So how fucked are we?

Apparently a massive methane release is set to be released by melting ice caps which will usher in human extinction by year 2030.

How screwed are we?

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I live on a space ship, nigger.


>How screwed are we?
I want warmer summers, I don't care about Africans if Europe guards its borders.

Look up the climate models predicted for the last 20 years. Look at how drastic the increase in greenhouse gasses has been since then. Look at how many people were predicting in the 90's that we'd see civilizational collapse and millions-to-billions of lives destroyed by now.

Look at how all the models were wrong. Look at how every new revised model has the big jump in temp coming soon, 15 years or so, but never right now.

The climate is changing. It has always been changing. It is changing in many ways right now, some of them noticeable on a short time scale. How much of it is due to human intervention? We will never know. Just as most of the "nothing is due to humans and we are totally safe" studies are funded by big energy companies who benefit from that view... most of the "OMG the sky's gonna fall any day now unless we get serious regulation!" studies are funded by governments who would benefit from that view, and run by public University professors who strengthen their careers this way but would be run out of a job if they said anything else.

Nobody knows what the climate is going to do or why, because there are no experts without any plausible ulterior motives, and all predictions have been wrong thus far. Worrying about it won't help anything.

We should develop renewable energy sources because hydrocarbons are going to be used up one day, be it 50 years or 500 years. It's better to be prepared. We should work not to pollute the environment anymore than we need to because we want to pass on a beautiful world with a usable nature to our children. We should do what we need to right now to keep society running well, while also working toward those goals.

And if I were a betting man, I would bet that in 2030 I will be sitting in my home, still thinking that there's too many damn idiot humans - not too few.

Good. We'll have ten years to get a few white people on spaceships who can come back down later to repopulate quickly.

Ideally, we'd just neutron bomb most of the planet to leave the buildings and valuable antiques intact.

Ignore the retards. We are fucked. Hard to predict anything that precisely though. The methane is a real wild card. Nobody understands what exactly sets it off.

We could easily get 10 degrees of temperature rise and that means the whole tropics become uninhabitable. Imagine what that is going to mean. Think borders are going to keep the entire third world out? I don't. It'll be like human army ants.

>I don't care about Africans if Europe guards its borders
But Europe doesn't guard its borders, sooooo...

Yeah but we've already invented walls and machine gun nests. We can stop all immigration immediately, it's just a matter of having sufficient motivation

I believe it to be honest.

Truth is, nothing can stop this. People say "just stop polluting!" They don't get it. Society is so decentralised that nobody thinks THEY are the one that has to stop polluting. We have a perfect machine of insanity.

In the end, it will become perfectly clear that money measures people's value. One way or another, money will determine who survives.

This is absolutely true.

Just look at Saudi Arabia - they are surrounded by countries that have people fleeing to Europe in massive numbers, yet they aren't even taking in any legitimate war refugees.
And they are merely pulling this off by not incentivizing them with welfare for foreigners and tolerance of crime. Imagine if you combine this with active disincentives - such as physical barriers and weaponry.

Immigration problems are easy to take care of, but the people of the host nation have to decide not to have parasites.

You can't keep two billion desperate people out with a wall. Sorry.

Nuclear bombs might do it. Might.

Recycling and clean energy don't matter at this point. We could all switch to electric cars tomorrow and it wouldn't make any difference because China and India are still flooding the atmosphere with manufacturing waste.

The only course now is massive geoengineering projects and to try to prepare for the waves of displaced people when entire nations go underwater.

Actually I have a serious question. Is there any portable method of painless suicide that can be prepared without raising suspicion? I refuse to get peer pressured into some horrifying endgame.

China is pivoting towards nuke and renewables.

India and Africa are becoming the real demographic tumors on humanity. We have to stop Africans from breeding.

That's stupid. Go out and try to change the world, if you've accepted death.

just end humanitarian aid. they would collapse overnight.

We have way more than two billion bullets.

I actually did. Then I realised that the whole idea of "change the world" is based on a fallacy. The fallacy is that people are on the same team. They're not.

Everyone involved in the chain that destroys the climate has a perfectly great story to tell about how they're not the problem. And besides, if they left, someone would just replace them.

We have designed our ideologies to defend every part of this process. Assassination is the only option we have. And I'm not much of an assassin.

Westerners use way more resources per capita.

We live in such a wasteful society.

They've got bullets too, and they are not going to line up to be shot.

Africa is going to end up moving to Europe, en masse, and all at once.

Not fucked at all, the interglacial period is slowly coming to an end, earth is very close to the next ice age. I'm predicting half of the earth's population will die once it hits.

Heroin/opiate overdose is likely painless (just fall asleep). Hanging is probably painless: broken neck paralyzes you, brain starves of oxygen (insta knockout plus quick asphyxiation). Nitrogen asphyxiation should be *very* fast (and cheap, if done right).

