Sequels that are unironically better

>Sequels that are unironically better

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it's more zeitgeist than the other one was 2bh

23 Jump Street Medical School when?

Wasn't as good as the first, but this scene is the best thing out of both of them.





Jonah was funnier in the first one. They just didn't give him enough to do outside of awkward retorts to the unfunny Workaholics chick.

I want to see the Art school one. It writes itself.

Shall I start dumping?

Sure, go right a head.

As a med student, oh yes.

NAme Jeff




God's work

>paintbrush coming out of the gun

how high do they go dude?


44, kinda


if there isn't one for hogwarts then that's a huge fail

I can just picture Seth Rogen at the screening laughing ever more at the credits.


> The subtle dick pic.

This needs to fucking happen.

>wanting a poster acknowledging the dullest franchise etc etc


is this mad man really gonna post them all?!

This would be funny



Wasn't there gonna be a Men in Black and 21 Jump Street crossover movie?

> Tatum actually funny.

Honestly who knew before 21? He's better than Jonah most of the time.



24 jump street as senile penisoners when?


This I would actually watch


They're rebooting MiB so wouldn't be surprised

>no Nightmare on Jump Street

they must regret missing that



You can just tell that the Jump Street movies were done with passion, I'm surprised that Sony greenlighted them without adding some dumb shit



Easy peasy.



it's literally the same picture of them

Dosn't look any worse then The Zookeeper


Meta commentary on how it became a cash grab




This would be fucking great

Not a sequel you faggot

Almost done

obvious next one is clown college but i guess they missed that opportunity too

Thanks for the dump these are great.


It's a sequel to Wonder Boys

Those are all the posters, now it's just the continual franchising and merch



That's all, folks


Why is it called "Jump" Street?

thanks screenshotbro

i do not remember that from the movie

Tobey's character was gay. That's how he got the publishing deal.

Lmao how would this even happen.


unironically this


ty based jump street poster

that one will never happen, since jonah won't visit france anymore

The french chick from the interview will be the villain

And Tatum will bang her while Jonah jerks off in the corner

Nice dude.
I had forgot about a lot of these.

had a blast. Thanks based user

The Jump Street sequels is one of the funniest things in any movie

These are truly the best part of the film.


it just looks better.
doesn't even have an ending

>Iesto se está poniendo ridículo!
can someone translate?

¡this is getting ridiculous!
also it's not an "i", it's an inverted exclamation sign, same way questions in spanish are written with "¿?"

Oh right, I usually notice that, but somehow I missed it here. I like how they announce exclamations/questions both at the start and end of a sentence.