. cartridges



Just have a longer feature episode of the Nerd, Kyle, and Mike dressed as ET.