A minefield in front of a wall or physical obstacle with a few machine guns can keep an almost infinite amount of number of people away indefinitely. We proved this conclusively in WW1.

It is especially easy to keep people out when they're a different race, as well. Niggers can't just sneak into Beijing or Iceland and remain undetected.

Burn, niggers, burn

"Almost infinite" might be a million. What will happen is that families just walk towards the borders, kids and all. No democracy will accept just slaughtering hundreds of thousands of kids, when they are desperate and fleeing uninhabitable land. Land that we made uninhabitable. The western guilt will be pretty strong.

Long term Europe is black. That is unavoidable. European cities will be black cities. Hopefully they take care of some of the nicer buildings.

I keep a chest locked up with medical supplies, some food, iodine tablets, ID, fake passport, a handgun, and very powerful drugs.

If the world ends and I don't want to try and survive the nightmare ahead, I can try out a massive dose of LSD and then down enough painkillers to kill me before the trip ends.

Anyway: the way you're looking for is an overdose on drugs. It's never regarded as suicide.

Fight to the end. Pet a dog. Have sex. Go scuba diving.

Or shoot yourself. More resources for the people who actually have a will to live.

We ain't the cancer on humanity motherfucker.

You have made a faulty assumption. There's no democracy in an end game scenario. A powerful group takes over, supported by the rich... On day one dissenters are hanged. There's not much objection by day 2.

We can kill millions. I don't want to be edgy but it's obviously an edgy topic. We've done it before whenever we needed to abandon moral luxuries.

Hey I have a pretty good life, don't get me wrong. I'll only do it if the news gets much worse. But I live in New Zealand senpai, things could get bad fast.

It doesn't really matter. Human beings won't stand for the outright genocide of others who are just fleeing. If you don't get that you're autistic.

There's a billion of you and you've completely wrecked the environment of your country. The river you drink from is filled with corpses.

You're not getting control of the Earth, and neither are the Africans.

It's amazing we did the Holocaust and the rest of human history, then. We don't just kill other humans, mate, we often rape and eat them in the same day. We've disemboweled each other with rusty metal implements for millennia... We're not such a moral species and "defending a border" is a task that we can't stomach.

Do you think that will be the story on the news? "Refugees fleeing horrible conditions are shot by merciless military"?

If the shit ever hits the fan worldwide, the people of our country will be suffering enough that much of the liberal "everyone is welcome, everything is free!" ideas will fade away.
Then, once the influx starts, we will see the thefts and rapes and murders. If the government doesn't want it, and if it doesn't benefit the corporate interests that be, the story will be that the invasion needs to be stopped. And social media will have beat mainstream news to that story.

Instead of crying for dead refugees, as we would now, the mediocre virtuous will be crying for the dead destitute of their fellow citizens at the hands of the new greedy Hun.

Do you think that people have ever cheered for wanton genocide? And yet it's happened countless times in history, often with the support of the masses. You just have to change the information. The people will follow.

>tfw live in the rockies

The Holocaust was done in secret and under the aegis of a world war. It couldn't happen again because we'd know what was happening. Same for a lot of genocides, war crimes, etc. Cell phones and the internet make them impossible.

One photo of a dead kid on the beach was enough to make Europe open borders. That's how it works these days.

>The Holocaust was done in secret and under the aegis of a world war. It couldn't happen again because we'd know what was happening.
People didn't either "know" or "not know" what was happening. The thoughtful ones could figure it out. And it was in everyone's interest to not think about it too hard.

I mean, do you "not know" how an iPhone is made? You probably vaguely know it involves some terrible stuff.

The Ice Caps have been expanding so we are fine. So take a hike kike.

how many degrees is that in american?

They don't have modern tanks or planes or ships. And European nation could defend it's borders from the entirety of Africa if they gave a shit.

Africans are like carrion birds as in they only attack the dead. The nations invaded by immigration are basically already gone.

Corpses decompose & float away. Chemical effluents from leather tanneries & untreated sewage ruining parts of river. Not all of it. Fact is our emission footprint is far lower than meat eating "civilized" world. Stomping chomping on those antibiotic laced burgers, eh? You're screwing all of us with your greed.

You think history is over then, and presumably violence is impossible in a society with Facebook.

You're wrong. We haven't changed. People are sheep, that's not new - they're following along with dominant trends. They're going to follow along unquestioningly in whatever culture they find themselves in, just as they've always done. If that culture posts in Twitter and drinks coffee, or if that culture runs work camps and right wing death squads, they'll follow along.

Indian ecologists already found a way to fill the entire country with fertilizer too, white devil

Pretty fucked.
Time to cut down more forests and promote "renewable" bussiness and of course - humans should breed more.

