Do you think that dinosaurs would prefer eating humans over animals if they ever met? Does human flesh taste better?

Do you think that dinosaurs would prefer eating humans over animals if they ever met? Does human flesh taste better?

supposedly human meat tastes similar to pork but a bit stronger

It's similar to pork but slightly saltier. Depends on the person really. Most are really fatty by meat standards.

Considering how simmilar our vascular structures are, to the point where we can replace parts of our hearts, and blood vessels with pig parts it stands to reason we're the other, other white meat.

I dunno, do sharks?

Depends on size and how easy the prey is to catch.

Isn't a bit surprising how quicky the dinos want to eat humans despite never eating one during their entire evolutionary development

>American dinosaurs eat people
Why do Americans do this?

Sharks really don't like the taste of people. Most shark attacks are just them taking a nibble for a taste test, and then fucking off because were kind of skunky meat.

>Isn't a bit surprising how quicky the dinos want to eat humans despite never eating one during their entire evolutionary development
Not really. Raptors and T-rex were apex predators. Their instinct when dealing with an invader in their territory would be to attack.

They probably wouldn't want to eat us much because predatory animals tend to taste like shit, hence the reason we don't eat lion, falcon, shark, leopard, etc frequently

If I’m recalling correctly it’s safer to eat mostly herbivorous prey than predators - not just since they’re less dangerous to deal with, but also since they don’t eat meat themselves and you’re less likely to get shit like tapeworms from them.

>the reason we don't eat [predators] frequently

I think that has more to do with the abundance of the creatures. The higher up on the food chain you go the fewer individuals there are just because they are so far removed the original energy source. It's a lot more resource efficient to eat a cow that has fed on grass than to eat a tiger that has fed on a cow that has fed on grass.

The T.Rex ate mostly carrion.

Supposedly human flesh tastes very sweet because we eat so much sugar and animals love it. Tigers who have had a taste will start actively hunting humans.

what proof do you have
the only proof of trexes eating habits is a dead triceratops and a hadrosaur with healed wounds to its spine caused by a trex bite
the scavanger theory is only speculative since no concrete evidence exist, only horners marijuana theories

t-rex bite marks on edmontosaurus tail that healed over, motherfucker.

BTFO prehistoric style!

Dinosaurs find Mexicans too spicy.

The physical size of a fully grown T-Rex prevents it from being the type of carnivore that chases down prey. The most it could do in hunting was ambush attacks. It's also possible it wasn't a lone hunter and would work in pairs to catch prey.

Which race/ethnicity tastes the best/worst?

based on smell niggers would taste the worst
but pahjeets are covered in garbage feces so that must have an impact on taste too i think wich would make them a competitor for worst tasting humans