Is iDubbbz racist and homophobic?

Is iDubbbz racist and homophobic?

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HMMMM wow its almost like he has been like this the whole time


No, he's being ironic

He only hates niggers and homosexuals ironically.

Not any more than the rest of us.

that's how it always starts. then at some point you realize you agree with your ironic self and that niggers and fags are actually just shit

I'm gay and I hate niggers
Black people are okay tho

how come he can get away with it but pewdiepie can't?

pewdiepie was on south park

Basically this. Ricegums young audience had no clue how shitty/shady he was, iDubbz wears it like a medal and every one of his videos is like those tweets

but they said nigger on south park too

Same reason Trump can get away with everything. They built their persona on being fucking goofy.

Why don’t you understand satire?

why is this guy getting focused on all of a sudden

he made fun of some viet cunt

He shit on some chinaman """"""""rapper""""""" then the video got deleted then reuploaded

>its just a social experiment!
you stare into the abyss too long and the abyss stares back

>Ricegum attracts the SJW crowd

Hooo boy.

Did a video on a popular youtuber, which usually draws in attention.

>then the video got deleted then reuploaded

Wait, why was it deleted?

Yes. Like Pewdiepie.

Because he used another youtuber as the video title and thumbnail so it wouldn't get linked to Rice's channel in any way which for some reason equated false advertising or some such nonsense

Or else it was part of google's VERY effective and GOOD video takedown and demonetization algorithm


I thought he was doing content cop for FREEEEEEEEE

>white 14 year olds defend homosexual racist

The algorithm doesn't actually care about ads or the content of the video
You can literally have a video where you blabber baby words at the camera and it can get taken down because of being related to [X]
Razorfist, for all his shittyness, did a video where he addressed it

Ricegum deleting comments.
Fucking kek

He's not. YouTube auto-deletes problematic comments. This has been proven from the start. Even Mister Metokur took note of it.

i'll only support idubbbz if he actually is in fact racist and homophobic but i really doubt he is

He isn't. He's a fake-ass bitch.

come on nigga step it up you can't deny that context doesn't matter

pewdiepie's nig slip was, although not aimed a black person, clearly a pejorative epithet to express his annoyance at another player

Now that's a cancerous thumbnail

piewdiepie isn't a shabbos goy like he is

His context is that he's an edgelord who can make saying nigger okay so that all the closet racists can subscribe to him because he was using it ironically.

>youtube drama

lots of free-time, huh?

how is that any different from the use of nigger in those tweets?