Read Machiavelli

As long as the majority of a population are not oppressed or feel threatened by their leaders they won't care.

We have to act quick and send more aid to Africa.

Presumably nobody in the world had ever encountered death before that one dead Syrian kid, of course, they didn't know how bad it was

Not Humans silly Esti but Africans and Midle Easterners who have 8 kids per family. The white devils are not allowed to hqve kids because oppression.

>Mass production begins in 1946
>PFOA persists indefinitely in the environment. It is a toxicant and carcinogen in animals.
>PFOA has been detected in the blood of more than 98% of the general US population
>PFOA contaminates every continent

Wonder why it is climate change they talk about and not teflon.??..?? .Hmmm...

We could, but Christcucks would still flood in food and cash to nigger shitholes. Christians are literally bringing about the end of the world, it's disgusting. Their cuck leader in Rome is apologizing for everything and forcing his followers to give their money and time to help out niggers everywhere. A Christcuck priest even got beheaded by a mudslime and the fucking Pope apologized and asked his followers to turn the other cheek.

Don't compare us all to those Heretics.

The population is gradually waking up. I know that we at least will be launching torpedos at any "boat people" who try to come here if shit really gets as bad as they are saying it will.

>Choose to live in a fucking desert
>Blame the world when it gets too hot and decide it's your right to just steal their land.

>if Europe guards its borders.

user I have some bad news

4.5 billion more Africaniggers are going to be born this century. They are going to consume more resources and cause more pollution alone than the entire world does right now. Liberal scientists should be looking at solving the nigger problem because they are what's going to doom us all.

Remember the last time there was too much methan in the air?

What if you're wrong and global warming is just a meme. It could just be a cycle and the temperature will reverse course. You don't know. Don't kill your self over a meme.

Where are they going to breed?

Liberals created the problem. Africa was set to die at many points in its continually hellish existence. At least die enough to set itself right, for the survivors and hardy people to set forth anew.

What did the leftists and globalists do? Instituted a 'human welfare' initiative across the continent to help those that will never help themselves. Feed the retarded. Administer healthcare to the heathen filth. Any hardy people that may have risen from the ashes will now be sacrificed to the nigger horde created by leftists. They didn't stop a catastrophe, or halt the death of Africa - they hyperinflated it. They created one of the world's greatest tragedies that will begin to unfold itself into a hellish nightmare.

Leftists are pure cancer. All their energy is spent on "feeling good", including politics and "helping". They are drug addicts - they continue pushing for whatever makes them feel good - the chemicals released in their brain whenever they virtue signal or stroke their ego. Dopamine, oxytocin, etc. Much like all drug addicts, while they're chasing their high and feeling great every single thing around them has fallen apart into utter decay.

>Apparently a massive methane release is set to be released by melting ice caps which will usher in human extinction by year 2030.

>India superpower by 2030
>Massive methane release by 2030
>Indians can't poo in loo
>Shitting and farting in the streets
>Curry niggers literally destroy the world with their poo

What if both he and you are correct.
Enjoy the ride through ELE.

>Apparently a massive methane release is set to be released by melting ice caps which will usher in human extinction by year 2030.

sad as it is.

Earth and Nature will detox them if there is not enough common sense left in humans to do it.

Official thread theme

At first I was all like

but then I was all

Everyone will be starving in this gay little climate roleplay.

It will happen slowly. Crops fail, not suddenly, but randomly over time as the ocean currents shift. The ocean currents, being a huge driving force in our world's climate, bring about new weather patterns. How they change, we haven't the slightest clue. Some places will get hotter, others cooler. Some arid, some desert.

The most devastating thing for us will not be changes in climate. Sea level rise, if predicted correctly, will fuck us right in the asshole. People have no idea how ridiculously precarious international trade, our economies, and our own social standing really are.

Yes, you were a software engineer making $300k a year, but now you are jobless because half the planet can't eat, you can't fight for food and resources, and you couldn't even change a flat tire.

Massive death. That is what will happen. We will return ever-closer to the carrying capacity of our environment. The natural one, not the false one where we can house and feed and take care of the sewage for billions of people.

Genocide will be inevitable. Maybe even welcomed. Globalism will die. Nationalism will thrive. You cannot flee a global catastrophe. You just become another mouth to feed, and it won't be worth it if you can't weld and don't come alone. Reality is not autistic, friend.

nice regression, bruh

I blame European & Asians!
Y'all dewing too much!

Majority of Africans literally starve in mud huts all day.
Stop blaming the black man for everything

reminder: we could have prevented it, we just needed to listen to scientists.

If you are gen X then good luck, you shall be remembered as the WORST generation of ALL TIMES.

meanwhile in reality we have like the twelfth hottest month since recorded temperatures IN A ROW.

Doesn't contradict anything I've said, even if that were true worldwide

I know that this september definitely is too warm for my liking.

>we just needed to listen to scientists
not happening

1st world country: hey guys, from now on, no fossil fuels and greenhouse gasses emission; remember, global warming
2nd: hey not fair, we want to join the first world too, you went through the industrial revolution 50years ago burning heaps of fossil fuel
1st: you could just develop straight into green tech
2nd: how, we don't have $ nor tech
1st: ...
3rd: if you don't mind, i'll be holding this batch of forest hostage unless i get $
1st: fuck you all, i'll burn too

And yet my area had only one or two 100 degree days this summer.

One year it snowed 700". The next year was less than 200".

We cannot even predict tomorrow's weather. Let that sink in.

Artificially funding companies to manufacture electric vehicles and build solar panels to cut down on one nation's 'carbon footprint' is retarded. Even more so when you are just outsourcing the manufacturing and mining to countries where they are not held to our emissions standards to hit a price point determined by a focus group consisting of literal jobless retards.

The green cabal is lying to you. Oil companies are lying. Our governments are lying.

You can not handle the truth.

Sounds legit

>no links

Get good op.

Not screwed at all. The oceans becoming more acidic is going to happen way before temperatures get way too out of wack.

Yes, a lack of oxygen impairs cognition.
This is fucking stupid shit.

clathrate gun hypothesis has been semi-disproved (there will be no release from deposits on the continental shelf) and semi-confirmed at the same time (Siberia is outgassing like crazy)
so, I don't know

read the links, retard. Not low O2, high CO2.

acceptable levels: < 600 ppm
complaints of stiffness and odors: 600 - 1000 ppm
ASHRAE and OSHA standards: 1000 ppm
general drowsiness: 1000 - 2500 ppm
adverse health effects may be expected: 2500 - 5000 ppm

Everyone of us will live to experience what +600 ppm air smells like.

Why is CO2 bad? Oh yes, because it DISPLACES OXYGEN. Fucking lrn2science.

>People exhale carbon dioxide. If the room is crowded, small and poorly ventilated, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air grows. When in turn we inhale such air, the carbon dioxide contained in it gets dissolved in our blood and reacts with water to create carbonic acid [H2CO3], which, in turn dissolves into ions of hydrogen [H+] and bicarbonate [HCO3−]. Increase in the concentration of hydrogen ions increases blood acidity and creates electrolyte imbalance, causing increased discomfort and decline in intellectual performance. We feel tired, numb and less capable of any mental or physical effort.

based user needs not the false god kek

Considering I'm old enough to remember all the bullshit that was predicted to happen around about now that isn't. I highly suspect that this is bullshit as well.

So not fucked at all.

Which is reversed naturally by the lungs in the presence of less CO2. Which can easily be done with air handling systems in cities. Which would be the only places ever to reach that level of CO2.

Just keep drinking the kool-aid fuckin dummy

The fuck. You have the highest probabilty to survive as you live on a fucking island. Due to rising temperaturs it would look like a jungle but that's still manageable.


>Death by poisonous/venomous creature in 3...2...

Airborne fecal matter or deadly toilet spiders...

Pick your poison.

Guys I guess we go the way of the polar bear and die out by 2016

This is why I am going to hoard weapons and ammo and wait for that glorious heltzer skeltzer

hehe morons thinking their tezlard car is more environmentally friendly.

you could cut the carbon methane whatever the buzzword output by a quarter today, it'll still be double current levels in ten years thanks the population growth rate.

yet you conscious consumers continue to fall for the marketing envirohype.

instead of giving low IQ morons tax breaks and baby welfare how about you reward those who don't reproduce.

but getting that to fly with the plutocratic elite is nigh impossible.

PSA: Whether you believe in AGW theory or not, force the politicians to wait until after 2020. They are desperate to sign the climate treaty now (Obongo has been visiting countries all over and lecturing about "man made climate change") because there's going to be a solar cycle induced global chilling post 2020, and they need to pass it off as a result of their "carbon taxes and regulations".

>How screwed are we?
Loads of humans would still survive, if it legitimately got hot enough to make all currently habitable land inhospitable antarctica would still only have canada tier weather, some people would move there and rebuild while the rest of society collapsed.

Not a racist but its not true.

Africa is becoming more and more developed every day. I believe there is a statistic that says a couple Africa countries have one of the fastest growing middle class?

They aren't mud hut tribesmen as Sup Forums would like to believe. Many of them enjoy electricity and want access to the better things in life like meat.

Well at least all the niggers and shitskins will die.

I don't fucking care anymore. This world needs a cleansing

Climate Change is the ultimate happening.